Excel) (圖形物件
使用 PageSetup 物件的下列屬性可傳回 Graphic 物件:
- CenterFooterPicture
- CenterHeaderPicture
- LeftFooterPicture
- LeftHeaderPicture
- RightFooterPicture
- RightHeaderPicture
若要讓影像顯示在左頁尾中,“&G” 必須是 LeftFooter 字串的一部分。
下列範例會將標題為 Sample.jpg 的圖片從 C:\ 磁碟驅動器新增至頁尾的左側區段。 假設在 C:\ 磁碟下,有名為 Sample.jpg 的檔案。
Sub InsertPicture()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterPicture
.FileName = "C:\Sample.jpg"
.Height = 275.25
.Width = 463.5
.Brightness = 0.36
.ColorType = msoPictureGrayscale
.Contrast = 0.39
.CropBottom = -14.4
.CropLeft = -28.8
.CropRight = -14.4
.CropTop = 21.6
End With
' Enable the image to show up in the left footer.
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&G"
End Sub
- Application
- 亮度
- ColorType
- 對比
- Creator
- CropBottom
- CropLeft
- CropRight
- CropTop
- Filename
- Height
- LockAspectRatio
- Parent
- Width
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