
Publisher (的 MailMergeDataSource.RecordCount 屬性)

會傳回 Long ,代表的資料來源中的記錄數目。 唯讀。



表達 代表 MailMergeDataSource 物件的 變數。




此範例會驗證附加資料來源中五位數的 ZIP 代碼。 如果 ZIP 程式碼的長度少於五位數,則記錄會從合併列印程式中排除。

此範例假設郵遞區號為美國郵遞區號。 您可以修改此範例來搜尋將 4 位數定位器程式碼附加至 ZIP 程式碼的 ZIP 程式碼,然後排除所有不包含定位器程式碼的記錄。

Sub Validate 
 Dim intCount As Integer 
 With ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource 
 'Set the active record equal to the first included record in the 
 'data source 
 .ActiveRecord = 1 
 intCount = intCount + 1 
 'Set the condition that field six must be greater than or 
 'equal to five digits in length 
 If Len(.DataFields.Item(6).Value) < 5 Then 
 'Exclude the record if field six contains fewer than five digits 
 .Included = False 
 'Mark the record as containing an invalid address field 
 .InvalidAddress = True 
 'Specify the comment attached to the record explaining 
 'why the record was excluded from the mail merge 
 .InvalidComments = "The ZIP Code for this record has " _ 
 & "fewer than five digits. It will be removed " _ 
 & "from the mail merge process." 
 End If 
 'Move the record to the next record in the data source 
 .ActiveRecord = .ActiveRecord + 1 
 'End the loop when the counter variable 
 'equals the number of records in the data source 
 Loop Until intCount = .RecordCount 
 End With 


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