
使用 OpenSharedItem 匯入儲存的專案

Microsoft Outlook 會提供 NameSpace 物件的 OpenSharedItem 方法,以便讓您開啟 iCalendar 約會 (.ics) 檔案、vCard (.vcf) 檔案及 Outlook 郵件 (.msg) 檔案並傳回適用於此檔案的 Outlook 項目。 此方法傳回的物件類型會根據開啟的共用項目類型而定,如下表所示。

共用項目類型 Outlook 項目
iCalendar 約會 (.ics) 檔案 AppointmentItem
vCard (.vcf) 檔案 ContactItem
Outlook 郵件 (.msg) 檔案 Type 相當於儲存為 .msg 檔之項目的類型。

開啟共用項目後,您就可以使用傳回物件的 Save 方法來匯入此項目,並將它儲存到適用於該 Outlook 項目的預設資料夾。

這則範例會開啟 vCard 檔案並將它匯入目前使用者的 [連絡人] 預設資料夾。

  1. 此範例會取得 NameSpace 物件的參照,然後呼叫 NameSpace 物件的 GetSharedItem 方法,載入 vCard 檔案並傳回 ContactItem 參照。

  2. It then calls the Save method of the ContactItem to save it to the Contacts default folder.

  3. 最後,它會使用NameSpace物件的GetDefaultFolder方法,取得目前使用者之Contacts預設資料夾的Folder物件參照,然後顯示資料夾。

Public Sub OpenSharedContact() 
 Dim oNamespace As NameSpace 
 Dim oSharedItem As ContactItem 
 Dim oFolder As Folder 
 On Error GoTo ErrRoutine 
 ' Get a reference to a NameSpace object. 
 Set oNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
 ' Open the vCard (.vcf) file containing the shared item. 
 Set oSharedItem = oNamespace.OpenSharedItem( _ 
 ' Save the item to the Contacts default folder. 
 ' Get a reference to and display the Contacts default folder. 
 Set oFolder = oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder( _ 
 On Error GoTo 0 
 Set oSharedItem = Nothing 
 Set oFolder = Nothing 
 Set oNamespace = Nothing 
Exit Sub 
 Select Case Err.Number 
 Case 287 ' &H0000011F 
 ' This error occurs if the code is run by an 
 ' untrusted application, and the user chose not to 
 ' allow access. 
 MsgBox "Access to Outlook was denied by the user.", _ 
 vbOKOnly, _ 
 Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source 
 Case -2147024894 ' &H80070002 
 ' Occurs if the specified file or URL could not 
 ' be found, or the file or URL cannot be 
 ' processed by the OpenSharedItem method. 
 MsgBox Err.Description, _ 
 vbOKOnly, _ 
 Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source 
 Case -2147352567 ' &H80020009 
 ' Occurs if the specified file or URL is not valid, 
 ' or you attempt to use the Move method on 
 ' an Outlook item that represents a shared item. 
 MsgBox Err.Description, _ 
 vbOKOnly, _ 
 Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source 
 Case Else 
 ' Any other error that may occur. 
 MsgBox Err.Description, _ 
 vbOKOnly, _ 
 Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source 
 End Select 
 GoTo EndRoutine 
End Sub


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