本文件涵蓋 PowerShellGet 模組的 3.0.22-beta22 版。 此模組提供以與 PowerShellGet v2.2.x 相容。 此模組版本中的 Cmdlet 是 Proxy Cmdlet,可呼叫 Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 模組中的對等 Cmdlet。
Proxy Cmdlet 可為使用 2.x 版 Cmdlet 的腳本提供相容性層。 在大部分情況下,腳本會繼續運作,而不需修改。 不過,模組之間的行為有一些差異。 Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet Cmdlet 不支援 PowerShellGet Cmdlet 的某些参數。 Proxy Cmdlet 會以無訊息方式捨棄不支持的參數、轉換某些參數,並將其他參數傳遞至 Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 模組中的對等 Cmdlet。
如需 Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 模組的詳細資訊,請參閱 about_PSResourceGet。
Windows PowerShell 5.1 隨附 版 PowerShellGet 預安裝。 此版本的 PowerShellGet 具有有限的功能,且不支援 PowerShell 資源庫 的更新功能。 若要支援,您必須更新為最新版本。
Find-Command |
Finds PowerShell commands in modules. |
Find-DscResource |
Finds Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources. |
Find-Module |
Finds modules in a repository that match specified criteria. |
Find-RoleCapability |
Finds role capabilities in modules. |
Find-Script |
Finds a script. |
Get-InstalledModule |
Gets a list of modules on the computer that were installed by PowerShellGet. |
Get-InstalledScript |
Gets an installed script. |
Get-PSRepository |
Gets PowerShell repositories. |
Install-Module |
Downloads one or more modules from a repository, and installs them on the local computer. |
Install-Script |
Installs a script. |
New-ScriptFileInfo |
Creates a script file with metadata. |
Publish-Module |
Publishes a specified module from the local computer to an online gallery. |
Publish-Script |
Publishes a script. |
Register-PSRepository |
Registers a PowerShell repository. |
Save-Module |
Saves a module and its dependencies on the local computer but doesn't install the module. |
Save-Script |
Saves a script. |
Set-PSRepository |
Sets values for a registered repository. |
Test-ScriptFileInfo |
Validates a comment block for a script. |
Uninstall-Module |
Uninstalls a module. |
Uninstall-Script |
Uninstalls a script. |
Unregister-PSRepository |
Unregisters a repository. |
Update-Module |
Downloads and installs the newest version of specified modules from an online gallery to the local computer. |
Update-ModuleManifest |
Updates a module manifest file. |
Update-Script |
Updates a script. |
Update-ScriptFileInfo |
Updates information for a script. |