
在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增自訂服務

本文說明如何在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增服務。 本文章說明:

  • 如何準備本機開發環境。
  • 如何將服務新增至 Web UI。

本文中的服務範例會提供格線資料,在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增自訂格線操作方式文章會說明如何新增。

在 React 應用程式中,服務通常會與後端服務互動。 遠端監視解決方案加速器中的範例包括會與 IoT 中樞管理員和組態微服務互動的服務。



在您開始使用 Intune 之前

請先完成在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增自訂頁面操作方式文章中的步驟再繼續。


若要在 Web UI 中新增服務,您必須新增可定義此服務的原始程式檔,然後修改一些現有檔案,讓 Web UI 知道新的服務。


為了讓您能夠開始,src/walkthrough/services 資料夾包含可定義簡單服務的檔案:


import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { toExampleItemModel, toExampleItemsModel } from './models';

/** Normally, you'll need to define the endpoint URL.
 * See app.config.js to add a new service URL.
 * For this example, we'll just hardcode sample data to be returned instead
 * of making an actual service call. See the other service files for examples.
//const ENDPOINT = Config.serviceUrls.example;

/** Contains methods for calling the example service */
export class ExampleService {

  /** Returns an example item */
  static getExampleItem(id) {
    return Observable.of(
      { ID: id, Description: "This is an example item." },

  /** Returns a list of example items */
  static getExampleItems() {
    return Observable.of(
        items: [
          { ID: "123", Description: "This is item 123." },
          { ID: "188", Description: "This is item ONE-DOUBLE-EIGHT." },
          { ID: "210", Description: "This is item TWO-TEN." },
          { ID: "277", Description: "This is item 277." },
          { ID: "413", Description: "This is item FOUR-THIRTEEN." },
          { ID: "789", Description: "This is item 789." },

  /** Mimics a server call by adding a delay */
  static updateExampleItems() {
    return this.getExampleItems().delay(2000);



import { camelCaseReshape, getItems } from 'utilities';

 * Reshape the server side model to match what the UI wants.
 * Left side is the name on the client side.
 * Right side is the name as it comes from the server (dot notation is supported).
export const toExampleItemModel = (data = {}) => camelCaseReshape(data, {
  'id': 'id',
  'description': 'descr'

export const toExampleItemsModel = (response = {}) => getItems(response)

exampleService.js 複製到 src/services 資料夾,並將 exampleModels.js 複製到 src/services/models 資料夾。

更新 src/services 資料夾中的 index.js 檔案,以匯出新的服務:

export * from './exampleService';

更新 src/services/models 資料夾中的 index.js 檔案,以匯出新的模型:

export * from './exampleModels';


為了讓您能夠開始,src/walkthrough/store/reducers 資料夾包含歸納器範例:


import 'rxjs';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import moment from 'moment';
import { schema, normalize } from 'normalizr';
import update from 'immutability-helper';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { ExampleService } from 'walkthrough/services';
import {
} from 'store/utilities';

// ========================= Epics - START
const handleError = fromAction => error =>
  Observable.of(redux.actions.registerError(fromAction.type, { error, fromAction }));

export const epics = createEpicScenario({
  /** Loads the example items */
  fetchExamples: {
    type: 'EXAMPLES_FETCH',
    epic: fromAction =>
        .map(toActionCreator(redux.actions.updateExamples, fromAction))
// ========================= Epics - END

// ========================= Schemas - START
const itemSchema = new schema.Entity('examples');
const itemListSchema = new schema.Array(itemSchema);
// ========================= Schemas - END

// ========================= Reducers - START
const initialState = { ...errorPendingInitialState, entities: {}, items: [], lastUpdated: '' };

const updateExamplesReducer = (state, { payload, fromAction }) => {
  const { entities: { examples }, result } = normalize(payload, itemListSchema);
  return update(state, {
    entities: { $set: examples },
    items: { $set: result },
    lastUpdated: { $set: moment() },
    ...setPending(fromAction.type, false)

/* Action types that cause a pending flag */
const fetchableTypes = [

export const redux = createReducerScenario({
  updateExamples: { type: 'EXAMPLES_UPDATE', reducer: updateExamplesReducer },
  registerError: { type: 'EXAMPLE_REDUCER_ERROR', reducer: errorReducer },
  isFetching: { multiType: fetchableTypes, reducer: pendingReducer }

export const reducer = { examples: redux.getReducer(initialState) };
// ========================= Reducers - END

// ========================= Selectors - START
export const getExamplesReducer = state => state.examples;
export const getEntities = state => getExamplesReducer(state).entities || {};
export const getItems = state => getExamplesReducer(state).items || [];
export const getExamplesLastUpdated = state => getExamplesReducer(state).lastUpdated;
export const getExamplesError = state =>
  getError(getExamplesReducer(state), epics.actionTypes.fetchExamples);
export const getExamplesPendingStatus = state =>
  getPending(getExamplesReducer(state), epics.actionTypes.fetchExamples);
export const getExamples = createSelector(
  getEntities, getItems,
  (entities, items) => items.map(id => entities[id])
// ========================= Selectors - END

exampleReducer.js 複製到 src/store/reducers 資料夾。

若要深入了解歸納器和 Epics,請參閱 redux-observable


若要設定中介軟體,請將歸納器新增至 src/store 資料夾中的 rootReducer.js 檔案:

import { reducer as exampleReducer } from './reducers/exampleReducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

將 Epics 新增至 src/store 資料夾中的 rootEpics.js 檔案:

import { epics as exampleEpics } from './reducers/exampleReducer';

// Extract the epic function from each property object
const epics = [


在本文中,您已了解可用來協助您在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增或自訂服務的資源。

您現在已定義了一個服務,下一個步驟是在遠端監視解決方案加速器 Web UI 中新增自訂格線,以顯示服務所傳回的資料。

如需遠端監視解決方案加速器的詳細資訊,請參閱 遠端監視架構