Workbook 物件 (Excel)
代表 Microsoft Excel 活頁簿。
Workbook物件是Workbooks集合的成員。 Workbooks 集合包含目前在 Microsoft Excel 中開啟的所有 Workbook 物件。
Application物件的ThisWorkbook屬性會傳回 Visual Basic 程式碼執行所在的活頁簿。 在大多數情況下,這也就是現用活頁簿。 但是,如果 Visual Basic 程式碼是增益集的一部分,則 ThisWorkbook 屬性不會傳回現用活頁簿。 在這種情況下,現用活頁簿是呼叫增益集的活頁簿,而 ThisWorkbook 屬性則會傳回增益集活頁簿。
如果您要從 Visual Basic 程式碼建立增益集,您應該使用 ThisWorkbook 屬性來限定必須在編譯到增益集之活頁簿上執行的任何語句。
使用 活頁簿 (索引) ,其中 index 是活頁簿名稱或索引編號,可傳回單一 Workbook 物件。 下列範例會啟動第一個活頁簿。
活頁簿的索引編號會指出開啟或建立活頁簿的順序。 Workbooks(1)
是第一個建立的活頁簿,而 Workbooks(Workbooks.Count)
則是最後一個建立的活頁簿。 啟動活頁簿並不會改變其索引編號。 所有活頁簿都會包含在索引計數中,即使它們是隱藏的。
Name屬性會傳回活頁簿名稱。 您無法使用這個屬性來設定名稱;如果需要變更名稱,請使用 SaveAs 方法將活頁簿儲存成其他名稱。
下列範例會啟動 Cogs.xls 活頁簿中的 Sheet1 工作表 (在 Microsoft Excel 中必須已經開啟該活頁簿)。
Application物件的ActiveWorkbook屬性會傳回目前作用中的活頁簿。 下列範例會設定現用活頁簿的作者名稱。
ActiveWorkbook.Author = "Jean Selva"
此範例會使用指定的電子郵件地址和主旨,從使用中活頁簿傳送電子郵件給工作表索引標籤。 若要執行此程式碼,使用中活頁簿必須在儲存格 A1 中包含電子郵件地址、在儲存格 B1 中包含主旨,在儲存格 C1 中包含要傳送的工作表的名稱。
Sub SendTab()
'Declare and initialize your variables, and turn off screen updating.
Dim wks As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wks = ActiveSheet
'Copy the target worksheet, specified in cell C1, to the clipboard.
'Send the content in the clipboard to the email account specified in cell A1,
'using the subject line specified in cell B1.
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail wks.Range("A1").Value, wks.Range("B1").Value
'Do not save changes, and turn screen updating back on.
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
- Activate
- AddinInstall
- AddinUninstall
- AfterRemoteChange
- AfterSave
- AfterXmlExport
- AfterXmlImport
- BeforeClose
- BeforePrint
- BeforeRemoteChange
- BeforeSave
- BeforeXmlExport
- BeforeXmlImport
- Deactivate
- ModelChange
- NewChart
- NewSheet
- Open
- PivotTableCloseConnection
- PivotTableOpenConnection
- RowsetComplete
- SheetActivate
- SheetBeforeDelete
- SheetBeforeDoubleClick
- SheetBeforeRightClick
- SheetCalculate
- SheetChange
- SheetDeactivate
- SheetFollowHyperlink
- SheetLensGalleryRenderComplete
- SheetPivotTableAfterValueChange
- SheetPivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges
- SheetPivotTableBeforeCommitChanges
- SheetPivotTableBeforeDiscardChanges
- SheetPivotTableChangeSync
- SheetPivotTableUpdate
- SheetSelectionChange
- SheetTableUpdate
- Sync
- WindowActivate
- WindowDeactivate
- WindowResize
- AcceptAllChanges
- Activate
- AddToFavorites
- ApplyTheme
- BreakLink
- CanCheckIn
- ChangeFileAccess
- ChangeLink
- CheckIn
- CheckInWithVersion
- Close
- ConvertComments
- CreateForecastSheet
- DeleteNumberFormat
- EnableConnections
- EndReview
- ExclusiveAccess
- ExportAsFixedFormat
- FollowHyperlink
- ForwardMailer
- GetWorkflowTasks
- GetWorkflowTemplates
- HighlightChangesOptions
- LinkInfo
- LinkSources
- LockServerFile
- MergeWorkbook
- NewWindow
- OpenLinks
- PivotCaches
- Post
- PrintOut
- PrintPreview
- Protect
- ProtectSharing
- PublishToDocs
- PurgeChangeHistoryNow
- RefreshAll
- RejectAllChanges
- ReloadAs
- RemoveDocumentInformation
- RemoveUser
- Reply
- ReplyAll
- ReplyWithChanges
- ResetColors
- RunAutoMacros
- Save
- SaveAs
- SaveAsXMLData
- SaveCopyAs
- SendFaxOverInternet
- SendForReview
- SendMail
- SendMailer
- SetLinkOnData
- SetPasswordEncryptionOptions
- ToggleFormsDesign
- Unprotect
- UnprotectSharing
- UpdateFromFile
- UpdateLink
- WebPagePreview
- XmlImport
- XmlImportXml
- AccuracyVersion
- ActiveChart
- ActiveSheet
- ActiveSlicer
- Application
- AutoSaveOn
- AutoUpdateFrequency
- AutoUpdateSaveChanges
- BuiltinDocumentProperties
- CalculationVersion
- CaseSensitive
- ChangeHistoryDuration
- ChartDataPointTrack
- Charts
- CheckCompatibility
- CodeName
- Colors
- CommandBars
- ConflictResolution
- Connections
- ConnectionsDisabled
- Container
- ContentTypeProperties
- CreateBackup
- Creator
- CustomDocumentProperties
- CustomViews
- CustomXMLParts
- Date1904
- DefaultPivotTableStyle
- DefaultSlicerStyle
- DefaultTableStyle
- DefaultTimelineStyle
- DisplayDrawingObjects
- DisplayInkComments
- DocumentInspectors
- DocumentLibraryVersions
- DoNotPromptForConvert
- EnableAutoRecover
- EncryptionProvider
- EnvelopeVisible
- Excel4IntlMacroSheets
- Excel4MacroSheets
- Excel8CompatibilityMode
- FileFormat
- Final
- ForceFullCalculation
- FullName
- FullNameURLEncoded
- HasPassword
- HasVBProject
- HighlightChangesOnScreen
- IconSets
- InactiveListBorderVisible
- IsAddin
- IsInplace
- KeepChangeHistory
- ListChangesOnNewSheet
- Mailer
- Model
- MultiUserEditing
- 名稱
- Names
- Parent
- Password
- PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm
- PasswordEncryptionFileProperties
- PasswordEncryptionKeyLength
- PasswordEncryptionProvider
- Path
- Permission
- PersonalViewListSettings
- PersonalViewPrintSettings
- PivotTables
- PrecisionAsDisplayed
- ProtectStructure
- ProtectWindows
- PublishObjects
- Queries
- ReadOnly
- ReadOnlyRecommended
- RemovePersonalInformation
- Research
- RevisionNumber
- Saved
- SaveLinkValues
- SensitivityLabel
- ServerPolicy
- ServerViewableItems
- SharedWorkspace
- Sheets
- ShowConflictHistory
- ShowPivotChartActiveFields
- ShowPivotTableFieldList
- Signatures
- SlicerCaches
- SmartDocument
- Styles
- 同步處理
- TableStyles
- TemplateRemoveExtData
- Theme
- UpdateLinks
- UpdateRemoteReferences
- UserStatus
- UseWholeCellCriteria
- UseWildcards
- VBASigned
- VBProject
- WebOptions
- Windows
- Worksheets
- WritePassword
- WriteReserved
- WriteReservedBy
- XmlMaps
- XmlNamespaces
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