Excel) (Range.LocationInTable 屬性

傳回常數,描述包含指定範圍左上角的資料 透視表 部分。 可以是下列其中一個 XlLocationInTable 常數。 唯讀的 Long



expression 代表 Range 物件的變數。



Select Case ActiveCell.LocationInTable 
Case Is = xlRowHeader 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a row header" 
Case Is = xlColumnHeader 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a column header" 
Case Is = xlPageHeader 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a page header" 
Case Is = xlDataHeader 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a data header" 
Case Is = xlRowItem 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a row item" 
Case Is = xlColumnItem 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a column item" 
Case Is = xlPageItem 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a page item" 
Case Is = xlDataItem 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of a data item" 
Case Is = xlTableBody 
 MsgBox "Active cell is part of the table body" 
End Select


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