
Create a BizTalk Virtual Machine in Azure

Create a BizTalk Server virtual machine in Microsoft Azure. When complete, you have a BizTalk Server available and ready to be configured using an existing SQL Server virtual machine in Azure. Internet Information Services (IIS) and MS Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) are also installed and ready to use.

Before you create the BizTalk Server virtual machine, there are two Domain options when configuring multiple virtual machines in a group:

Option Description

Domain Controller hosted in Azure

You create a Windows Server virtual machine in Azure and enable Active Directory. This server is the domain controller. The domain is created before you create the virtual machines. The BizTalk Server and SQL Server virtual machines are provisioned and then joined to this domain.

There are a few ways to create the Domain. Refer to the following links:

Community Addition: Create a Virtual Network in Azure

Community Script: End to End BizTalk Domain Setup in Windows Azure IaaS Scripts

Virtual Network Configuration Tasks

Guidelines for Deploying Windows Server Active Directory on Azure Virtual Machines

Create a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server

Install a new Active Directory forest in Azure

Virtual Network FAQ

Join your on-premises Domain

In this approach, you create the BizTalk Server and SQL Server virtual machines. Then, join these virtual machines to your on-premises domain. This option requires a Virtual Network.

A Virtual Network is your private network hosted on Azure. A Network Administrator creates the Virtual Network before you create the virtual machines. Virtual Network in Azure helps you get started.

Create the BizTalk Virtual Machine

  1. Sign in to the Azure Management Portal at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=213885.

  2. In the taskbar at the bottom, select New, select Compute, select Virtual Machine, and then select From Gallery.

  3. In the list, select the BizTalk Server virtual machine:

    • BizTalk Server 2013 Developer

    • BizTalk Server 2013 Enterprise

    • BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Developer

    • BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Enterprise

    • BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Standard

    • BizTalk Server 2013 Standard

    Configuring BizTalk Server 2013 and 2013 R2 on an Azure VM describes the different editions, including a link to the pricing calculator.

    Select the NEXT arrow Next.

  4. Enter the following information:

    Property Description

    Virtual Machine Name

    Enter the name of the virtual machine. Naming the virtual machine is similar to naming a physical computer. It’s best to be specific and name it for the intended purpose, like BTS2013Test or BTS2013ProdA.


    Select an option to automatically populate the Size.


    Select the virtual machine size that fits your needs.

    Hardware and Software Requirements for BizTalk Server 2013 and 2013 R2 lists the recommended minimum requirements.

    New User Name

    Enter a user name. This user name is the local Administrator on the virtual machine.

    New Password

    Enter the Administrator password.


    Re-enter the Administrator password.

    Select the NEXT arrow Next.

  5. Enter the following information:

    Property Description

    Cloud Service

    Create a new one or use an existing service. Using a cloud service, you can load balance all the virtual machines within the cloud service. See Connect Virtual Machines with a Cloud Service for more information on cloud services.

    Cloud Service DNS Name

    The DNS Name refers to your virtual machine over cloudapp.net. You can enter any name. Some examples include:




    Region/Affinity Group/Virtual Network


    • Virtual Network: Your private network hosted on Azure. If you use an IP range and subnets, a Virtual Network can be the appropriate choice. When you click Virtual Network, you also click the Virtual Network Subnets. If a Virtual Network does not exist, this option is grayed out.

      A Network Administrator creates the Virtual Network and Subnets before you create the BizTalk Server virtual machine. Create a Virtual Network in Azure provides additional information.


      If you are adding this virtual machine to your domain, a Virtual Network is required.

    • Affinity Group: A grouping in a single datacenter. All your Azure services are associated with this grouping and are located in the same datacenter. An Affinity Group is created when creating a new Azure service.

      The Affinity Group is created before you create the BizTalk Server virtual machine. Create an Affinity Group in the Management Portal provides more information.

    • Regions: Select the region (datacenter) to host your BizTalk Server virtual machine. You can choose any Region you prefer.

    Storage Account

    You can use an existing Storage account or automatically generated a new Storage account.

    Availability Set


    • None

    • Availability Set: When a virtual machine is part of an Availability Set, the virtual machine is deployed to different fault domains with other virtual machines in the set. Multiple virtual machines in an Availability Set ensure that your application is available during network failures, hardware failures, and any planned downtime.


    Enter the endpoint with its TCP or UDP port. These endpoints let you communicate with your virtual machine. Some endpoint examples include Windows PowerShell and Remote Desktop.

    Select the NEXT arrow Next.

  6. Select any additional extensions for your virtual machine.

    Select the CHECK MARK Check Mark when complete.

The virtual machine is now listed in Virtual Machines with a Starting (Provisioning) status. Provisioning can take several minutes to complete. When complete, the Status is updated to Running:


If you plan to have multiple BizTalk Servers in the group, repeat these steps as needed.

Once provisioned, you have a computer with the following software installed:

  • Windows Server

  • BizTalk Server

  • More requirements, including Internet Information Services (IIS) and MS Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) are installed and ready to use.

Community Topics

BizTalk Server 2013: IAAS Provisioning a Virtual Machine

BizTalk 2013 Development Azure VM Creation Script Download

Creating Azure VM's with the REST API

Next Step

Create the BizTalk Group Prerequisites | Azure Virtual Machine

See Also

Other Resources

Azure Free Trial FAQ