
使用 PowerShell 類別撰寫自定義 DSC 資源

適用於:Windows PowerShell 5.0

在 Windows PowerShell 5.0 中引進 PowerShell 類別之後,您現在可以藉由建立類別來定義 DSC 資源。 類別會同時定義資源的架構和實作,因此不需要建立個別的MOF檔案。 類別型資源的資料夾結構也比較簡單,因為不需要 DSCResources 資料夾。

在以類別為基礎的 DSC 資源中,架構會定義為類別的屬性,該屬性可以使用屬性來修改,以指定屬性類型。 資源是由文本資源中的 Get()Set()Test() 方法實作(相當於腳本資源中的 Get-TargetResourceSet-TargetResourceTest-TargetResource 函式。

在本文中,我們將建立名為 NewFile 的簡單資源,以管理指定路徑中的檔案。

如需 DSC 資源的詳細資訊,請參閱 建置自定義 Windows PowerShell 預期狀態設定資源




若要使用PowerShell類別實作 DSC 自訂資源,請建立下列資料夾結構。 類別定義於 MyDscResource.psm1,而模組指令清單定義於 MyDscResource.psd1中。

$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules (folder)
    |- MyDscResource (folder)


您可以使用 類別關鍵詞來建立PowerShell類別。 若要指定類別是 DSC 資源,請使用 DscResource() 屬性。 類別的名稱是 DSC 資源的名稱。

class NewFile {


DSC 資源架構會定義為 類別的屬性。 我們會宣告三個屬性,如下所示。

[string] $path

[ensure] $ensure

[string] $content

[MyDscResourceReason[]] $Reasons

請注意,屬性會修改屬性。 屬性的意義如下:

  • DscProperty(Key):需要 屬性。 屬性是索引鍵。 標示為索引鍵的所有屬性值必須結合,才能唯一識別組態內的資源實例。
  • DscProperty(強制):需要 屬性。
  • DscProperty(NotConfigurable):屬性是唯讀的。 以此屬性標示的屬性無法由組態設定,但 Get() 方法會在存在時填入。
  • DscProperty():屬性可設定,但並非必要。

$Path$SourcePath 屬性都是字串。 $CreationTimeDateTime 屬性。 $Ensure 屬性是列舉型別,如下所示。

enum Ensure



class MyDscResourceReason {
    [string] $Code

    [string] $Phrase


MyDscResourceReason 類別在這裡宣告為模組名稱做為前置詞。 雖然您可以為內嵌類別提供任何名稱,但如果兩個或多個模組定義具有相同名稱的類別,而且兩者都用於組態,則 PowerShell 會引發例外狀況。

若要避免 DSC 中名稱衝突所造成的例外狀況,請在內嵌類別的名稱前面加上模組名稱。 如果內嵌類別的名稱已經不太可能發生衝突,您可以使用它而不使用前置詞。

如果您的 DSC 資源是設計來搭配 Azure Automanage 的機器組態功能使用,請一律在針對 Reasons 屬性所建立的內嵌類別名稱加上前置詞。


您可以在相同的模組檔案內建立PowerShell函式,並在 DSC 類別資源的方法內使用這些函式。 函式必須宣告為公用,不過這些公用函式內的腳本區塊可以呼叫私用的函式。 唯一的差異在於它們是否列在模組指令清單的 FunctionsToExport 屬性中。

   Public Functions

function Get-File {

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $fileContent        = [MyDscResourceReason]::new()
    $fileContent.code   = 'file:file:content'

    $filePresent        = [MyDscResourceReason]::new()
    $filePresent.code   = 'file:file:path'

    $ensureReturn = 'Absent'

    $fileExists = Test-path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($true -eq $fileExists) {
        $filePresent.phrase     = "The file was expected to be: $ensure`nThe file exists at path: $path"

        $existingFileContent    = Get-Content $path -Raw
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingFileContent)) {
            $existingFileContent = ''

        if ($false -eq ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content))) {
            $content = $content | ConvertTo-SpecialChars

        $fileContent.phrase     = "The file was expected to contain: $content`nThe file contained: $existingFileContent"

        if ($content -eq $existingFileContent) {
            $ensureReturn = 'Present'
    else {
        $filePresent.phrase     = "The file was expected to be: $ensure`nThe file does not exist at path: $path"
        $path = 'file not found'

    return @{
        ensure  = $ensureReturn
        path    = $path
        content = $existingFileContent
        Reasons = @($filePresent,$fileContent)

function Set-File {
        [ensure]$ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Remove-Item $path -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($ensure -eq "Present") {
        New-Item $path -ItemType File -Force
        if ([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$content) {
            $content | ConvertTo-SpecialChars | Set-Content $path -NoNewline -Force

function Test-File {
        [ensure]$ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $test = $false
    $get = Get-File @PSBoundParameters

    if ($get.ensure -eq $ensure) {
        $test = $true
    return $test

   Private Functions

function ConvertTo-SpecialChars {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline)]
    $specialChars = @{
        '`n' = "`n"
        '\\n' = "`n"
        '`r' = "`r"
        '\\r' = "`r"
        '`t' = "`t"
        '\\t' = "`t"
    foreach ($char in $specialChars.Keys) {
        $string = $string -replace ($char,$specialChars[$char])
    return $string


Get()Set()Test() 方法類似於腳本資源中的 Get-TargetResourceSet-TargetResourceTest-TargetResource 函式。

最佳做法是將類別實作內的程式代碼數量降到最低。 相反地,將大部分程式代碼移出模組中的公用函式,然後可以獨立測試。

    This method is equivalent of the Get-TargetResource script function.
    The implementation should use the keys to find appropriate
    resources. This method returns an instance of this class with the
    updated key properties.
[NewFile] Get() {
    $get = Get-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content
    return $get

    This method is equivalent of the Set-TargetResource script function.
    It sets the resource to the desired state.
[void] Set() {
    $set = Set-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content

    This method is equivalent of the Test-TargetResource script
    function. It should return True or False, showing whether the
    resource is in a desired state.
[bool] Test() {
    $test = Test-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content
    return $test



enum ensure {

    This class is used within the DSC Resource to standardize how data
    is returned about the compliance details of the machine. Note that
    the class name is prefixed with the module name - this helps prevent
    errors raised when multiple modules with DSC Resources define the
    Reasons property for reporting when they're out-of-state.
class MyDscResourceReason {
    [string] $Code

    [string] $Phrase

   Public Functions

function Get-File {

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $fileContent        = [MyDscResourceReason]::new()
    $fileContent.code   = 'file:file:content'

    $filePresent        = [MyDscResourceReason]::new()
    $filePresent.code   = 'file:file:path'

    $ensureReturn = 'Absent'

    $fileExists = Test-path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($true -eq $fileExists) {
        $filePresent.phrase     = "The file was expected to be: $ensure`nThe file exists at path: $path"

        $existingFileContent    = Get-Content $path -Raw
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($existingFileContent)) {
            $existingFileContent = ''

        if ($false -eq ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content))) {
            $content = $content | ConvertTo-SpecialChars

        $fileContent.phrase     = "The file was expected to contain: $content`nThe file contained: $existingFileContent"

        if ($content -eq $existingFileContent) {
            $ensureReturn = 'Present'
    else {
        $filePresent.phrase     = "The file was expected to be: $ensure`nThe file does not exist at path: $path"
        $path = 'file not found'

    return @{
        ensure  = $ensureReturn
        path    = $path
        content = $existingFileContent
        Reasons = @($filePresent,$fileContent)

function Set-File {
        [ensure]$ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Remove-Item $path -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($ensure -eq "Present") {
        New-Item $path -ItemType File -Force
        if ([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$content) {
            $content | ConvertTo-SpecialChars | Set-Content $path -NoNewline -Force

function Test-File {
        [ensure]$ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $test = $false
    $get = Get-File @PSBoundParameters

    if ($get.ensure -eq $ensure) {
        $test = $true
    return $test

   Private Functions

function ConvertTo-SpecialChars {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline)]
    $specialChars = @{
        '`n' = "`n"
        '\\n' = "`n"
        '`r' = "`r"
        '\\r' = "`r"
        '`t' = "`t"
        '\\t' = "`t"
    foreach ($char in $specialChars.Keys) {
        $string = $string -replace ($char,$specialChars[$char])
    return $string

    This resource manages the file in a specific path.
    [DscResource()] indicates the class is a DSC resource

class NewFile {

        This property is the fully qualified path to the file that is
        expected to be present or absent.

        The [DscProperty(Key)] attribute indicates the property is a
        key and its value uniquely identifies a resource instance.
        Defining this attribute also means the property is required
        and DSC will ensure a value is set before calling the resource.

        A DSC resource must define at least one key property.
    [string] $path

        This property indicates if the settings should be present or absent
        on the system. For present, the resource ensures the file pointed
        to by $Path exists. For absent, it ensures the file point to by
        $Path does not exist.

        The [DscProperty(Mandatory)] attribute indicates the property is
        required and DSC will guarantee it is set.

        If Mandatory is not specified or if it is defined as
        Mandatory=$false, the value is not guaranteed to be set when DSC
        calls the resource.  This is appropriate for optional properties.
    [ensure] $ensure

        This property is optional. When provided, the content of the file
        will be overwridden by this value.
    [string] $content

        This property reports the reasons the machine is or is not compliant.

        [DscProperty(NotConfigurable)] attribute indicates the property is
        not configurable in DSC configuration.  Properties marked this way
        are populated by the Get() method to report additional details
        about the resource when it is present.
    [MyDscResourceReason[]] $Reasons

        This method is equivalent of the Get-TargetResource script function.
        The implementation should use the keys to find appropriate
        resources. This method returns an instance of this class with the
        updated key properties.
    [NewFile] Get() {
        $get = Get-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content
        return $get

        This method is equivalent of the Set-TargetResource script function.
        It sets the resource to the desired state.
    [void] Set() {
        $set = Set-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content

        This method is equivalent of the Test-TargetResource script
        function. It should return True or False, showing whether the
        resource is in a desired state.
    [bool] Test() {
        $test = Test-File -ensure $this.ensure -path $this.path -content $this.content
        return $test


若要讓類別型資源可供 DSC 引擎使用,您必須在指令清單檔中包含 DscResourcesToExport 語句,以指示模組匯出資源。 我們的指令清單看起來像這樣:


    # Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest.
    RootModule = 'NewFile.psm1'

    # Version number of this module.
    ModuleVersion = '1.0.0'

    # ID used to uniquely identify this module
    GUID = 'fad0d04e-65d9-4e87-aa17-39de1d008ee4'

    # Author of this module
    Author = 'Microsoft Corporation'

    # Company or vendor of this module
    CompanyName = 'Microsoft Corporation'

    # Copyright statement for this module
    Copyright = ''

    # Description of the functionality provided by this module
    Description = 'Create and set content of a file'

    # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module
    PowerShellVersion = '5.0'

    # Functions to export from this module
    FunctionsToExport = @('Get-File','Set-File','Test-File')

    # DSC resources to export from this module
    DscResourcesToExport = @('NewFile')

    # Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell.
    PrivateData = @{

        PSData = @{

            # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
            # Tags = @(Power Plan, Energy, Battery)

            # A URL to the license for this module.
            # LicenseUri = ''

            # A URL to the main website for this project.
            # ProjectUri = ''

            # A URL to an icon representing this module.
            # IconUri = ''

            # ReleaseNotes of this module
            # ReleaseNotes = ''

        } # End of PSData hashtable



如先前所述,將類別和指令清單檔案儲存在資料夾結構中之後,您可以建立使用新資源的組態。 如需如何執行 DSC 組態的資訊,請參閱 制定組態。 下列組態會檢查位於 /tmp/test.txt 的檔案是否存在,以及內容是否符合屬性 『Content』 所提供的字串。 如果沒有,則會寫入整個檔案。

Configuration MyConfig
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName NewFile
    NewFile testFile
        Path = "/tmp/test.txt"
        Content = "DSC Rocks!"
        Ensure = "Present"

支援 PsDscRunAsCredential

[注意] PowerShell 5.0 和更新版本中支援 psDscRunAsCredential

PsDscRunAsCredential 屬性可用於 DSC 組態 資源區塊,以指定資源應該在指定的認證集合下執行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 使用使用者認證執行 DSC

需要或不允許資源的 PsDscRunAsCredential

DscResource() 屬性會 RunAsCredential採用選擇性參數。 此參數接受三個值的其中一個:

  • Optional PsDscRunAsCredential 對於呼叫此資源的設定而言是選擇性的。 這是預設值。
  • Mandatory PsDscRunAsCredential 必須用於呼叫此資源的任何設定。
  • NotSupported 呼叫此資源的組態無法使用 PsDscRunAsCredential
  • DefaultOptional相同。

例如,使用下列屬性來指定您的自訂資源不支援使用 PsDscRunAsCredential

class NewFile {


模組可以定義多個類別型 DSC 資源。 您只需要在相同的 .psm1 檔案中宣告所有類別,並在 .psd1 指令清單中包含每個名稱。

$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules (folder)
     |- MyDscResource (folder)
        |- MyDscResource.psm1


若要從自訂資源存取使用者內容,您可以使用自動變數 $global:PsDscContext


if (PsDscContext.RunAsUser) {
    Write-Verbose "User: $global:PsDscContext.RunAsUser";


建置自定義 Windows PowerShell 預期狀態設定資源