FreeText (Find)
The FreeText element is an optional child element of the Query element in Find command requests that specifies a Keyword Query Language (KQL) string value that defines the search criteria.
All elements referenced in this section are defined in the Find namespace.
Command request/response |
Parent elements |
Child elements |
Data type |
Number allowed |
Find command request (section |
Query (section |
None |
string ([MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.7) |
1...1 (required) |
Property restrictions are search predicates such as "from:", "to:", "subject:", etc. that can be used to search against specific keywords. For a detailed list of all supported property restrictions, see Advanced Query Search. For details on the syntax to construct the property restriction search, see [MS-KQL].
If no property restriction is provided, the basic keyword query is executed against all indexed properties.
Protocol Versions
The following table specifies the protocol versions that support this element. The client indicates the protocol version being used by setting either the MS-ASProtocolVersion header, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, or the Protocol version field, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, in the request.
Protocol version |
Element support |
2.5 |
12.0 |
12.1 |
14.0 |
14.1 |
16.0 |
16.1 |
Yes |