
Language Support 

The Visual J# compiler provides support for Microsoft® Visual J++® 6.0 extensions, including delegates, J/Direct®, the @com attribute support for Java-language/COM interop functionality, conditional compilation, and most of the other attributes, such as @security and @hidden. Visual J# also provides support for using the .NET Framework class libraries and user-defined class libraries written in other .NET Framework-compliant languages such as Visual C# and Visual Basic.

In This Section

  • Visual J# Reference
    Reference topics on the Visual J# compiler, the Binary Converter Tool (JbImp.exe), language and library support, upgrading from Visual J++ 6.0 projects, Visual J# syntax for the .NET Framework class library, and development-environment features.
  • Class Library Support
    Lists the packages supported and not supported, as well as implementation-specific details for the class library support.