本節包含Configuration Manager Cmdlet 的說明文章。
Add-CMAppv5XDeploymentType |
Adds an App-V 5X deployment type. |
Add-CMAppvDeploymentType |
Adds an App-V deployment type. |
Add-CMAssetIntelligenceSynchronizationPoint |
Installs an Asset Intelligence synchronization point. |
Add-CMBoundaryToGroup |
Assigns boundaries to a boundary group in Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMCertificateRegistrationPoint |
Adds a certificate registration point role to a site system server. |
Add-CMCIDetectionMethod |
Specify how the client detects an application. |
Add-CMCloudManagementGatewayConnectionPoint |
Add a cloud management gateway connection point. |
Add-CMCollectionMembershipRule |
For system use only to add membership rules to collections. |
Add-CMCollectionToAdministrativeUser |
Adds a collection to administrative user |
Add-CMCollectionToDistributionPointGroup |
Adds a collection to distribution point group |
Add-CMComplianceSettingActiveDirectoryQuery |
Adds a compliance setting active directory query |
Add-CMComplianceSettingAssembly |
Adds a compliance setting assembly |
Add-CMComplianceSettingDirectory |
Adds a compliance setting directory |
Add-CMComplianceSettingFile |
Adds a compliance setting file |
Add-CMComplianceSettingIisMetabase |
Add a compliance setting for the IIS metabase. |
Add-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKey |
Adds a compliance setting registry key |
Add-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKeyValue |
Add a compliance setting registry key value. |
Add-CMComplianceSettingRule |
Adds a compliance setting rule |
Add-CMComplianceSettingScript |
Adds a compliance setting script |
Add-CMComplianceSettingSqlQuery |
Adds a compliance setting sql query |
Add-CMComplianceSettingWqlQuery |
Adds a compliance setting wql query |
Add-CMComplianceSettingXPathQuery |
Adds a compliance setting x path query |
Add-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint |
Adds a data warehouse service point |
Add-CMDeploymentType |
Adds a deployment type for a Configuration Manager deployment application. This cmdlet is deprecated. |
Add-CMDeploymentTypeDependency |
Adds a deployment type as a dependency to a dependency group in Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMDeploymentTypeInstallBehavior |
Add to the specified deployment type the executable files that need to close for the app install to succeed. |
Add-CMDeploymentTypeReturnCode |
Add return codes to a supported application deployment type. |
Add-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence |
Add a deployment type supersedence. This cmdlet is deprecated. |
Add-CMDeviceAffinityToUser |
Adds device affinity to a Configuration Manager user. |
Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Add a direct membership rule to a device collection. |
Add-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Add an exclude membership rule to a device collection. |
Add-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Add an include membership rule to a device collection. |
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Add a query membership rule to a device collection. |
Add-CMDistributionPoint |
Add a distribution point role. |
Add-CMDistributionPointToGroup |
Adds a distribution point to a distribution point group. |
Add-CMDriverToDriverPackage |
Adds a device driver to a Configuration Manager driver package. |
Add-CMEndpointProtectionPoint |
Adds a site system role for Endpoint Protection. |
Add-CMEnrollmentPoint |
Adds an enrollment point to Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMEnrollmentProxyPoint |
Adds an enrollment proxy point to Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMFallbackStatusPoint |
Add a fallback status point to a Configuration Manager site. |
Add-CMMacDeploymentType |
Adds a Mac deployment type. |
Add-CMManagementPoint |
Adds a management point to Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMMobileMsiDeploymentType |
Adds a mobile Windows Installer deployment type. |
Add-CMMsiDeploymentType |
Add a Windows Installer deployment type. |
Add-CMMulticastServicePoint |
Adds a multicast service point. |
Add-CMObjectSecurityScope |
Add a security scope to an object. |
Add-CMPassiveSite |
Use this cmdlet to add a site server in passive mode. |
Add-CMReportingServicePoint |
Add a reporting service point. |
Add-CMScriptDeploymentType |
Add a script installer deployment type. |
Add-CMSecurityRoleToAdministrativeUser |
Add a security role to a user or group. |
Add-CMSecurityScopeToAdministrativeUser |
Add a security scope to a user or group. |
Add-CMServiceConnectionPoint |
Adds a service connection point to a site system server. |
Add-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint |
Add a software update point. |
Add-CMSoftwareUpdateToGroup |
Adds a software update to a software update group in Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMStateMigrationPoint |
Adds a state migration point in Configuration Manager. |
Add-CMTaskSequenceDeploymentType |
Create a task sequence as an app model deployment type. |
Add-CMTaskSequenceStep |
Add a step or group to a task sequence. |
Add-CMUserAffinityToDevice |
Adds a primary user to one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Add-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Add a direct membership rule to a user collection. |
Add-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Add an exclude membership rule to a user collection. |
Add-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Add an include membership rule to a user collection. |
Add-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Add a query membership rule to a user collection. |
Add-CMWebApplicationDeploymentType |
Adds a web application deployment type. |
Add-CMWindowsAppxDeploymentType |
Adds a Windows app package deployment type. |
Add-CMWindowsPhoneDeploymentType |
Adds a Windows Phone app package deployment type. |
Add-CMWindowsPhoneStoreDeploymentType |
Adds a Windows Phone app package (in the Windows Store) deployment type. |
Add-CMWindowsStoreDeploymentType |
Adds a Windows app package (in the Windows Store) deployment type. |
Approve-CMApprovalRequest |
Approves a request to allow the installation of an application. |
Approve-CMDevice |
Approves a device. |
Approve-CMScript |
Approve a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
Approve-CMUserDeviceAffinityRequest |
Approves a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Block-CMCertificate |
Blocks a certificate. |
Block-CMConflictingRecord |
Creates a blocked Configuration Manager record for client that has a conflicting record. |
Block-CMDevice |
Blocks a device. |
Clear-CMClientOperation |
Clears a Configuration Manager client operation object. |
Clear-CMComponentStatusMessageCount |
Changes the component status message count to zero. |
Clear-CMMigrationData |
Deletes historical data about a data migration operation. |
Clear-CMOperatingSystemImageUpdateSchedule |
Removes a schedule for updating an operating system image. |
Clear-CMOperatingSystemUpgradeUpdateSchedule |
Clears an operating system upgrade update schedule |
Clear-CMPxeDeployment |
Clears the status of the most recent PXE deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Clear-CMSiteStatusMessageCount |
Clears the message count in Configuration Manager. |
Convert-CMApplication |
Converts an application object. |
Convert-CMDeploymentType |
Converts the deployment type of a Configuration Manager deployment application. |
Convert-CMSchedule |
Converts schedule tokens into and from interval strings. |
ConvertFrom-CMApplication |
Converts an application SDK object to an application object. |
ConvertFrom-CMConfigurationItem |
Converts a Configuration Manager configuration item to a string. |
ConvertFrom-CMIResultObject |
Converts from an IResultObject to a ManagementBaseObject. |
ConvertTo-CMApplication |
Converts an application object to an application SDK object. |
ConvertTo-CMConfigurationItem |
Convert a Configuration Manager management iResultObject to a configuration item object. |
ConvertTo-CMIResultObject |
Converts a ManagementBaseObject to an IResultObject. |
Copy-CMBlmSetting |
Make a copy of a BitLocker management policy settings object. |
Copy-CMCollection |
Copy a collection to a new one. |
Copy-CMConfigurationPolicy |
Copies a configuration policy. |
Copy-CMSecurityRole |
Create a custom security role. |
Copy-CMTaskSequence |
Create a copy of an existing task sequence in Configuration Manager. |
Copy-CMWdacSetting |
Make a copy of a Microsoft Defender Application Control policy object. |
Deny-CMApprovalRequest |
Denies a request to allow the installation of an application. |
Deny-CMScript |
Deny a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
Deny-CMUserDeviceAffinityRequest |
Denies a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Disable-CMAlert |
Disable alerts |
Disable-CMBaseline |
Disable a configuration baseline. |
Disable-CMDriver |
Disables a device driver. |
Disable-CMProgram |
Disable a program in a package. |
Disable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Disables Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Disable-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Disables Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Disable-CMStatusFilterRule |
Disables a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Disable-CMTaskSequence |
This cmdlet is deprecated. Use the Set-CMTaskSequence cmdlet to disable a task sequence. |
Disconnect-CMTrackedObject |
Clean up unused PowerShell objects to avoid SMS Provider quota violation errors. |
Enable-CMAlert |
Enables Configuration Manager alerts. |
Enable-CMBaseline |
Enable a configuration baseline. |
Enable-CMDriver |
Enables a device driver. |
Enable-CMProgram |
Enable a program in a package. |
Enable-CMSiteFeature |
Enable an optional feature. |
Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Enables Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Enable-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Enables Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Enable-CMStatusFilterRule |
Enables a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Enable-CMTaskSequence |
This cmdlet is deprecated. Use the Set-CMTaskSequence cmdlet to enable a task sequence. |
Export-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Exports an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Export-CMApplication |
Exports an application. |
Export-CMBaseline |
Export a configuration baseline. |
Export-CMCollection |
Export a collection. |
Export-CMConfigurationItem |
Saves a Configuration Manager configuration item to a file. |
Export-CMDriverPackage |
Export a driver package. |
Export-CMPackage |
Export a legacy package. |
Export-CMQuery |
Export a query from Configuration Manager. |
Export-CMSecurityRole |
Export a security role to an XML file. |
Export-CMTaskSequence |
Export a task sequence. |
Get-CMAADApplication |
Get the Microsoft Entra app object from the site. |
Get-CMAADTenant |
Get Microsoft Entra tenant connected with the Configuration Manager site. |
Get-CMAccessAccount |
Gets an access account. |
Get-CMAccessLicense |
Gets license usage information. |
Get-CMAccount |
Gets a named user account. |
Get-CMActiveDirectoryForest |
Gets one or more Active Directory forest objects. |
Get-CMActiveDirectorySite |
Gets Configuration Manager sites that publish data to AD DS. |
Get-CMAdministrativeUser |
Get an administrative user. |
Get-CMAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy |
Gets an advanced threat protection policy |
Get-CMAlert |
Get Configuration Manager alerts. |
Get-CMAlertSubscription |
Get one or more alert subscription objects. |
Get-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Get an antimalware policy for endpoint protection. |
Get-CMApplication |
Get an application. |
Get-CMApplicationDeployment |
Get an application deployment. |
Get-CMApplicationDeploymentStatus |
Gets an application deployment status. |
Get-CMApplicationGroup |
Get an application group. |
Get-CMApplicationGroupDeployment |
Get the deployment of an application group. |
Get-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment |
Get a phased deployment for an application. |
Get-CMApplicationRevisionHistory |
Gets a Configuration Manager object that represents the revision history for an application. |
Get-CMApprovalRequest |
Gets an approval request to allow the installation of a Configuration Manager application. |
Get-CMAppVVirtualEnvironment |
Gets an App-V virtual environment. |
Get-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalogItem |
Gets an item from the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Get-CMAssetIntelligenceProxy |
Gets an asset intelligence proxy. |
Get-CMAssetIntelligenceSynchronizationPoint |
Gets asset intelligence synchronization points. |
Get-CMAutoDeploymentRuleDeployment |
Gets the deployments associated with an automatic deployment rule. |
Get-CMAzureService |
Get an Azure service. |
Get-CMBaseline |
Get a configuration baseline. |
Get-CMBaselineDeployment |
Get a baseline deployment. |
Get-CMBaselineDeploymentStatus |
Get the status of a configuration baseline deployment. |
Get-CMBaselineSummarizationSchedule |
Gets the summarization schedule for configuration baseline data. |
Get-CMBaselineXMLDefinition |
Gets the XML definition of a configuration baseline. |
Get-CMBlmSetting |
Get one or all the BitLocker management policies from the site. |
Get-CMBootImage |
Get an OS boot image. |
Get-CMBoundary |
Get a site boundary. |
Get-CMBoundaryGroup |
Get a boundary group. |
Get-CMBoundaryGroupRelationship |
Get a boundary group relationship. |
Get-CMBoundaryGroupSiteSystem |
Get site systems in the specified boundary group |
Get-CMCategory |
Gets configuration categories in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMCertificate |
Gets a certificate. |
Get-CMCertificateProfilePfx |
Gets a PFX certificate profile. |
Get-CMCertificateProfileScep |
Gets a SCEP certificate profile. |
Get-CMCertificateProfileTrustedRootCA |
Gets a trusted CA certificate profile. |
Get-CMCertificateRegistrationPoint |
Gets a certificate registration point. |
Get-CMClientCertificatePfx |
Get a client PFX certificate. |
Get-CMClientCertificateProfileConfigurationItem |
Gets a client certificate profile configuration item. |
Get-CMClientHealthSummary |
Gets a client health summary. |
Get-CMClientOperation |
Gets a client operation. |
Get-CMClientPushInstallation |
Gets an object that installs a Configuration Manager client by using client push. |
Get-CMClientSetting |
Gets client settings. |
Get-CMClientSettingDeployment |
Get a deployment of a custom client settings object. |
Get-CMClientStatusSetting |
Gets client status settings. |
Get-CMClientStatusUpdateSchedule |
Gets a schedule interval of the client status update task. |
Get-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Gets cloud-based distribution points. |
Get-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Get a cloud management gateway (CMG). |
Get-CMCloudManagementGatewayConnectionPoint |
Get a cloud management gateway connection point. |
Get-CMCollection |
Get a device or user collection object. |
Get-CMCollectionDependency |
Get the limiting collection for the target collection. |
Get-CMCollectionDependent |
Get a collection's dependent relationships. |
Get-CMCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Get a direct membership rule for a device or user collection. |
Get-CMCollectionEvaluationStatus |
Get the status of collection evaluation. |
Get-CMCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Get an exclude membership rule for a device or user collection. |
Get-CMCollectionFullEvaluationStatus |
Get the full evaluation status for a collection. |
Get-CMCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Get an include membership rule for a device or user collection. |
Get-CMCollectionIncrementalEvaluationStatus |
Get the incremental evaluation status for a collection. |
Get-CMCollectionInfoFromEvaluationQueue |
Get collection information from the evaluation queue. |
Get-CMCollectionInfoFromFullEvaluationQueue |
Get collection information from the full evaluation queue. |
Get-CMCollectionInfoFromIncrementalEvaluationQueue |
Get collection information from the incremental evaluation queue. |
Get-CMCollectionInfoFromManualEvaluationQueue |
Get collection information from the manual evaluation queue. |
Get-CMCollectionInfoFromNewEvaluationQueue |
Get collection information from the new evaluation queue. |
Get-CMCollectionMember |
Get members of a device or user collection. |
Get-CMCollectionMembershipEvaluationComponent |
Get the site component that evaluates collection membership. |
Get-CMCollectionMembershipRule |
For system use only to get membership rules from collections. |
Get-CMCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Get a query membership rule for a device or user collection. |
Get-CMCollectionSetting |
Get the settings for a collection. |
Get-CMComplianceRule |
Get a compliance rule for a configuration item. |
Get-CMComplianceSetting |
Get a setting for a configuration item. |
Get-CMComponentStatusMessage |
Get component status messages in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMComponentStatusSetting |
Get the settings for the site's component status summarizer. |
Get-CMComputerAssociation |
Gets Configuration Manager computer associations. |
Get-CMConfigurationItem |
Gets Configuration Manager configuration items. |
Get-CMConfigurationItemHistory |
Gets the previous versions of a configuration item in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMConfigurationItemXMLDefinition |
Gets an XML definition of a configuration item in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMConfigurationPlatform |
Get an OS platform for a requirement rule. |
Get-CMConfigurationPolicy |
Gets a configuration policy. |
Get-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment |
Get a configuration policy deployment. |
Get-CMConfigurationPolicyXml |
Gets a configuration policy xml. |
Get-CMConflictingRecord |
Gets conflicting Configuration Manager record objects. |
Get-CMConnectionManager |
Gets the Connection Manager instance associated with the currently-connected site server. |
Get-CMDatabaseProperty |
Gets an object that represents a Configuration Manager database. |
Get-CMDatabaseReplicationLinkProperty |
Gets a replication link between a Configuration Manager parent site and child site. |
Get-CMDatabaseReplicationStatus |
Gets the status for database replication. |
Get-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint |
Gets a data warehouse service point. |
Get-CMDefaultBoundaryGroup |
Gets a default boundary group. |
Get-CMDeployment |
Get a Configuration Manager deployment. |
Get-CMDeploymentPackage |
Gets information about deployment packages on a distribution point. |
Get-CMDeploymentStatusDetails |
Get the status details of a Configuration Manager deployment. |
Get-CMDeploymentType |
Get a deployment type for an application. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeDependency |
Gets a deployment type from a dependency group. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup |
Gets a deployment type dependency group from Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeDetectionClause |
Get the detection clauses from the specified deployment type. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeInstallBehavior |
Get from the specified deployment type the list of executable files that need to close for the app install to succeed. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeRequirement |
Get the requirement rules for a deployment type. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeReturnCode |
Get the list of return codes from the specified application deployment type. |
Get-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence |
Get the old deployment types that an application supersedes. |
Get-CMDetectedMalware |
Gets detected malware. |
Get-CMDevice |
Get a Configuration Manager device. |
Get-CMDeviceCategory |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMDeviceCollection |
Get one or more device collections. |
Get-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Get a direct membership rule for a device collection. |
Get-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Get an exclude membership rule for a device collection. |
Get-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Get an include membership rule for a device collection. |
Get-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Get a query membership rule for a device collection. |
Get-CMDeviceCollectionVariable |
Get a device collection variable. |
Get-CMDeviceVariable |
Gets device variables of a Configuration Manager device. |
Get-CMDiscoveryMethod |
Gets a discovery method for Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMDistributionPoint |
Gets a distribution point. |
Get-CMDistributionPointDriveInfo |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMDistributionPointGroup |
Gets distribution point groups. |
Get-CMDistributionPointInfo |
Gets a distribution point info. |
Get-CMDistributionStatus |
Get the content status of an object. |
Get-CMDriver |
Get a device driver. |
Get-CMDriverPackage |
Get a driver package. |
Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid |
View duplicate hardware identifiers by GUID. |
Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress |
View duplicate hardware identifiers by MAC address. |
Get-CMEmailNotificationComponent |
Gets an email notification components. |
Get-CMEmailProfile |
Gets an email profile. |
Get-CMEndpointProtectionPoint |
Gets an Endpoint Protection point. |
Get-CMEndpointProtectionSummarizationSchedule |
Gets an Endpoint Protection summarization schedule. |
Get-CMEnrollmentPoint |
Gets an enrollment point. |
Get-CMEnrollmentProxyPoint |
Gets an enrollment proxy point. |
Get-CMExchangeServer |
Gets a Configuration Manager Exchange Server object. |
Get-CMFallbackStatusPoint |
Gets a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Get-CMFileReplicationRoute |
Gets a file replication route from Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMFolder |
Get one or more folders in the console. |
Get-CMGlobalCondition |
Gets Configuration Manager global condition objects. |
Get-CMHardwareRequirement |
Gets Configuration Manager hardware requirements for products. |
Get-CMHierarchySetting |
Gets a hierarchy setting. |
Get-CMInitialModifiableSecuredCategory |
Gets modifiable secured categories. |
Get-CMInventoryClass |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMIPSubnet |
Gets a Configuration Manager IP subnet. |
Get-CMMaintenanceWindow |
Get the maintenance windows for a collection. |
Get-CMMalwareThreatCategory |
Gets a malware threat category. |
Get-CMManagementPoint |
Gets a management point. |
Get-CMManagementPointComponent |
Gets a component for a Configuration Manager management point. |
Get-CMMicrosoftEdgeBrowserProfiles |
Get a policy for a Microsoft Edge Legacy browser profile. |
Get-CMMigrationCollection |
Gets collections selected for migration. |
Get-CMMigrationEntity |
Gets a migration entity in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMMigrationEntityDependency |
Gets a dependency for a migration entity in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMMigrationJob |
Gets a migration job. |
Get-CMMigrationSource |
Gets a migration source. |
Get-CMMulticastServicePoint |
Gets a multicast service point. |
Get-CMNotification |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMObjectLockDetails |
Get the details of a SEDO lock for an object. |
Get-CMObjectSecurityScope |
Get the security scope for an object. |
Get-CMOneDriveBusinessProfile |
Get a policy for a OneDrive for Business profile. |
Get-CMOperatingSystemImage |
Gets OS images. |
Get-CMOperatingSystemImageUpdateSchedule |
Retrieves an operating system image update schedule object in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMOperatingSystemInstaller |
Gets OS upgrade packages. |
Get-CMOperatingSystemUpgradeUpdateSchedule |
Gets an operating system upgrade update schedule. |
Get-CMOrchestrationGroup |
Get an orchestration group object. |
Get-CMPackage |
Get a Configuration Manager legacy package. |
Get-CMPackageDeployment |
Gets a package deployment from Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMPackageDeploymentStatus |
Get the status of classic software distribution deployments. |
Get-CMPersistentUserSettingsGroup |
Get the list of site-wide settings that you've stored. |
Get-CMPhase |
Get a deployment phase for a specific instance of a phased deployment. |
Get-CMPhasedDeploymentStatus |
Get the status of a specific phased deployment. |
Get-CMPowerManagementSchema |
Gets a power management schema. |
Get-CMProgram |
Get a program of a package. |
Get-CMQuery |
Get a Configuration Manager query. |
Get-CMQueryResultMaximum |
Gets the maximum number of rows that a Configuration Manager report query can return. |
Get-CMRemoteConnectionProfileConfigurationItem |
Gets a remote connection profile configuration item. |
Get-CMReportingServicePoint |
Get a reporting service point. |
Get-CMResource |
Get a Configuration Manager resource. |
Get-CMResultantCollection |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMResultantDeployment |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Get-CMResultantSettings |
Gets a resultant settings. |
Get-CMScript |
Get a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSecurityRole |
Get security roles. |
Get-CMSecurityRolePermission |
Get the permissions for the specified security role. |
Get-CMSecurityScope |
Get a security scope. |
Get-CMServiceConnectionPoint |
Gets a service connection point. |
Get-CMSettingDeployment |
Get all of the deployments for a settings policy object. |
Get-CMSite |
Gets one or more Configuration Manager sites. |
Get-CMSiteComponent |
Gets a site component. |
Get-CMSiteDefinition |
Gets a site definition. |
Get-CMSiteFeature |
Get an optional feature. |
Get-CMSiteInstallStatus |
Provides information about Configuration Manager installation status. |
Get-CMSiteMaintenanceTask |
Gets maintenance tasks in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSiteRole |
Get a site role object. |
Get-CMSiteStatusMessage |
Gets site system status messages. |
Get-CMSiteSummaryTask |
Gets a site summary task. |
Get-CMSiteSystemServer |
Get the site system server role. |
Get-CMSiteUpdate |
Gets a site update. |
Get-CMSiteUpdateHistory |
Gets a site update history. |
Get-CMSiteUpdateInstallStatus |
Gets a site update install status. |
Get-CMSoftwareDistributionComponent |
Gets an object that represents a software distribution component in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSoftwareInventory |
Retrieves an object that collects software inventory data in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Gets Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Get-CMSoftwareMeteringSetting |
Gets Configuration Manager software metering settings. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdate |
Get a software update. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Get an automatic deployment rule for software updates. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateBasedClientInstallation |
Gets a client installation on a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateCategory |
Get a software update classification or product. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateContentInfo |
Get software update content information. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment |
Get a software update deployment. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage |
Get a software update deployment package. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentStatus |
Get the status of a software update deployment. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup |
Gets software update groups. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateLicense |
Gets a EULA or SLT for a software update in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment |
Get the phased deployment for software updates. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint |
Get a software update point. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdatePointComponent |
Get the site component for the software update point. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateSummarizationSchedule |
Displays the Configuration Manager schedule for software update summarization. |
Get-CMSoftwareUpdateSyncStatus |
Gets a software update sync status. |
Get-CMStateMigrationPoint |
Gets a state migration point for a Configuration Manager site. |
Get-CMStatusFilterRule |
Gets Configuration Manager filter rules for status messages. |
Get-CMStatusMessageQuery |
Gets Configuration Manager status message queries or displays messages. |
Get-CMStatusReportingComponent |
Gets an object representing a status reporting component. |
Get-CMStatusSummarizer |
Gets a status summarizer object for Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMSupportedPlatform |
Get a supported platform. |
Get-CMTaskSequence |
Get a task sequence. |
Get-CMTaskSequenceDeployment |
Get a task sequence deployment. |
Get-CMTaskSequenceGroup |
Gets a Configuration Manager task sequence group. |
Get-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment |
Get the phased deployment for a task sequence. |
Get-CMTaskSequenceStep |
Gets a Configuration Manager task sequence step. |
Get-CMTaskSequenceStepCondition |
Get a condition on a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTermsAndConditionsConfigurationItem |
Gets a terms and conditions configuration item. |
Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCatalog |
Get a third-party updates catalog. |
Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory |
Get third-party software update categories. |
Get-CMTrackedObject |
Gets a tracked object. |
Get-CMTrustedRootCertificate |
Gets a trusted root certificate for Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMTSStepApplyDataImage |
Get the Apply Data Image step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepApplyDriverPackage |
Get the Apply Driver Package step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepApplyNetworkSetting |
Get the Apply Network Settings step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem |
Get the Apply OS Image step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting |
Get the Apply Windows Settings step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepAutoApplyDriver |
Get the Auto Apply Drivers step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepCaptureNetworkSettings |
Get the Capture Network Settings step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepCaptureSystemImage |
Get the Capture OS Image step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepCaptureUserState |
Get the Capture User State step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings |
Get the Capture Windows Settings step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionFile |
Get a file properties condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionFolder |
Get a folder properties condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionIfStatement |
Get an if statement condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystem |
Get an OS version condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionQueryWmi |
Get a WMI query condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionRegistry |
Get a registry setting condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionSoftware |
Get an installed software condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConditionVariable |
Get a task sequence variable condition from a task sequence step. |
Get-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder |
Get the Connect To Network Folder step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker |
Get the Disable BitLocker step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent |
Get the Download Package Content step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker |
Get the Enable BitLocker step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepInstallApplication |
Get the Install Application step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepInstallSoftware |
Get the Install Package step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepInstallUpdate |
Get the Install Software Updates step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup |
Get the Join Domain or Workgroup step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker |
Get the Pre-provision BitLocker step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepPartitionDisk |
Get the Format and Partition Disk step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepPrepareConfigMgrClient |
Get the Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepPrepareWindows |
Get the Prepare Windows for Capture step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepPrestartCheck |
Get the Check Readiness step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepReboot |
Get the Restart Computer step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepReleaseStateStore |
Get the Release State Store step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepRequestStateStore |
Get the Request State Store step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepRestoreUserState |
Get the Restore User State step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepRunCommandLine |
Get the Run Command Line step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript |
Get the Run PowerShell Script step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence |
Get the Run Task Sequence step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable |
Get the Set Dynamic Variables step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr |
Get the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepSetVariable |
Get the Set Task Sequence Variable step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem |
Get the Upgrade OS step from a specific task sequence. |
Get-CMUpdateGroupDeployment |
Gets an update group deployment. |
Get-CMUser |
Gets a Configuration Manager user. |
Get-CMUserCollection |
Get one or more user collections. |
Get-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Get a direct membership rule for a user collection. |
Get-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Get an exclude membership rule for a user collection. |
Get-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Get an include membership rule for a user collection. |
Get-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Get a query membership rule for a user collection. |
Get-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem |
Gets a user data and profile configuration item. |
Get-CMUserDeviceAffinity |
Get the relationships between a device and its primary users. |
Get-CMUserDeviceAffinityRequest |
Gets a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Get-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem |
Gets a vpn profile configuration item. |
Get-CMWdacSetting |
Get one or all of the Microsoft Defender Application Control policies from the site. |
Get-CMWindowsEditionUpgradeConfigurationItem |
Get a Windows 10 edition upgrade policy. |
Get-CMWindowsFirewallPolicy |
Gets a windows firewall policy. |
Get-CMWindowsServicingPlan |
Gets a Windows 10 servicing plan. |
Get-CMWindowsUpdate |
Gets a windows update. |
Get-CMWinPEOptionalComponentInfo |
Get a Windows PE optional component. |
Get-CMWirelessProfile |
Gets a wireless profile. |
Get-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem |
Gets a wireless profile configuration item. |
Import-CMAADClientApplication |
Create the Microsoft Entra client app definition in Configuration Manager. |
Import-CMAADServerApplication |
Create the Microsoft Entra server app definition in Configuration Manager. |
Import-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Imports an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Import-CMApplication |
Imports an application into Configuration Manager. |
Import-CMBaseline |
Import a configuration baseline. |
Import-CMCertificate |
Imports a certificate. |
Import-CMClientCertificatePfx |
Imports a client PFX certificate. |
Import-CMCollection |
Import a collection. |
Import-CMComputerInformation |
Imports computer information into a Configuration Manager database. |
Import-CMConfigurationItem |
Imports Configuration Manager configuration items. |
Import-CMDriver |
Import a device driver into the driver catalog. |
Import-CMDriverPackage |
Import a driver package. |
Import-CMPackage |
Import a legacy package. |
Import-CMQuery |
Import a query to Configuration Manager. |
Import-CMSecurityRole |
Import a security role from an XML file. |
Import-CMSoftwareLicense |
Imports a software license. |
Import-CMTaskSequence |
Import a task sequence. |
Import-CMUserDeviceAffinity |
Imports a file that contains user and device affinities to Configuration Manager. |
Import-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem |
Imports a wireless profile configuration item. |
Install-CMClient |
Installs a Configuration Manager client. |
Install-CMSiteUpdate |
Installs a site update. |
Invoke-CMAnalyzePackage |
Analyze a package to convert to an application. |
Invoke-CMBaselineSummarization |
Updates configuration baseline data. |
Invoke-CMClientAction |
Sends a notification to client computers to trigger an immediate client action. |
Invoke-CMClientOperationSummarization |
Performs a Configuration Manager client operations summarization. |
Invoke-CMCollectionUpdate |
Update the membership of a collection. |
Invoke-CMContentRedistribution |
Invokes a content redistribution. |
Invoke-CMContentValidation |
Validate content on a distribution point. |
Invoke-CMConvertPackage |
Convert a package to an application. |
Invoke-CMDeploymentSummarization |
Runs a Configuration Manager deployment summarization. |
Invoke-CMDeviceRetire |
Retires devices. |
Invoke-CMDeviceWipe |
Performs a wipe of a modern device. |
Invoke-CMEndpointProtectionScan |
Invokes a scan to detect malware on one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Invoke-CMEndpointProtectionSummarization |
Retrieves summary status data about Endpoint Protection. |
Invoke-CMForestDiscovery |
Starts a forest discovery operation in Active Directory. |
Invoke-CMGroupDiscovery |
Invokes a group discovery. |
Invoke-CMOrchestrationGroup |
Start orchestration on an orchestration group. |
Invoke-CMPromotePreProductionClient |
Invokes a promote pre production client. |
Invoke-CMQuery |
Run a Configuration Manager query. |
Invoke-CMRemoteControl |
Enables remote control on computers. |
Invoke-CMReport |
Invokes a report about data and operations in Configuration Manager. |
Invoke-CMScript |
Run a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
Invoke-CMSecondarySiteUpgrade |
Invokes a secondary site upgrade. |
Invoke-CMSitePromotePreproductionClient |
Invokes a site promote preproduction client. |
Invoke-CMSiteUpdateCheck |
Invokes a site update check. |
Invoke-CMSiteUpdateDownload |
Invokes a site update download. |
Invoke-CMSiteUpdatePrerequisiteCheck |
Invokes a site update prerequisite check. |
Invoke-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Runs a Configuration Manager deployment rule for automatic software updates. |
Invoke-CMSoftwareUpdateSummarization |
Runs the Configuration Manager software update summarization. |
Invoke-CMSystemDiscovery |
Invokes a system discovery. |
Invoke-CMUserDiscovery |
Invokes a user discovery. |
Invoke-CMWmiMethod |
Calls a WMI method. |
Invoke-CMWmiQuery |
Run a WMI query. |
Lock-CMObject |
Create a SEDO lock on an object. |
Merge-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Merges antimalware policies for Endpoint Protection. |
Merge-CMConflictingRecord |
Merges a new Configuration Manager client record with a conflicting client record. |
Move-CMContentLibrary |
Move the content library before adding a passive site. |
Move-CMObject |
Move a Configuration Manager object into a different folder. |
Move-CMPhasedDeploymentToNext |
Move the specified phased deployment to the next phase. |
New-CMAccessAccount |
Adds users or groups to an access account. |
New-CMAccount |
Creates a Configuration Manager user account. |
New-CMActiveDirectoryForest |
Creates one or more Active Directory forest objects in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMADGroupDiscoveryScope |
Creates an Active Directory group discovery scope. |
New-CMAdministrativeUser |
Create an administrative user. |
New-CMAdministrativeUserPermission |
Create a permissions object to assign to an administrative user. |
New-CMAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy |
Creates an advanced threat protection policy. |
New-CMAlertSubscription |
Creates an alert subscription object. |
New-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Create a policy object for antimalware settings. |
New-CMAntimalwarePolicyDeployment |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMApplication |
Create an application. |
New-CMApplicationAutoPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for an application by generating two phases with same settings. |
New-CMApplicationDeployment |
Create an application deployment. |
New-CMApplicationDisplayInfo |
Create a Software Center entry for an application or application group. |
New-CMApplicationGroup |
Create a new application group. |
New-CMApplicationGroupDeployment |
Create a deployment for an application group. |
New-CMAppVVirtualEnvironment |
Creates an App-V virtual environment. |
New-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalogItem |
Creates an item for the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
New-CMAutoDeploymentRuleDeployment |
Create a deployment for an automatic deployment rule. |
New-CMBaseline |
Create a configuration baseline. |
New-CMBaselineDeployment |
Create a baseline deployment. |
New-CMBLEncryptionMethodPolicy |
Create a policy to configure the algorithm and cipher strength used by BitLocker Drive Encryption on Windows 8.1 devices. |
New-CMBLEncryptionMethodWithXts |
Create a policy to configure the algorithm and cipher strength used by BitLocker Drive Encryption on Windows 10 devices. |
New-CMBlmSetting |
Create a BitLocker management settings policy. |
New-CMBMSClientConfigureCheckIntervalPolicy |
Create a policy to manage the key recovery service backup of BitLocker Drive Encryption recovery information. |
New-CMBMSFDVEncryptionPolicy |
Create a policy to manage whether to use BitLocker encryption on fixed data drives. |
New-CMBMSOSDEncryptionPolicy |
Create a policy to manage whether to encrypt the OS drive with BitLocker. |
New-CMBMSUserExemptionPolicy |
Create a policy to configure instructions for users to request exemption from BitLocker protection. |
New-CMBootableMedia |
Create bootable media. |
New-CMBootImage |
Create a custom boot image. |
New-CMBoundary |
Create a site boundary. |
New-CMBoundaryGroup |
Creates a new boundary group. |
New-CMBoundaryGroupRelationship |
Create a boundary group relationship. |
New-CMCaptureMedia |
Creates capture media. |
New-CMCategory |
Creates a configuration category in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMCertificateProfilePfx |
Creates a PFX certificate profile. |
New-CMCertificateProfileScep |
Creates a SCEP certificate profile. |
New-CMCertificateProfileTrustedRootCA |
Creates a trusted CA certificate profile. |
New-CMClientCertificateProfileConfigurationItem |
Create a client certificate profile. |
New-CMClientSetting |
Creates customized client settings. |
New-CMClientSettingDeployment |
Deploy a custom client setting. |
New-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Creates a cloud distribution point. |
New-CMCloudManagementAzureService |
Create the Azure service for Cloud Management in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Create a cloud management gateway. |
New-CMCollection |
Create a device or user collection. |
New-CMCoManagementPolicy |
Create a co-management policy for a site. |
New-CMComplianceRuleAssembly |
Creates a compliance rule assembly. |
New-CMComplianceRuleExistential |
Creates a compliance rule existential. |
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderAttribute |
Creates a compliance rule file folder attribute. |
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderDate |
Creates a compliance rule file folder date. |
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderPermission |
Creates a compliance rule file folder permission. |
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSimple |
Create a compliance rule for a simple file folder. |
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize |
Creates a compliance rule file folder size. |
New-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission |
Creates a compliance rule registry key permission. |
New-CMComplianceRuleValue |
Create a compliance rule value. |
New-CMComplianceRuleVersion |
Creates a compliance rule version. |
New-CMComputerAssociation |
Creates an association between two computers in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMConfigurationItem |
Creates a Configuration Manager configuration item. |
New-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment |
Creates a configuration policy deployment. |
New-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup |
Creates a deployment type dependency group in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMDetectionClauseDirectory |
Create a detection method clause for a file system directory. |
New-CMDetectionClauseFile |
Create a detection method clause for a file. |
New-CMDetectionClauseMacBundle |
Creates a detection clause mac bundle. |
New-CMDetectionClauseMacPackage |
Creates a detection clause mac package. |
New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKey |
Create a detection method clause for a registry key. |
New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKeyValue |
Create a detection method clause for a registry key value. |
New-CMDetectionClauseWindowsInstaller |
Create a detection method clause for an MSI product code. |
New-CMDeviceCategory |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMDeviceCollection |
Create a device collection. |
New-CMDeviceCollectionVariable |
Create a device collection variable. |
New-CMDeviceVariable |
Creates a device variable for a Configuration Manager device. |
New-CMDistributionPointGroup |
Creates a distribution point group. |
New-CMDriverPackage |
Create a driver package. |
New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid |
Add duplicate hardware identifiers by GUID. |
New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress |
Add duplicate hardware identifiers by MAC address. |
New-CMEmailProfile |
Creates an email profile. |
New-CMEmbeddedObjectInstance |
Creates an embedded object instance. |
New-CMEmbeddedProperty |
Creates an embedded property. |
New-CMEmbeddedPropertyList |
Creates an embedded property list. |
New-CMEnhancedPIN |
Create a policy to configure whether BitLocker can use enhanced startup PINs. |
New-CMExchangeClientAccessServer |
Creates a Client Access server role for an Exchange Server. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorAccessRule |
Configure access settings for a mobile device that uses a Microsoft Exchange Server connector. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorApplicationSetting |
Create application-related settings for a mobile device that uses a Exchange Server connector. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorEmailManagementSetting |
Create a set of email management settings for a mobile device that uses an Exchange Server connector. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorGeneralSetting |
Creates an exchange connector general setting. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorPasswordSetting |
Add new password settings to a Exchange Server connector in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMExchangeConnectorSecuritySetting |
Configure security options for a Microsoft Exchange Server connector in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMExchangeServer |
Configures a new Exchange Server connector. |
New-CMFDVDenyWriteAccessPolicy |
Create a new policy to determine whether BitLocker protection is required for fixed data drives to be writable on a computer. |
New-CMFDVPassPhrasePolicy |
Create a policy to specify whether a password is required to unlock BitLocker-protected fixed data drives. |
New-CMFileReplicationRoute |
Creates a file replication route for Configuration Manager. |
New-CMFileSystemAccessControlEntry |
Create a file system access control entry. |
New-CMFolder |
Create one or more folders in the console. |
New-CMGlobalCondition |
Creates a Configuration Manager global condition object. |
New-CMGlobalConditionActiveDirectoryQuery |
Creates a new Active Directory Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionAssembly |
Creates an Assembly type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionExpression |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMGlobalConditionFile |
Creates a File System type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionIisMetabase |
Creates an IIS Metabase type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionOmaUri |
Creates an OMA URI type global condition in Configuration Manager. This cmdlet is for Windows Mobile. It is obsolete. |
New-CMGlobalConditionRegistryKey |
Creates a Registry Key type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionRegistryValue |
Creates a Registry Value type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionScript |
Creates a Script type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionSqlQuery |
Creates a SQL Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionWqlQuery |
Creates a WQL Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMGlobalConditionXPathQuery |
Creates a XPath Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMHardwareRequirement |
Creates a Configuration Manager hardware requirement object for a product. |
New-CMInstallationSourceFile |
Creates an installation source file for Configuration Manager. |
New-CMInventoryReportClass |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMMaintenanceWindow |
Create a maintenance window for a collection. |
New-CMMicrosoftEdgeBrowserProfiles |
Create a policy to manage Microsoft Edge Legacy browser settings. |
New-CMMigrationJob |
Creates a migration job in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMMoreInfoUrlPolicy |
Create a policy to specify the Security Policy link that BitLocker displays to users. |
New-CMNoOverwritePolicy |
Create a policy to control computer restart performance at the risk of exposing BitLocker secrets. |
New-CMOneDriveBusinessProfile |
Create a OneDrive for Business profile policy. |
New-CMOperatingSystemImage |
Create an OS image. |
New-CMOperatingSystemImageUpdateSchedule |
Creates an operating system image update schedule. |
New-CMOperatingSystemInstaller |
Create an OS upgrade package. |
New-CMOperatingSystemUpgradeUpdateSchedule |
Creates an operating system upgrade update schedule. |
New-CMOrchestrationGroup |
Create a new orchestration group. |
New-CMOSPassphrase |
Create a policy to specify the constraints for passwords used to unlock BitLocker-protected OS drives. |
New-CMPackage |
Creates a Configuration Manager package. |
New-CMPackageDeployment |
Deploy a legacy package to a collection. |
New-CMPowerManagementCustomPlan |
Creates a custom power management plan. |
New-CMPrebootRecoveryInfo |
Configure the recovery message that the pre-boot key recovery screen displays when the OS drive is locked. |
New-CMPrestageMedia |
Create an OS deployment prestaged media file. |
New-CMProgram |
Create a new program for a package. |
New-CMQuery |
Create a Configuration Manager query. |
New-CMRDVConfigureBDEPolicy |
Create a policy to control the use of BitLocker on removable data drives. |
New-CMRDVDenyWriteAccessPolicy |
Create a policy to configure whether BitLocker protection is required for removable data drives to be writable on a computer. |
New-CMRDVPassPhrasePolicy |
Create a policy to specify whether a password is required to unlock BitLocker-protected removable data drives. |
New-CMRegistryAccessControlEntry |
Create a registry key access control entry. |
New-CMRemoteConnectionProfileConfigurationItem |
Creates a remote connection profile. |
New-CMRequirementRuleActiveDirectorySiteValue |
Create an Active Directory site value requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleBooleanValue |
Create a requirement rule to evaluate a boolean global condition on an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleCMSiteValue |
Create a Configuration Manager site requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleCommonValue |
Create a requirement rule to evaluate a value-based global condition on an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleDeviceOwnershipValue |
Create a device ownership requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleExistential |
Create a requirement rule to evaluate an existential-based global condition on an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleExpression |
Create a requirement rule to evaluate a custom global condition with a complex expression. |
New-CMRequirementRuleFileAttributeValue |
Create a requirement rule to verify file attributes. |
New-CMRequirementRuleFilePermissionValue |
Create a requirement rule to verify file permissions. |
New-CMRequirementRuleFreeDiskSpaceValue |
Create a disk space requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleInputTypeValue |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemLanguageValue |
Create an OS language requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleOperatingSystemValue |
Create an OS requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleOUValue |
Create an Active Directory organizational unit (OU) requirement rule for an application deployment type. |
New-CMRequirementRuleRegistryKeyPermissionValue |
Create a requirement rule to verify registry key permissions. |
New-CMRequirementRuleScreenResolutionValue |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
New-CMRootCertificateProfileConfigurationItem |
Create a root certificate profile. |
New-CMScCompliancePolicy |
Create a compliance policy to associate an object identifier from a smart card certificate to a BitLocker-protected drive. |
New-CMSchedule |
Create a Configuration Manager schedule token. |
New-CMScript |
Create a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMSecondarySite |
Create a secondary site. |
New-CMSecurityScope |
Create a security scope. |
New-CMSettingDeployment |
Deploy a settings policy object to a collection. |
New-CMSiteSystemServer |
Add a new site system server. |
New-CMSoftwareCenterTabItem |
Create a custom Software Center tab. |
New-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Creates a Configuration Manager software metering rule. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Create an automatic deployment rule (ADR) for software updates. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for software updates by generating two phases with same settings. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment |
Create a software update deployment. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage |
Create a software update deployment package. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup |
Creates a software update group. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdateManualPhasedDeployment |
Create a phased deployment for software updates. |
New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase |
Use this cmdlet to create a deployment phase for software update. |
New-CMSqlServerSetting |
Creates a SQL Server settings object in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMStandaloneMedia |
Creates stand-alone media. |
New-CMStatusFilterRule |
Creates a rule in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMStatusMessageQuery |
Creates a status message query. |
New-CMStorageFolder |
Creates a new storage folder in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMTaskSequence |
Create a task sequence. |
New-CMTaskSequenceAutoPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for a task sequence by generating two phases with same settings. |
New-CMTaskSequenceDeployment |
Create a task sequence deployment. |
New-CMTaskSequenceGroup |
Creates a Configuration Manager task sequence group. |
New-CMTaskSequenceManualPhasedDeployment |
Create a phased deployment for a task sequence. |
New-CMTaskSequenceMedia |
Creates task sequence media in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMTaskSequencePhase |
Use this cmdlet to create a deployment phase for a task sequence. |
New-CMThirdPartyUpdateCatalog |
Create a new third-party software updates catalog. |
New-CMTpmAutoResealPolicy |
Create a policy to control whether Windows refreshes platform validation data when it starts after BitLocker recovery. |
New-CMTSNetworkAdapterSetting |
Create a settings object for a network adapter on the Apply Network Settings task sequence step. |
New-CMTSPartitionSetting |
Create a disk partition object to use with the Format and Partition Disk task sequence step. |
New-CMTSRule |
Create a rule to add to a Set Dynamic Variables task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepApplyDataImage |
Create an Apply Data Image step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepApplyDriverPackage |
Create an Apply Driver Package step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepApplyNetworkSetting |
Create an Apply Network Settings step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem |
Create an Apply OS Image step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting |
Create an Apply Windows Settings step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepAutoApplyDriver |
Create an Auto Apply Drivers step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepCaptureNetworkSettings |
Create a Capture Network Settings step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepCaptureSystemImage |
Create a Capture OS Image step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepCaptureUserState |
Create a Capture User State step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings |
Create a Capture Windows Settings step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepConditionFile |
Create a file properties condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionFolder |
Create a folder properties condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionIfStatement |
Create an if statement condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystem |
Create an OS version condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionOperatingSystemLanguage |
Create an OS language condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionQueryWmi |
Create a WMI query condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionRegistry |
Create a registry setting condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionSoftware |
Create an installed software condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConditionVariable |
Create a task sequence variable condition for a task sequence step. |
New-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder |
Create a Connect To Network Folder step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker |
Create a Disable BitLocker step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent |
Create a Download Package Content step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker |
Create an Enable BitLocker step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepInstallApplication |
Create an Install Application step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepInstallSoftware |
Create an Install Package step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepInstallUpdate |
Create an Install Software Updates step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup |
Create a Join Domain or Workgroup step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker |
Create a Pre-provision BitLocker step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepPartitionDisk |
Create the Format and Partition Disk step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepPrepareConfigMgrClient |
Create the Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepPrepareWindows |
Create the Prepare Windows for Capture step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepPrestartCheck |
Create a Check Readiness step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepReboot |
Create a Restart Computer step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepReleaseStateStore |
Create the Release State Store step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepRequestStateStore |
Create the Request State Store step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepRestoreUserState |
Create a Restore User State step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepRunCommandLine |
Create a Run Command Line step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript |
Create the Run PowerShell Script step in a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence |
Create a Run Task Sequence step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable |
Create a Set Dynamic Variables step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr |
Create a Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepSetVariable |
Create a Set Task Sequence Variable step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem |
Create an Upgrade OS step, which you can add to a task sequence. |
New-CMUidPolicy |
Create a policy to associate unique organizational identifiers to a new drive that is enabled with BitLocker. |
New-CMUseFddEnforcePolicy |
Create a policy to configure the number of days that fixed drives can remain noncompliant until they are forced to comply with BitLocker policies. |
New-CMUseOsEnforcePolicy |
Create a policy to configure the number of days that users can delay complying with BitLocker policies for their OS drive. |
New-CMUserCollection |
Create a user collection. |
New-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem |
Creates a user data and profile configuration item. |
New-CMVirtualEnvironmentGroup |
Creates a virtual environment group. |
New-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem |
Creates a VPN profile. |
New-CMWdacSetting |
Create a Microsoft Defender Application Control settings policy object. |
New-CMWindows10EditionUpgrade |
Create a Windows 10 edition upgrade policy. |
New-CMWindows11EditionUpgrade |
Create a Windows 11 edition upgrade policy. |
New-CMWindowsFirewallPolicy |
Creates a new Windows Firewall policy in Configuration Manager. |
New-CMWindowsServicingPlan |
Creates a Windows 10 servicing plan. |
New-CMWirelessProfile | |
New-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem |
Creates a wireless profile. |
Out-CMSignedWindowsMobileCab |
Signs a Windows Mobile CAB file. |
Publish-CMPrestageContent |
Publishes files to a distribution point. |
Publish-CMPrestageContentTaskSequence |
Distributes the content that a task sequence uses to a distribution point. |
Publish-CMThirdPartySoftwareUpdateContent |
Publish third-party software update content |
Remove-CMAccessAccount |
Removes users or groups from an access account. |
Remove-CMAccount |
Removes a specified user. |
Remove-CMActiveDirectoryForest |
Removes an Active Directory forest object from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMAdministrativeUser |
Remove an administrative user. |
Remove-CMAlert |
Removes Configuration Manager alerts. |
Remove-CMAlertSubscription |
Removes an alert subscription object. |
Remove-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Remove an antimalware policy for endpoint protection. |
Remove-CMApplication |
Removes an application from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMApplicationDeployment |
Remove an application deployment. |
Remove-CMApplicationGroup |
Remove an application group. |
Remove-CMApplicationGroupDeployment |
Remove the deployment of an application group. |
Remove-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for an application. |
Remove-CMApplicationRevisionHistory |
Removes a revision history from a Configuration Manager application. |
Remove-CMAppVVirtualEnvironment |
Removes an App-V virtual environment. |
Remove-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalogItem |
Removes an item from the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Remove-CMAssetIntelligenceSynchronizationPoint |
Removes an Asset Intelligence synchronization point. |
Remove-CMAutoDeploymentRuleDeployment |
Removes a deployment from an auto deployment rule. |
Remove-CMAzureService |
Remove the Azure service. |
Remove-CMBaseline |
Remove a configuration baseline. |
Remove-CMBaselineDeployment |
Removes a baseline deployment. |
Remove-CMBlmSetting |
Delete a BitLocker management policy setting object from the site. |
Remove-CMBootImage |
Remove an OS boot image. |
Remove-CMBoundary |
Removes a Configuration Manager boundary. |
Remove-CMBoundaryFromGroup |
Removes a Configuration Manager boundary from a boundary group. |
Remove-CMBoundaryGroup |
Removes a boundary group. |
Remove-CMBoundaryGroupRelationship |
Remove a boundary group relationship. |
Remove-CMCategory |
Removes a configuration category in Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMCertificateRegistrationPoint |
Removes a certificate registration point role from a site system server. |
Remove-CMClientCertificatePfx |
Removes a PFX client certificate. |
Remove-CMClientOperation |
Removes a Configuration Manager client operation object. |
Remove-CMClientSetting |
Removes client settings. |
Remove-CMClientSettingDeployment |
Remove a specific deployment of a custom client setting. |
Remove-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Removes cloud-based distribution points. |
Remove-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Remove a cloud management gateway. |
Remove-CMCloudManagementGatewayConnectionPoint |
Remove a cloud management gateway connection point. |
Remove-CMCollection |
Remove a device or user collection. |
Remove-CMCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Remove a direct membership rule from a device or user collection. |
Remove-CMCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Remove an exclude membership rule from a device or user collection. |
Remove-CMCollectionFromAdministrativeUser |
Removes a collection from administrative user. |
Remove-CMCollectionFromDistributionPointGroup |
Removes a collection from distribution point group. |
Remove-CMCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Remove an include membership rule from a device or user collection. |
Remove-CMCollectionMembershipRule |
For system use only to remove membership rules from collections. |
Remove-CMCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Remove a query membership rule from a device or user collection. |
Remove-CMComplianceRule |
Removes a compliance rule. |
Remove-CMComplianceSetting |
Removes a compliance setting. |
Remove-CMComputerAssociation |
Deletes a computer association from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMConfigurationItem |
Removes configuration items from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMConfigurationPolicy |
Removes a configuration policy. |
Remove-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment |
Removes a configuration policy deployment. |
Remove-CMContentDistribution |
Remove packages from a distribution point. |
Remove-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint |
Removes a data warehouse service point. |
Remove-CMDeployment |
Removes a deployment. |
Remove-CMDeploymentType |
Removes a deployment type for a Configuration Manager deployment application. |
Remove-CMDeploymentTypeDependency |
Removes a deployment type dependency from Configuration Manager deployment type dependency group. |
Remove-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup |
Removes a deployment type dependency group from Configuration Manager deployment type. |
Remove-CMDeploymentTypeInstallBehavior |
Remove from the specified deployment type the executable files that need to close for the app install to succeed. |
Remove-CMDeploymentTypeReturnCode |
Delete return codes from the specified application deployment type. |
Remove-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence |
Remove a deployment type supersedence relationship. This cmdlet is deprecated. |
Remove-CMDevice |
Removes a client device from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMDeviceAffinityFromUser |
Removes device affinity from a Configuration Manager user. |
Remove-CMDeviceCategory |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Remove-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Remove a direct membership rule from a device collection. |
Remove-CMDeviceCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Remove an exclude membership rule from a device collection. |
Remove-CMDeviceCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Remove an include membership rule from a device collection. |
Remove-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Remove a query membership rule from a device collection. |
Remove-CMDeviceCollectionVariable |
Remove a device collection variable. |
Remove-CMDeviceVariable |
Removes a variable defined for a Configuration Manager device. |
Remove-CMDistributionPoint |
Removes a distribution point. |
Remove-CMDistributionPointFromGroup |
Removes a Configuration Manager distribution point from a distribution point group. |
Remove-CMDistributionPointGroup |
Removes distribution point groups. |
Remove-CMDriver |
Removes a device driver from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMDriverFromDriverPackage |
Removes a driver from a driver package. |
Remove-CMDriverPackage |
Remove a driver package. |
Remove-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid |
Remove duplicate hardware identifiers by GUID. |
Remove-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress |
Remove duplicate hardware identifiers by MAC address. |
Remove-CMEndpointProtectionPoint |
Removes an Endpoint Protection point. |
Remove-CMEnrollmentPoint |
Removes an enrollment point. |
Remove-CMEnrollmentProxyPoint |
Removes an enrollment proxy point. |
Remove-CMExchangeServer |
Removes an Exchange Server object from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMFallbackStatusPoint |
Removes a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Remove-CMFileReplicationRoute |
Removes a file replication route from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMFolder |
Remove the specified folder in the console. |
Remove-CMGlobalCondition |
Removes a Configuration Manager global condition object. |
Remove-CMHardwareRequirement |
Removes Configuration Manager hardware requirement objects for products. |
Remove-CMMaintenanceWindow |
Remove a maintenance window. |
Remove-CMManagementPoint |
Removes a management point. |
Remove-CMMulticastServicePoint |
Removes a multicast service point. |
Remove-CMObjectSecurityScope |
Remove a security scope from a Configuration Manager object. |
Remove-CMOperatingSystemImage |
Removes operating system images. |
Remove-CMOperatingSystemInstaller |
Removes operating system installers. |
Remove-CMOrchestrationGroup |
Remove an orchestration group. |
Remove-CMPackage |
Removes a Configuration Manager package. |
Remove-CMPackageDeployment |
Removes a package deployment from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMPersistentUserSettingsGroup |
Reset your site-wide settings. |
Remove-CMProgram |
Remove a program from a package. |
Remove-CMQuery |
Remove a Configuration Manager query. |
Remove-CMReportingServicePoint |
Remove a reporting service point. |
Remove-CMResource |
Removes a Configuration Manager resource. |
Remove-CMScript |
Remove a PowerShell script from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMSecondarySite |
Removes a secondary site from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMSecurityRole |
Remove a custom security role. |
Remove-CMSecurityRoleFromAdministrativeUser |
Remove the association between a security role and an administrative user. |
Remove-CMSecurityScope |
Remove a security scope. |
Remove-CMSecurityScopeFromAdministrativeUser |
Remove the association between a security scope and an administrative user. |
Remove-CMServiceConnectionPoint |
Removes a service connection point. |
Remove-CMSettingDeployment |
Remove a deployment for a settings policy object. |
Remove-CMSiteRole |
Remove a site role. |
Remove-CMSiteSystemServer |
Remove the site system server role. |
Remove-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Removes Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Removes Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment |
Removes a software update deployment. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage |
Remove a software update deployment package. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateFromGroup |
Removes a software update from group. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateFromPackage |
Remove an update from a software update package. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup |
Removes Configuration Manager software update groups. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for software updates. |
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint |
Remove a software update point. |
Remove-CMStateMigrationPoint |
Removes a state migration point from a Configuration Manager site. |
Remove-CMStatusFilterRule |
Removes a specified Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Remove-CMStatusMessageQuery |
Removes a Configuration Manager status message query. |
Remove-CMTaskSequence |
Remove a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTaskSequenceDeployment |
Removes a task sequence deployment from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMTaskSequenceGroup |
Removes a Configuration Manager task sequence group. |
Remove-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTaskSequenceStep |
Removes a Configuration Manager task sequence step. |
Remove-CMThirdPartyUpdateCatalog |
Remove a third-party software updates catalog. |
Remove-CMTSStepApplyDataImage |
Remove the Apply Data Image step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepApplyDriverPackage |
Remove the Apply Driver Package step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepApplyNetworkSetting |
Remove the Apply Network Settings step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem |
Remove the Apply OS Image step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting |
Remove the Apply Windows Settings step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepAutoApplyDriver |
Remove the Auto Apply Drivers step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepCaptureNetworkSettings |
Remove the Capture Network Settings step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepCaptureSystemImage |
Remove the Capture OS Image step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepCaptureUserState |
Remove the Capture User State step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings |
Remove the Capture Windows Settings step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder |
Remove the Connect To Network Folder step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker |
Remove the Disable BitLocker step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent |
Remove the Download Package Content step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker |
Remove the Enable BitLocker step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepInstallApplication |
Remove the Install Application step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepInstallSoftware |
Remove the Install Package step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepInstallUpdate |
Remove the Install Software Updates step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup |
Remove the Join Domain or Workgroup step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker |
Remove the Pre-provision BitLocker step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepPartitionDisk |
Remove the Format and Partition Disk step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepPrepareConfigMgrClient |
Remove the Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepPrepareWindows |
Remove the Prepare Windows for Capture step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepPrestartCheck |
Remove the Check Readiness step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepReboot |
Remove the Restart Computer step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepReleaseStateStore |
Remove the Release State Store step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepRequestStateStore |
Remove the Request State Store step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepRestoreUserState |
Remove the Restore User State step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepRunCommandLine |
Remove the Run Command Line step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript |
Remove the Run PowerShell Script step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence |
Remove the Run Task Sequence step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable |
Remove the Set Dynamic Variables step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr |
Remove the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepSetVariable |
Remove the Set Task Sequence Variable step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem |
Remove the Upgrade OS step from a task sequence. |
Remove-CMUpdateGroupDeployment |
Removes an update group deployment. |
Remove-CMUser |
Removes a user from Configuration Manager. |
Remove-CMUserAffinityFromDevice |
Removes a primary user from one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Remove-CMUserCollectionDirectMembershipRule |
Remove a direct membership rule from a user collection. |
Remove-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule |
Remove an exclude membership rule from a user collection. |
Remove-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule |
Remove an include membership rule from a user collection. |
Remove-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule |
Remove a query membership rule from a user collection. |
Remove-CMWdacSetting |
Delete a Microsoft Defender Application Control policy from the site. |
Remove-CMWindows10EditionUpgrade |
Remove a Windows 10 edition upgrade policy. |
Rename-CMCategory |
Renames a category. |
Resolve-CMInventoriedSoftwareConflict |
Resolves a conflict in Configuration Manager software inventory information. |
Restore-CMApplicationRevisionHistory |
Restores a previous version of a Configuration Manager application from the application revision history. |
Resume-CMApplication |
Resumes a suspended application. |
Resume-CMPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to resume the phased deployment from the suspend status. |
Save-CMDatabaseReplicationDiagnostic |
Saves database replication diagnostic information for Configuration Manager in a file. |
Save-CMEndpointProtectionDefinition |
Saves an Endpoint Protection definition. |
Save-CMSoftwareUpdate |
Save software updates to update groups and packages. |
Send-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalogUpdateRequest |
Requests a catalog update for uncategorized software titles. |
Set-CMAccessAccount |
Modifies the properties of an access account. |
Set-CMAccount |
Sets a Configuration Manager user account. |
Set-CMActiveDirectoryForest |
Changes Active Directory forest properties in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy |
Sets an advanced threat protection policy. |
Set-CMAlert |
Changes properties of Configuration Manager alerts. |
Set-CMAlertSubscription |
Changes the properties of an alert subscription. |
Set-CMAntimalwarePolicy |
Configure settings for an endpoint protection antimalware policy. |
Set-CMApplication |
Configure the properties of an application. |
Set-CMApplicationDeployment |
Configure an application deployment |
Set-CMApplicationGroup |
Configure an existing application group. |
Set-CMApplicationGroupDeployment |
Configure the deployment of an application group. |
Set-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment |
Configure a phased deployment for an application. |
Set-CMApplicationSupersedence |
Set deployment type supersedence for an application. |
Set-CMAppv5XDeploymentType |
Sets an App-V 5X deployment type. |
Set-CMAppvDeploymentType |
Sets an App-V deployment type. |
Set-CMAppVVirtualEnvironment |
Changes settings for virtual applications that you have deployed by using Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalogItem |
Changes the properties of an item in the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Set-CMAssetIntelligenceClass |
Modifies the Asset Intelligence hardware inventory reporting classes. |
Set-CMAssetIntelligenceSynchronizationPoint |
Configure an asset intelligence synchronization point. |
Set-CMAssignedSite |
Assigns a client computer to a primary site. |
Set-CMAutoDeploymentRuleDeployment |
Sets a deployment for an automatic deployment rule. |
Set-CMBaseline |
Change the settings of configuration baselines. |
Set-CMBaselineDeployment |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager baseline deployment. |
Set-CMBaselineSummarizationSchedule |
Configures the summarization schedule for configuration baseline data. |
Set-CMBlmPlaintextStorage |
Set a policy to allow the site to store BitLocker recovery information in plain text. |
Set-CMBlmSetting |
Modify an existing BitLocker management policy setting. |
Set-CMBootImage |
Modify an OS boot image. |
Set-CMBoundary |
Configure a site boundary. |
Set-CMBoundaryGroup |
Modify the properties of a boundary group. |
Set-CMBoundaryGroupRelationship |
Configure a boundary group relationship. |
Set-CMCertificateProfilePfx |
Sets a PFX certificate profile. |
Set-CMCertificateProfileScep |
Sets a SCEP certificate profile. |
Set-CMCertificateProfileTrustedRootCA |
Sets a trusted CA certificate profile. |
Set-CMCertificateRegistrationPoint |
Sets a certificate registration point role on a site system server. |
Set-CMCISupportedPlatform |
Configure the supported platforms for a configuration item. |
Set-CMClientCertificateProfileConfigurationItem |
Modify a certificate profile. |
Set-CMClientPushInstallation |
Configure settings for client push installation. |
Set-CMClientSetting |
Change client settings for Configuration Manager devices and users. |
Set-CMClientSettingBackgroundIntelligentTransfer |
Sets a client setting background intelligent transfer. |
Set-CMClientSettingClientCache |
Sets a client setting client cache. |
Set-CMClientSettingClientPolicy |
Sets a client setting client policy. |
Set-CMClientSettingCloudService |
Sets a client setting cloud service. |
Set-CMClientSettingComplianceSetting |
Sets a client setting compliance setting. |
Set-CMClientSettingComputerAgent |
Sets a client setting computer agent. |
Set-CMClientSettingComputerRestart |
Set client settings for computer restart. |
Set-CMClientSettingDeliveryOptimization |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Set-CMClientSettingEndpointProtection |
Sets a client setting endpoint protection. |
Set-CMClientSettingEnrollment |
Sets a client setting enrollment. |
Set-CMClientSettingGeneral |
Sets a client setting general. |
Set-CMClientSettingHardwareInventory |
Sets a client setting hardware inventory. |
Set-CMClientSettingMeteredInternetConnection |
Sets a client setting metered internet connection. |
Set-CMClientSettingPowerManagement |
Sets a client setting power management. |
Set-CMClientSettingRemoteTool |
Sets a client setting remote tool. |
Set-CMClientSettingSoftwareCenter |
Use this cmdlet to configure the client settings in the Software Center group. |
Set-CMClientSettingSoftwareDeployment |
Sets a client setting software deployment. |
Set-CMClientSettingSoftwareInventory |
Sets a client setting software inventory. |
Set-CMClientSettingSoftwareMetering |
Sets a client setting software metering. |
Set-CMClientSettingSoftwareUpdate |
Configure client settings for software updates. |
Set-CMClientSettingStateMessaging |
Sets a client setting state messaging. |
Set-CMClientSettingUserAndDeviceAffinity |
Sets a client setting user and device affinity. |
Set-CMClientSettingWindowsAnalytics |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Set-CMClientStatusSetting |
Modifies client status settings. |
Set-CMClientStatusUpdateSchedule |
Modifies the schedule interval of the client status update task. |
Set-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Changes settings for a cloud-based distribution point. |
Set-CMCloudManagementAzureService |
Modify the settings of the Azure service for Cloud Management in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Configure a cloud management gateway (CMG). |
Set-CMCloudManagementGatewayConnectionPoint |
Configure a cloud management gateway connection point. |
Set-CMCollection |
Configure a device or user collection. |
Set-CMCollectionCloudSync |
Configure collection membership synchronization to Microsoft Entra groups for a device or user collection. For more information, see How to synchronize collection members to Microsoft Entra groups |
Set-CMCollectionMembershipEvaluationComponent |
Configure the site component that evaluates collection membership. |
Set-CMCollectionPowerManagement |
Configures power management settings for a device collection. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleAssembly |
Sets a compliance rule assembly. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleExistential |
Sets a compliance rule existential. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderAttribute |
Sets a compliance rule file folder attribute. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderDate |
Sets a compliance rule file folder date. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderPermission |
Sets a compliance rule file folder permission. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSimple |
Sets a compliance rule file folder simple. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize |
Sets a compliance rule file folder size. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission |
Sets a compliance rule registry key permission. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleValue |
Sets a compliance rule value. |
Set-CMComplianceRuleVersion |
Sets a compliance rule version. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingActiveDirectoryQuery |
Sets a compliance setting active directory query. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingAssembly |
Sets a compliance setting assembly. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingDirectory |
Sets a compliance setting directory. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingFile |
Sets a compliance setting file. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingIisMetabase |
Configure a compliance setting for the IIS metabase. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKey |
Sets a compliance setting registry key. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKeyValue |
Sets a compliance setting registry key value. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingScript |
Sets a compliance setting script. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingSqlQuery |
Sets a compliance setting sql query. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingWqlQuery |
Sets a compliance setting wql query. |
Set-CMComplianceSettingXPathQuery |
Sets a compliance setting x path query. |
Set-CMComplianceSupportedPlatform |
Sets a compliance supported platform. |
Set-CMComputerAssociation |
Changes settings for a computer association in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMConfigurationItem |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager configuration item. |
Set-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment |
Creates a configuration policy deployment. |
Set-CMDatabaseProperty |
Changes database settings for a Configuration Manager database. |
Set-CMDatabaseReplicationLinkProperty |
Changes configuration settings for a database replication link. |
Set-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint |
Sets a data warehouse service point. |
Set-CMDeploymentType |
Change a deployment type for a Configuration Manager application. |
Set-CMDeploymentTypeDependency |
Sets a deployment type dependency in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup |
Sets a deployment type dependency group in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMDeploymentTypeInstallBehavior |
Modify the executable files that need to close for the app install to succeed. |
Set-CMDeploymentTypeReturnCode |
Modify return codes for the specified application deployment type. |
Set-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence |
Configure a supersedence relationship on an application. This cmdlet is deprecated. |
Set-CMDeviceCategory |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Set-CMDeviceCollectionVariable |
Configure a device collection variable. |
Set-CMDeviceOwnership |
Configures ownership type for a device. |
Set-CMDeviceVariable |
Modify a device variable. |
Set-CMDiscoveryMethod |
Changes configuration settings of a discovery method. |
Set-CMDistributionPoint |
Configure a distribution point. |
Set-CMDistributionPointGroup |
Configure distribution point groups. |
Set-CMDriver |
Changes the settings of a device driver. |
Set-CMDriverBootImage |
Adds a driver to a boot image or removes a driver from a boot image. |
Set-CMDriverPackage |
Modify a driver package. |
Set-CMEmailNotificationComponent |
Changes configuration settings of an email notification component. |
Set-CMEmailProfile |
Sets an email profile. |
Set-CMEndpointProtectionPoint |
Modifies a site system role for Endpoint Protection. |
Set-CMEndpointProtectionSummarizationSchedule |
Modifies an Endpoint Protection summarization schedule. |
Set-CMEnrollmentPoint |
Sets an enrollment point in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMExchangeServer |
Changes settings for an Exchange server. |
Set-CMFallbackStatusPoint |
Changes the throttle interval or the message count for a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Set-CMFileReplicationRoute |
Changes settings for a file replication route in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMFolder |
Configure a folder in the console. |
Set-CMGlobalCondition |
Modifies settings for a Configuration Manager global condition. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionActiveDirectoryQuery |
Sets an Active Directory Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionAssembly |
Sets an Assembly type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionFile |
Sets a File System type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionGeneral |
Modifies general settings for a Configuration Manager global condition. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionIisMetabase |
Sets a IIS Metabase type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionOmaUri |
Sets a OMA URI type global condition in Configuration Manager. This cmdlet is for Windows Mobile. It is obsolete. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionRegistryKey |
Sets a Registry Key type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionRegistryValue |
Sets a Registry Value type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionScript |
Sets a Script type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionSqlQuery |
Sets a SQL Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionWqlQuery |
Sets a WQL Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMGlobalConditionXPathQuery |
Sets a XPath Query type global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMHardwareRequirement |
Changes Configuration Manager hardware requirement settings for a product. |
Set-CMHierarchySetting |
Sets hierarchy settings in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMMacDeploymentType |
Sets a Mac deployment type. |
Set-CMMaintenanceWindow |
Modify a maintenance window. |
Set-CMManagementPoint |
Changes settings for a management point in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMManagementPointComponent |
Sets a component for a management point in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMMicrosoftEdgeBrowserProfiles |
Configure a policy for a Microsoft Edge Legacy browser profile. |
Set-CMMigrationExclusionList |
Edits the global exclusion list for migration jobs. |
Set-CMMigrationJob |
Sets a migration job. |
Set-CMMigrationSource |
Specifies or changes settings for a migration source site in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMMobileMsiDeploymentType |
Sets a mobile Windows Installer deployment type. |
Set-CMMsiDeploymentType |
Configure a Windows Installer deployment type. |
Set-CMMulticastServicePoint |
Sets a multicast service point. |
Set-CMNotification |
{{ Fill in the Synopsis }} |
Set-CMObjectSecurityScope |
Add or remove security scopes for Configuration Manager objects. This cmdlet is deprecated. |
Set-CMOneDriveBusinessProfile |
Configure a OneDrive for Business profile policy. |
Set-CMOperatingSystemImage |
Changes configuration settings of OS images. |
Set-CMOperatingSystemInstaller |
Changes configuration settings of OS upgrade packages. |
Set-CMOrchestrationGroup |
Configure an orchestration group. |
Set-CMPackage |
Modify a package. |
Set-CMPackageDeployment |
Changes values that define how Configuration Manager deploys a software package. |
Set-CMProgram |
Modify a program of a package. |
Set-CMQuery |
Configure a Configuration Manager query. |
Set-CMQueryResultMaximum |
Changes the setting for the query result maximum. |
Set-CMRemoteConnectionProfileConfigurationItem |
Modifies a remote connection profile. |
Set-CMReportingServicePoint |
Configure a reporting service point. |
Set-CMScript |
Edit a PowerShell script in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMScriptDeploymentType |
Configure a script installer deployment type. |
Set-CMSecurityRole |
Configure a security role. |
Set-CMSecurityRolePermission |
Configure a security role with specific permissions. |
Set-CMSecurityScope |
Configure a security scope. |
Set-CMServiceConnectionPoint |
Sets a service connection point. |
Set-CMSettingDefinition |
Sets a setting definition. |
Set-CMSettingDeployment |
Configure an existing settings policy deployment. |
Set-CMSite |
Configure a Configuration Manager site. |
Set-CMSiteMaintenanceTask |
Change settings for a Configuration Manager maintenance task. |
Set-CMSiteSummaryTask |
Sets a site summary task. |
Set-CMSiteSystemServer |
Configure the site system server role. |
Set-CMSoftwareDistributionComponent |
Sets properties of a software distribution component in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMSoftwareInventory |
Modifies an object that collects software inventory data on files. |
Set-CMSoftwareMeteringRule |
Changes properties and security scopes for Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Set-CMSoftwareMeteringSetting |
Configures Configuration Manager software metering properties. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdate |
Sets a software update. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule |
Modify an automatic deployment rule (ADR) for software updates. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateBasedClientInstallation |
Modifies a client installation on a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment |
Modify a software update deployment. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateDeploymentPackage |
Modify a software update deployment package. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateGroup |
Changes configuration settings for software update groups in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase |
Use this cmdlet to configure a deployment phase for a software update. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment |
Configure a phased deployment for a software update. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePoint |
Configure a software update point. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdatePointComponent |
Configure the site component for the software update point. |
Set-CMSoftwareUpdateSummarizationSchedule |
Sets how often Configuration Manager summarizes the status of updates. |
Set-CMStateMigrationPoint |
Modifies settings for a state migration point in Configuration Manager. |
Set-CMStatusFilterRule |
Modifies settings for a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Set-CMStatusMessageQuery |
Changes settings or security scope or deletes messages for a Configuration Manager status message query. |
Set-CMStatusReportingComponent |
Sets an object representing a status reporting component. |
Set-CMStatusSummarizer |
Modifies settings of a Configuration Manager status summarizer. |
Set-CMTaskSequence |
Sets a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Set-CMTaskSequenceDeployment |
Configure a task sequence deployment. |
Set-CMTaskSequenceDeploymentType |
Configure a task sequence deployment type on an application. |
Set-CMTaskSequenceGroup |
Sets a Configuration Manager task sequence group. |
Set-CMTaskSequencePhase |
Use this cmdlet to configure a deployment phase for a task sequence. |
Set-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment |
Configure a phased deployment for a task sequence. |
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCatalog |
Modify a third-party updates catalog. |
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory |
Modify third-party software update categories. |
Set-CMTSStepApplyDataImage |
Configure an instance of the Apply Data Image task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepApplyDriverPackage |
Configure an instance of the Apply Driver Package task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepApplyNetworkSetting |
Configure an instance of the Apply Network Settings task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepApplyOperatingSystem |
Configure an instance of the Apply OS Image task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting |
Configure an instance of the Apply Windows Settings task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepAutoApplyDriver |
Configure an instance of the Auto Apply Drivers task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepCaptureNetworkSettings |
Configure an instance of the Capture Network Settings task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepCaptureSystemImage |
Configure an instance of the Capture OS Image task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepCaptureUserState |
Configure an instance of the Capture User State task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings |
Configure an instance of the Capture Windows Settings task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder |
Configure an instance of the Connect To Network Folder task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker |
Configure an instance of the Disable BitLocker task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent |
Configure an instance of the Download Package Content task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker |
Configure an instance of the Enable BitLocker task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepInstallApplication |
Configure an instance of the Install Application task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepInstallSoftware |
Configure an instance of the Install Package task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepInstallUpdate |
Configure an instance of the Install Software Updates task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepJoinDomainWorkgroup |
Configure an instance of the Join Domain or Workgroup task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepOfflineEnableBitLocker |
Configure an instance of the Pre-provision BitLocker task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepPartitionDisk |
Configure an instance of the Format and Partition Disk task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepPrepareConfigMgrClient |
Configure an instance of the Prepare ConfigMgr Client for Capture task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepPrepareWindows |
Configure an instance of the Prepare Windows for Capture task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepPrestartCheck |
Configure an instance of the Check Readiness task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepReboot |
Configure an instance of the Restart Computer task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepReleaseStateStore |
Configure an instance of the Release State Store task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepRequestStateStore |
Configure an instance of the Request State Store task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepRestoreUserState |
Configure an instance of the Restore User State task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepRunCommandLine |
Configure an instance of the Run Command Line task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript |
Configure an instance of the Run PowerShell Script task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence |
Configure an instance of the Run Task Sequence task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable |
Configure an instance of the Set Dynamic Variables task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr |
Configure an instance of the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepSetVariable |
Configure an instance of the Set Task Sequence Variable task sequence step. |
Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem |
Configure an instance of the Upgrade OS task sequence step. |
Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment |
Sets an update group deployment. |
Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem |
Modifies a user data and profile configuration item. |
Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem |
Modifies a VPN profile. |
Set-CMWdacSetting |
Modify an existing Microsoft Defender Application Control policy. |
Set-CMWebApplicationDeploymentType |
Sets a web application deployment type. |
Set-CMWindows10EditionUpgrade |
Configure a Windows 10 edition upgrade policy. |
Set-CMWindowsAppxDeploymentType |
Sets a Windows app package deployment type. |
Set-CMWindowsFirewallPolicy |
Changes settings of a Windows Firewall policy. |
Set-CMWindowsPhoneDeploymentType |
Sets a Windows Phone app package deployment type. |
Set-CMWindowsPhoneStoreDeploymentType |
Sets a Windows Phone app package (in the Windows Store) deployment type. |
Set-CMWindowsStoreDeploymentType |
Sets a Windows app package (in the Windows Store) deployment type. |
Set-CMWirelessProfile |
Sets a wireless profile. |
Set-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem |
Modifies a wireless profile. |
Set-UpdateServerApplication |
Use the console to update the server app or use this cmdlet to add the missing URL http://localhost to your existing server app. |
Start-CMAntimalwarePolicyDeployment |
(Deprecated) Starts the deployment of an antimalware policy to the members of a Configuration Manager collection. |
Start-CMApplicationDeployment |
(Deprecated) Starts an application deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Start-CMApplicationDeploymentSimulation |
(Deprecated) Starts an application deployment simulation in Configuration Manager. |
Start-CMBaselineDeployment |
(Deprecated) Starts deployment of a Configuration Manager baseline configuration to a collection of computers. |
Start-CMClientSettingDeployment |
(Deprecated) Deploys client settings to devices in a collection. |
Start-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Starts the cloud distribution point service. |
Start-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Start a cloud management gateway service in Azure. |
Start-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment |
(Deprecated) Deploys policies for a Configuration Manager collection. |
Start-CMContentDistribution |
Distribute content to distribution points. |
Start-CMDistributionPointUpgrade |
Upgrades a shared distribution point. |
Start-CMObjectTracking |
Start tracking SMS Provider objects used by PowerShell to reclaim them. |
Start-CMPackageDeployment |
(Deprecated) Starts deployment of a software package to a Configuration Manager collection. |
Start-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment |
(Deprecated) Initiates a software update deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Start-CMTaskSequenceDeployment |
(Deprecated) Start a task sequence deployment. |
Stop-CMCloudDistributionPoint |
Stops the cloud distribution point service. |
Stop-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Stop a cloud management gateway service in Azure. |
Stop-CMMigrationSource |
Stops a migration source. |
Stop-CMObjectTracking |
Turn off SMS Provider object tracking after they're reclaimed. |
Suspend-CMAlert |
Suspends monitoring alerts. |
Suspend-CMApplication |
Suspends an application. |
Suspend-CMPhasedDeployment |
Use this cmdlet to suspend the specified phased deployment. |
Sync-CMAssetIntelligenceCatalog |
Synchronizes the Asset Intelligence catalog with System Center Online. |
Sync-CMCloudManagementGateway |
Synchronize the configuration of a cloud management gateway to Azure. |
Sync-CMExchangeServer |
Synchronizes Configuration Manager mobile device information with an Exchange Server. |
Sync-CMMigrationSource |
Syncs a migration source. |
Sync-CMSoftwareUpdate |
Synchronizes software updates. |
Unblock-CMCertificate |
Unblocks certificates. |
Unblock-CMDetectedMalware |
Unblocks detected malware. |
Unblock-CMDevice |
Unblocks a client device. |
Undo-CMSoftwareInventory |
Stops collecting software inventory data on files. |
Unlock-CMObject |
Release a SEDO lock on an object. |
Update-CMApplicationStatistic |
Updates the statistics for an application. |
Update-CMCertificate |
Updates a certificate. |
Update-CMClientStatus |
Updates client status. |
Update-CMDistributionPoint |
Update content on a distribution point. |