
建立每 2 年發生的週期性約會

這個主題會示範一個 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 程式碼範例,建立一個使用下列週期模式的約會:

  • 開始於下午 2:00,結束於下午 5:00。

  • 發生於六月的最後一個星期一。

  • 每隔一年發生一次,在反覆三次之後結束。

  • 開始日期為 2009 年 6 月 1 日。

此程式碼範例會產生一個週期性約會,從下午 2:00 到下午 5:00,於 2009 年 6 月的最後一個星期一 (2009 年 6 月 29 日)、2011 (2011 年 6 月 27 日) 及 2013 (2013 年 6 月 24 日) 發生。 約會會儲存在預設的行事曆中然後顯示。

Sub RecurringYearNth() 
 Dim oAppt As AppointmentItem 
 Dim oPattern As RecurrencePattern 
 Set oAppt = Application.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) 
 Set oPattern = oAppt.GetRecurrencePattern 
 With oPattern 
 ' Appointment occurs every n-th year (with n indicated by the Interval property). 
 .RecurrenceType = olRecursYearNth 
 ' Appointment occurs on Monday. 
 .DayOfWeekMask = olMonday 
 ' Appointment occurs in June. 
 .MonthOfYear = 6 
 ' Appointment occurs on the 5th or last Monday (per the DayOfWeekMask property). 
 .Instance = 5 
 ' Appointment occurs three times. 
 .Occurrences = 3 
 ' Appointment lasts for 180 minutes each time. 
 .Duration = 180 
 ' Appointment becomes effective on June 1, 2009. 
 .PatternStartDate = #6/1/2009# 
 ' Appointment starts at 2 P.M. 
 .StartTime = #2:00:00 PM# 
 ' Appointment ends at 5 P.M. 
 .EndTime = #5:00:00 PM# 
 ' Appointment recurs every 2 years (per a RecurrenceType of olRecursYearNth). 
 .Interval = 2 
 End With 
 oAppt.Subject = "Recurring every 2 years YearNth Appointment" 
End Sub


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