plannerExternalReferences resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
The plannerExternalReferences resource represents the collection of references on a task. This is an Open Type. It's part of the task details object. The value in the property-value pair is the externalReference object.
Properties of an Open Type can be defined by the client. In this case, the client must provide valid URLs based on the HTTP/HTTPS protocols as properties and their values must be the externalReference objects. Based on OData, property names in Open Types can't contain the following characters: .
, :
, %
, @
, #
so they need to be encoded. Example is shown below. To remove a reference, set the value of the property to null
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"alias": "String-value",
"lastModifiedBy": "String-value",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String(timestamp)",
"previewPriority": "String-value",
"type": "String-value"
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.externalReference", // required in PATCH requests to edit the references on a task
"alias": "Agile Team Annual Report",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"id": "ebf3b108-5234-4e22-b93d-656d7dae5874"
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2015-09-21T17:45:12.039Z",
"previewPriority": "0009005756397228702",
"type": "PowerPoint"