

printerCapabilities resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the capabilities reported by a printer/printerShare.


Property Type Description
bottomMargins Int32 collection A list of supported bottom margins(in microns) for the printer.
collation Boolean True if the printer supports collating when printing muliple copies of a multi-page document; false otherwise.
colorModes printColorMode collection The color modes supported by the printer. Valid values are described in the following table.
contentTypes String collection A list of supported content (MIME) types that the printer supports. It is not guaranteed that the Universal Print service supports printing all of these MIME types.
copiesPerJob integerRange The range of copies per job supported by the printer.
dpis Int32 collection The list of print resolutions in DPI that are supported by the printer.
duplexModes printDuplexMode collection The list of duplex modes that are supported by the printer. Valid values are described in the following table.
feedOrientations printerFeedOrientation collection The list of feed orientations that are supported by the printer.
finishings printFinishing collection Finishing processes the printer supports for a printed document.
inputBins String collection Supported input bins for the printer.
isColorPrintingSupported Boolean True if color printing is supported by the printer; false otherwise. Read-only.
isPageRangeSupported Boolean True if the printer supports printing by page ranges; false otherwise.
leftMargins Int32 collection A list of supported left margins(in microns) for the printer.
mediaColors String collection The media (i.e., paper) colors supported by the printer.
mediaSizes String collection The media sizes supported by the printer. Supports standard size names for ISO and ANSI media sizes. Valid values are in the following table.
mediaTypes String collection The media types supported by the printer.
multipageLayouts printMultipageLayout collection The presentation directions supported by the printer. Supported values are described in the following table.
orientations printOrientation collection The print orientations supported by the printer. Valid values are described in the following table.
outputBins String collection The printer's supported output bins (trays).
pagesPerSheet Int32 collection Supported number of Input Pages to impose upon a single Impression.
qualities printQuality collection The print qualities supported by the printer.
queueBufferSizeInBytes Int32 The maximum print job queue size that can be stored by the printer.
rightMargins Int32 collection A list of supported right margins(in microns) for the printer.
scalings printScaling collection Supported print scalings.
supportsFitPdfToPage Boolean True if the printer supports scaling PDF pages to match the print media size; false otherwise.
topMargins Int32 collection A list of supported top margins(in microns) for the printer.

mediaSizes values

JPN Hagaki
North America 5x7in
North America Executive
North America Goverment Letter
North America Index 3x5in
North America Index 4x8in
North America Index 5x8in
North America Invoice
North America Ledger
North America Legal
North America Letter
Photo l 3.5x5in
Business Card



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.printerCapabilities",
  "contentTypes": [
  "isColorPrintingSupported": "Boolean",
  "feedOrientations": [
  "isPageRangeSupported": "Boolean",
  "qualities": [
  "dpis": [
  "duplexModes": [
  "copiesPerJob": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.integerRange"
  "finishings": [
  "mediaColors": [
  "mediaTypes": [
  "mediaSizes": [
  "pagesPerSheet": [
  "orientations": [
  "outputBins": [
  "supportsFitPdfToPage": "Boolean",
  "multipageLayouts": [
  "colorModes": [
  "inputBins": [
  "topMargins": [
  "bottomMargins": [
  "rightMargins": [
  "leftMargins": [
  "collation": "Boolean",
  "scalings": [