

此範例示範如何以 iCalendar 格式透過電子郵件共用行事曆中的資訊。


iCalendar 格式可讓您透過標準因特網郵件格式和通訊協定,將專案傳送至其他 Outlook 或非 Outlook 用戶端。 程式代碼範例會使用 CalendarSharing 物件,該物件支援將資訊從行事曆資料夾匯出為 iCalendar 格式。

程序代碼範例會先呼叫預設 Calendar 資料夾上的 GetCalendarExporter ,以取得 CalendarSharing 物件。 然後它會設定 CalendarSharing 物件的屬性,以指定導出的準則,例如行事曆資訊的日期範圍、是否要包含附件,以及標示為「私人」之約會的詳細數據。

若要透過電子郵件傳送行事曆資訊,程式代碼範例會呼叫 CalendarSharing 物件的 ForwardAsICal 方法。

If you use Visual Studio to test this code example, you must first add a reference to the Microsoft Outlook 15.0 Object Library component and specify the Outlook variable when you import the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook namespace. The Imports or using statement must not occur directly before the functions in the code example but must be added before the public Class declaration. The following lines of code show how to do the import and assignment in Visual Basic and C#.

Imports Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
Private Sub SendNextWeekToAddress(ByVal sendToAddresses As String)
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sendToAddresses) Then
        Throw New ArgumentException( _
            "Parameter must contain a value.", "sendToAddress")
    End If

    Dim calendar As Outlook.Folder = TryCast( _
        Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder( _
        Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar), Outlook.Folder)
    Dim exporter As Outlook.CalendarSharing = calendar.GetCalendarExporter()

    '' Set the properties for the export
    exporter.CalendarDetail = Outlook.OlCalendarDetail.olFullDetails
    exporter.IncludeAttachments = True
    exporter.IncludePrivateDetails = False
    exporter.RestrictToWorkingHours = False
    exporter.StartDate = DateTime.Today.Date
    exporter.EndDate = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(7)

    '' Create a new mail item
    Dim calendarMail As Outlook.MailItem = exporter.ForwardAsICal _
        (Outlook.OlCalendarMailFormat. _
    calendarMail.To = sendToAddresses
End Sub
private void SendNextWeekToAddress(string sendToAddresses)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendToAddresses))
        throw new ArgumentException(
        "sendToAddress","Parameter must contain a value.");
    Outlook.Folder calendar = 
        as Outlook.Folder;
    Outlook.CalendarSharing exporter = calendar.GetCalendarExporter();

    // Set the properties for the export
    exporter.CalendarDetail = Outlook.OlCalendarDetail.olFullDetails;
    exporter.IncludeAttachments = true;
    exporter.IncludePrivateDetails = false;
    exporter.RestrictToWorkingHours = false;
    exporter.StartDate = DateTime.Today.Date;
    exporter.EndDate = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(7);

    // Create a new mail item
    Outlook.MailItem calendarMail = 
    calendarMail.To = sendToAddresses;
