
建立或編輯 sms_def.mof 檔案

若要讓用戶端電腦透過 MBAM Configuration Manager 報告報告 BitLocker 合規性詳細數據,您必須建立或編輯 Sms_def.mof 檔案。

如果您使用 System Center 2012 Configuration Manager,則必須建立 檔案。 在頂層站臺上建立檔案。 變更會復寫到基礎結構中的其他網站。

在 Configuration Manager 2007 中,檔案已經存在,因此您只需要編輯它。 請勿覆寫現有的檔案。

在下列各節中,完成對應至您所使用 Configuration Manager 版本的指示。

建立 System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 的 Sms_def.mof 檔案

  1. 在 Configuration Manager 伺服器上,流覽至您必須建立 Sms_def.mof 檔案的位置,例如 Desktop。

  2. 建立名為 Sms_def.mof 的文本檔,並複製下列程式代碼,以以下列 Sms_def.mof MBAM 類別填入檔案:

    // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("BitLocker Encryption Details"),
    class Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails : SMS_Class_Template
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
        String     DeviceId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     BitlockerPersistentVolumeId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     MbamPersistentVolumeId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        //UNKNOWN = 0, OS_Volume = 1, FIXED_VOLUME = 2, REMOVABLE_VOLUME = 3
        SInt32     MbamVolumeType;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     DriveLetter;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     Compliant;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ReasonsForNonCompliance[];
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     KeyProtectorTypes[];
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     EncryptionMethod;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ConversionStatus;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ProtectionStatus;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        Boolean     IsAutoUnlockEnabled;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     NoncomplianceDetectedDate;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     EnforcePolicyDate;
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report(TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"),
    Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy: SMS_Class_Template
        string KeyName;
        //General encryption requirements
        UInt32    OsDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    EncryptionMethod;
        //Required protectors properties
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    OsDriveProtector;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDrivePassphrase;
        //MBAM Agent fields
        //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3)
        Uint32    MBAMPolicyEnforced;
        string    LastConsoleUser;
        //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user,
        //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine.
        datetime  UserExemptionDate;
        //Errors encountered by MBAM agent.
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    MBAMMachineError;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        string    EncodedComputerName;
    //Read Win32_OperatingSystem.SKU WMI property in a new class - because SKU is not available before Vista.
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("CCM_OperatingSystemExtended", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report     (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("Operating System Ex"),
    class CCM_OperatingSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template
        [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
            string     Name;
        [SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
            uint32     SKU;
    //Read Win32_ComputerSystem.PCSystemType WMI property in a new class - because PCSystemType is not available before Vista.
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("CCM_ComputerSystemExtended", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report     (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("Computer System Ex"),
    class CCM_ComputerSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template
        [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
        string     Name;
        [SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        uint16     PCSystemType;
    // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring end
  3. 執行下列動作來匯 入 Sms_def.mof 檔案:

    1. 開啟 System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 控制台 ,然後選取 [ 系統管理] 索引 卷標。

    2. 在 [ 系統管理] 索引 標籤上,選取 [ 用戶端設定]

    3. 以滑鼠右鍵按兩下 [預設用戶端設定],然後選取 [ 屬性]

    4. 在 [ 預設設定] 視窗中 ,選取 [ 硬體清查]

    5. 取 [設定類別],然後選取 [ 匯入]

    6. 在開啟的瀏覽器中,選取您的 .mof 檔案,然後選取 [ 開啟]。 [ 匯入摘要] 視窗隨即開啟。

    7. 在 [ 匯入摘要] 視窗中,確定已選取匯入硬體清查類別和類別設定的選項,然後選取 [ 匯入]

    8. 在 [ 硬體清查類別] 視窗和 [ 預設設定 ] 視窗中,選取 [ 確定]

  4. 啟用 Win32_Tpm 類別,如下所示:

    1. 開啟 System Center 2012 Configuration Manager 控制台 ,然後選取 [ 系統管理] 索引 卷標。

    2. 在 [ 系統管理] 索引 標籤上,選取 [ 用戶端設定]

    3. 以滑鼠右鍵按兩下 [預設用戶端設定],然後選取 [ 屬性]

    4. 在 [ 預設設定] 視窗中 ,選取 [ 硬體清查]

    5. 取 [設定類別]

    6. 在主視窗中向下卷動,然後選取 TPM (Win32_Tpm) 類別。

    7. [TPM] 底下,確定已選取 SpecVersion 屬性。

    8. 在 [ 硬體清查類別] 視窗和 [ 預設設定 ] 視窗中,選取 [ 確定]

編輯 Configuration Manager 2007 的 sms_def.mof 檔案

  1. 在 Configuration Manager 伺服器上,流覽至 sms_def.mof 檔案的位置:


    在預設安裝上,安裝位置為 %systemdrive% \Program Files (x86) \Microsoft Configuration Manager。

  2. 複製下列程式代碼,然後將它附加至 Sms_def.mof 檔案,以將下列必要的 MBAM 類別新增至檔案:

    // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("BitLocker Encryption Details"),
    class Win32_BitLockerEncryptionDetails : SMS_Class_Template
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
        String     DeviceId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     BitlockerPersistentVolumeId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     MbamPersistentVolumeId;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        //UNKNOWN = 0, OS_Volume = 1, FIXED_VOLUME = 2, REMOVABLE_VOLUME = 3
        SInt32     MbamVolumeType;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     DriveLetter;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     Compliant;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ReasonsForNonCompliance[];
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     KeyProtectorTypes[];
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     EncryptionMethod;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ConversionStatus;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        SInt32     ProtectionStatus;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        Boolean     IsAutoUnlockEnabled;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     NoncomplianceDetectedDate;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        String     EnforcePolicyDate;
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report(TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"),
    Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy: SMS_Class_Template
        string KeyName;
        //General encryption requirements
        UInt32    OsDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    EncryptionMethod;
        //Required protectors properties
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    OsDriveProtector;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDrivePassphrase;
        //MBAM Agent fields
        //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3)
        Uint32    MBAMPolicyEnforced;
        string    LastConsoleUser;
        //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user,
        //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine.
        datetime  UserExemptionDate;
        //Errors encountered by MBAM agent.
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    MBAMMachineError;
        // Encoded Computer Name
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        string    EncodedComputerName;
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy_64", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report(TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name("BitLocker Policy"),
    Class Win32Reg_MBAMPolicy_64: SMS_Class_Template
        string KeyName;
        //General encryption requirements
        UInt32    OsDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveEncryption;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    EncryptionMethod;
        //Required protectors properties
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    OsDriveProtector;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDriveAutoUnlock;
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    FixedDataDrivePassphrase;
        //MBAM Agent fields
        //Policy not enforced (0), enforced (1), pending user exemption request (2) or exempted user (3)
        Uint32    MBAMPolicyEnforced;
        string    LastConsoleUser;
        //Date of the exemption request of the last logged on user,
        //or the first date the exemption was granted to him on this machine.
        datetime  UserExemptionDate;
        //Errors encountered by MBAM agent.
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        UInt32    MBAMMachineError;
        // Encoded Computer Name
        [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        string    EncodedComputerName;
    //Read Win32_OperatingSystem.SKU WMI property in a new class - because SKU is not available before Vista.
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("CCM_OperatingSystemExtended", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report     (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("Operating System Ex"),
    class CCM_OperatingSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template
        [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
            string     Name;
        [SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
            uint32     SKU;
    //Read Win32_ComputerSystem.PCSystemType WMI property in a new class - because PCSystemType is not available before Vista.
    #pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
    #pragma deleteclass("CCM_ComputerSystemExtended", NOFAIL)
    [ SMS_Report     (TRUE),
      SMS_Group_Name ("Computer System Ex"),
    class CCM_ComputerSystemExtended : SMS_Class_Template
        [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
        string     Name;
        [SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
        uint16     PCSystemType;
    // Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring end
  3. 修改 Win32_Tpm 類別,如下所示:

    • 在類別屬性中將 SMS_REPORT 設為 TRUE

    • SpecVersion屬性中,將 SMS_REPORT設為TRUE

僅適用於 Configuration Manager 整合拓撲的 MBAM 2.5 伺服器必要條件

編輯 configuration.mof 檔案

獨立和 Configuration Manager 整合拓撲的 MBAM 2.5 伺服器必要條件