共用方式為 Plain Text Query Value

The plain text query value uses plain text to specify the URI parameters. The Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) notation, as specified in [RFC5234], is used to define the syntax.

 plain-text-query        = command-spec '&' user-spec '&' device-id-spec '&' device-type-spec *('&' parameter-spec)
 command-spec            = "Cmd=" command-name
 user-spec               = "User=" user-name
 device-id-spec          = "DeviceId=" device-id
 device-type-spec        = "DeviceType=" device-type
 parameter-spec          = parameter-name "=" parameter-value
 command-name            = 1*ALPHA
 user-name               = 1*VCHAR
 device-id               = 1*32(ALPHA / DIGIT)
 device-type             = 1*VCHAR
 parameter-name          = 1*ALPHA
 parameter-value         = 1*VCHAR