共用方式為 Data (string Data Type)

The Data element as a string data type ([MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.7) contains text that specifies the policy settings for a device. It is a required child element of the Policy element (section in responses to initial Provision command requests, as specified in section It is not present in responses to acknowledgment requests, as specified in section

This element requires that the PolicyType element (section is set to "MS-WAP-Provisioning-XML".

As a string data type, the value of the Data element is a character string that is formatted according to the WAP (Wireless Applications Protocol) Windows Mobile provisioning XML schema, as described in [MSDN-MSPROVDTDFormat].

The WAP Windows Mobile provisioning XML schema defines a top-level element, wap-provisioningdoc, and several child elements, but the string schema of the Data element uses only the characteristic element as a child element of the wap-provisioningdoc element. The string schema includes two top-level characteristic elements, which specify the "SecurityPolicy" and "Registry" configuration service providers. The nested characteristic elements specify branches within the "Registry" configuration service provider. Each parm element specifies a parameter and its value. The following syntax block shows the string schema for the Data element. Details about the parameters and their values follow the syntax block.

   <characteristic type="SecurityPolicy">
     <parm name="4131" value="ParmValue"/>
   <characteristic type="Registry">
     <characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\AE\{50C13377-C66D-400C-889E-C316FC4AB374}">
       <parm name="AEFrequencyType" value="ParmValue"/>
       <parm name="AEFrequencyValue" value="ParmValue"/>
     <characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD">
       <parm name="DeviceWipeThreshold" value="ParmValue"/>
       <parm name="CodewordFrequency" value="ParmValue"/>
     <characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\LAP\lap_pw">
       <parm name="MinimumPasswordLength" value="ParmValue"/>
       <parm name="PasswordComplexity" value="ParmValue"/>

The seven parameters and their valid values are as follows.

  • 4131 — Specifies whether a password is required. The value 0 (zero) indicates that a password is required; 1 indicates that a password is not required.

  • AEFrequencyType — Specifies whether the device will lock itself after a period of user inactivity specified by the AEFrequencyValue parameter. The value 0 (zero) indicates that the user determines whether to lock the device; 1 indicates that the device will lock itself.

  • AEFrequencyValue — Specifies the number of minutes of user inactivity before the device locks. The value 0 (zero) indicates that the device locks if the screen is turned off. A value greater than 99 indicates that the user inactivity is unlimited.

  • DeviceWipeThreshold — Specifies the maximum number of failed password logon attempts that are permitted before the device wipes itself. Once the threshold is reached, the device wipes the memory, including all data and certificates. Valid values are 4 through 16. If the 4131 parameter is set to 1, the client ignores the DeviceWipeThreshold parameter.

  • CodewordFrequency — Specifies the number of times an incorrect password can be entered before a codeword is displayed. After entering the displayed codeword, the user is able to make more password attempts. The purpose of the codeword prompt is to insure that the incorrect password attempts are not the result of accidental key presses. The value is either -1, indicating that the device determines how often to prompt for the codeword, or a value that is less than the value of the DeviceWipeThreshold parameter.

  • MinimumPasswordLength — Specifies the minimum length of the client password. Valid values are 1 through 18, inclusive. This value is ignored if the 4131 parameter is set to 1.

  • PasswordComplexity — Specifies the complexity of the password. The value 0 (zero) requires the password to consist of alpha-numeric characters. The value 2 allows either numeric or alpha-numeric characters.

To insure that the contents of the Data element is correctly interpreted, the angle brackets "<" and ">", which are XML syntax markers used to enclose XML elements, MUST be represented by escape sequences: The "&lt;" escape sequence represents the left angle bracket, and "&gt;" the right angle bracket.

The following example shows the Data element with a properly formatted string.

 <Data>&lt;wap-provisioningdoc&gt;&lt;characteristic type="SecurityPolicy"&gt;&lt;parm name="4131" value="0"/&gt;&lt;/characteristic&gt;&lt;characteristic type="Registry"&gt;&lt;characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\AE\{50C13377-C66D-400C-889E-C316FC4AB374}"&gt;&lt;parm name="AEFrequencyType" value="1"/&gt;&lt;parm name="AEFrequencyValue" value="5"/&gt;&lt;/characteristic&gt;&lt;characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD"&gt;&lt;parm name="DeviceWipeThreshold" value="10"/&gt;&lt;parm name="CodewordFrequency" value="3"/&gt;&lt;/characteristic&gt;&lt;characteristic type="HKLM\Comm\Security\Policy\LASSD\LAP\lap_pw"&gt;&lt;parm name="MinimumPasswordLength" value="8"/&gt;&lt;parm name="PasswordComplexity" value="0"/&gt;&lt;/characteristic&gt;&lt;/characteristic&gt;&lt;/wap-provisioningdoc&gt;</Data>

Protocol Versions

The following table specifies the protocol versions that support this element. The client indicates the protocol version being used by setting either the MS-ASProtocolVersion header, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, or the Protocol version field, as specified in [MS-ASHTTP] section, in the request.

Protocol version

Element support









The container data type Data element (section is used instead of the string data type Data element with protocol versions 12.0, 12.1, 14.0, 14.1, 16.0 and 16.1.