
Use Marketplace Data and Apps

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The Marketplace allows you to create and manage your account, find, preview, and subscribe to datasets, and more. To access the Marketplace, navigate your browser to the Azure Marketplace home page and sign-in with your Windows Live ID.

In this Section

Topic Topic Description

Create Your Marketplace Account

Create your own Marketplace account.

Manage Your Marketplace Account

Add, change, and delete your account keys.

Subscribe to a Marketplace Offering

Subscribe to an application or dataset.

Explore a Dataset with Service Explorer

Use Service Explorer to query, visualize, and export a dataset.

Import Marketplace data into PowerPivot

Guidance on how to get Marketplace into PowerPivot when you’re working in PowerPivot.

Import Marketplace data into Power Query for Excel

Guidance on how to get Marketplace into Microsoft Power Query for Excel when you’re working in Power Query.

Import Marketplace data into Excel

From Excel you can use Marketplace plug-in to import WAM data into Excel for analysis, all without leaving Excel.

See Also


Marketplace Overview
What's New in the Public Marketplace
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Resources