
Diff (Project) (Command Line)

Shows the differences between a Visual SourceSafe database master copy of a project and the local copy of the project. For definitions of the command options, see Command Options in this Help system.


The Relevant_Masks initialization variable affects this command by filtering the list of files being compared between projects.


ss Diff <project> [-B] [-F] [-H] [-I-] [-N] [-O] [-R] [-V] [-Y] [-?]

Project Rights

You must have Read project right to use this command.


The differences reported by this command might be that a file is in one project, but not the other, or that a file of the same name is different in two places. The -R option looks not only in the contents of the current project, but also in subprojects under the current project. It displays all differences between the entire project and your working folder.


Compares the Visual SourceSafe project WORD to the current folder:

ss Diff $/WORD

Compares the current project with the current folder:

ss Diff

See Also


Diff (File) (Command Line)
Relevant_Masks Initialization Variable
Reconcile_Project Initialization Variable

Other Resources

Command Line Commands
Command Options