
Azure 傳統 CLI 命令


傳統 VM 將於 2023 年 3 月 1 日淘汰。

如果您使用來自 ASM 的 IaaS 資源,請在 2023 年 3 月 1 日前完成移轉。 我們鼓勵您及早切換,以利用 Azure Resource Manager 的許多功能增強功能。

如需詳細資訊,請參閱請於 2023 年 3 月 1 日之前將您的 IaaS 資源遷移至 Azure Resource Manager

本主題將說明如何安裝 Azure 傳統 CLI。 傳統 CLI 已有替代產品,應只搭配傳統部署模型使用。 若為所有其他部署,請使用 Azure CLI

本文提供 Azure 傳統命令列介面的語法和選項, (CLI) 您通常用來建立和管理 Azure 資源的命令。 這不是完整的參考,您的 CLI 版本可能會顯示稍微不同的命令或參數。

若要開始使用,請先 安裝 azure 傳統 CLI ,並 連接到您的 azure 訂用帳戶。

如需在資源管理員模式中命令列目前的命令語法和選項,請輸入 azure help,或顯示特定命令的說明 azure help [command]。 也可以在文件中找到建立和管理特定 Azure 服務的 CLI 範例。

選用參數會以方括弧括住 (例如, [parameter])。 其他所有參數皆為必要參數。

除了本文所述的命令特定選用參數,還有三個選用參數可用來顯示詳細輸出,例如要求選項和狀態碼。 -v 參數提供詳細資訊輸出,而 -vv 參數提供更詳細的詳細資訊輸出。 --json 選項將以原始 json 格式輸出結果。

設定 Resource Manager 模式

如有需要,請使用下列命令來啟用 Azure CLI Resource Manager 模式的命令。

azure config mode arm


CLI 的 Azure Resource Manager 模式與 Azure 服務管理模式是互斥的。 亦即,任一模式所建立的資源,將無法由另一種模式來管理。


此工具會使用您的 Azure 訂閱資訊來連線至您的帳戶。


account list [options]


account show [options] [subscriptionNameOrId]


account set [options] <subscriptionNameOrId>


account clear [options]


account env list [options]
account env show [options] [environment]
account env add [options] [environment]
account env set [options] [environment]
account env delete [options] [environment]

Active Directory 物件

用來顯示 Active Directory 應用程式的命令

ad app create [options]
ad app delete [options] <object-id>

用來顯示 Active Directory 群組的命令

ad group list [options]
ad group show [options]

用來提供 Active Directory 子群組或成員資訊的命令

ad group member list [options] [objectId]

用來顯示 Active Directory 服務主體的命令

ad sp list [options]
ad sp show [options]
ad sp create [options] <application-id>
ad sp delete [options] <object-id>

用來顯示 Active Directory 使用者的命令

ad user list [options]
ad user show [options]



availset create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> [tags]


availset list [options] <resource-group>


availset show [options] <resource-group> <name>


availset delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


列出 Azure CLI 組態設定

config list [options]


config delete [options] <name>


config set <name> <value>

設定 Azure CLI 工作模式為 armasm

config mode [options] <modename>



feature list [options]


feature show [options] <providerName> <featureName>


feature register [options] <providerName> <featureName>



group create [options] <name> <location>


group set [options] <name> <tags>


group delete [options] <name>


group list [options]


group show [options] <name>


group log show [options] [name]


group deployment create [options] [resource-group] [name]
group deployment list [options] <resource-group> [state]
group deployment show [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]
group deployment stop [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]


group template list [options]
group template show [options] <name>
group template download [options] [name] [file]
group template validate [options] <resource-group>

HDInsight 叢集


hdinsight config create [options] <configFilePath> <overwrite>
hdinsight config add-config-values [options] <configFilePath>
hdinsight config add-script-action [options] <configFilePath>


hdinsight config create "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"
hdinsight config add-script-action --configFilePath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" --nodeType HeadNode --uri <scriptActionURI> --name myScriptAction --parameters "-param value"


hdinsight cluster create [options] <clusterName>

範例:在 Linux 叢集上建立 Storm

azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Storm --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 myNewCluster01

info:    Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info:    hdinsight cluster create command OK


azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Hadoop --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 –configurationPath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" myNewCluster01

info:    Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info:    hdinsight cluster create command OK


-h, --help                                                 output usage information
-v, --verbose                                              use verbose output
-vv                                                        more verbose with debug output
--json                                                     use json output
-g --resource-group <resource-group>                       The name of the resource group
-c, --clusterName <clusterName>                            HDInsight cluster name
-l, --location <location>                                  Data center location for the cluster
-y, --osType <osType>                                      HDInsight cluster operating system
'Windows' or 'Linux'
--version <version>                                        HDInsight cluster version
--clusterType <clusterType>                                HDInsight cluster type.
Hadoop | HBase | Spark | Storm
--defaultStorageAccountName <storageAccountName>           Storage account url to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageAccountKey <storageAccountKey>             Key to the storage account to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageContainer <storageContainer>               Container in the storage account to use for HDInsight default storage
--headNodeSize <headNodeSize>                              (Optional) Head node size for the cluster
--workerNodeCount <workerNodeCount>                        Number of worker nodes to use for the cluster
--workerNodeSize <workerNodeSize>                          (Optional) Worker node size for the cluster)
--zookeeperNodeSize <zookeeperNodeSize>                    (Optional) Zookeeper node size for the cluster
--userName <userName>                                      Cluster username
--password <password>                                      Cluster password
--sshUserName <sshUserName>                                SSH username (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPassword <sshPassword>                                SSH password (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPublicKey <sshPublicKey>                              SSH public key (only for Linux clusters)
--rdpUserName <rdpUserName>                                RDP username (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpPassword <rdpPassword>                                RDP password (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpAccessExpiry <rdpAccessExpiry>                        RDP access expiry.
For example 12/12/2015 (only for Windows clusters)
--virtualNetworkId <virtualNetworkId>                      (Optional) Virtual network ID for the cluster.
Value is a GUID for Windows cluster and ARM resource ID for Linux cluster)
--subnetName <subnetName>                                  (Optional) Subnet for the cluster
--additionalStorageAccounts <additionalStorageAccounts>    (Optional) Additional storage accounts.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'accountName#accountKey'.
For example, --additionalStorageAccounts "acc1#key1;acc2#key2"
--hiveMetastoreServerName <hiveMetastoreServerName>        (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreDatabaseName <hiveMetastoreDatabaseName>    (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreUserName <hiveMetastoreUserName>            (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastorePassword <hiveMetastorePassword>            (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Hive
--oozieMetastoreServerName <oozieMetastoreServerName>      (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreDatabaseName <oozieMetastoreDatabaseName>  (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreUserName <oozieMetastoreUserName>          (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastorePassword <oozieMetastorePassword>          (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Oozie
--configurationPath <configurationPath>                    (Optional) HDInsight cluster configuration file path
-s, --subscription <id>                                    The subscription id
--tags <tags>                                              Tags to set to the cluster.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'name=value'.
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, --tags tag1=value1;tag2


hdinsight cluster delete [options] <clusterName>


hdinsight cluster show [options] <clusterName>

用來列出所有叢集的命令 (如有提供特定的資源群組,則會列於其中)

hdinsight cluster list [options]


hdinsight cluster resize [options] <clusterName> <targetInstanceCount>

用來啟用叢集 HTTP 存取的命令

hdinsight cluster enable-http-access [options] <clusterName> <userName> <password>

用來停用叢集 HTTP 存取的命令

hdinsight cluster disable-http-access [options] <clusterName>

用來啟用叢集 RDP 存取的命令

hdinsight cluster enable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName> <rdpUserName> <rdpPassword> <rdpExpiryDate>

用來停用叢集 HTTP 存取的命令

hdinsight cluster disable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName>

Insights (事件、警示規則、自動調整設定、計量)


insights logs list [options]



location list [options]



network vnet create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>

建立虛擬網路。 在下列範例中,我們會針對美國西部區域中的 myresourcegroup 資源群組,建立名為 newvnet 的虛擬網路。

azure network vnet create myresourcegroup newvnet "west us"
info:    Executing command network vnet create
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Creating virtual network "newvnet"
 Loading virtual network state
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data:    Name:                 newvnet
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data:    Location:             westus
data:    Tags:
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Address prefixes:
data:    DNS servers:
data:    Subnets:
info:    network vnet create command OK


 -h, --help                                 output usage information
 -v, --verbose                              use verbose output
--json                                     use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>      the name of the resource group
 -n, --name <name>                          the name of the virtual network
 -l, --location <location>                  the location
 -a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes>  the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network
  For example -a,
  Default value is

-d, --dns-servers <dns-servers>            the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses
 -t, --tags <tags>                          the tags set on this virtual network.
  Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
  Name is required and value is optional.
  For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
 -s, --subscription <subscription>          the subscription identifier

network vnet set [options] <resource-group> <name>


azure network vnet set myresourcegroup newvnet

info:    Executing command network vnet set
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Updating virtual network "newvnet"
+ Loading virtual network state
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data:    Name:                 newvnet
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data:    Location:             westus
data:    Tags:
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Address prefixes:
data:    DNS servers:
data:    Subnets:
info:    network vnet set command OK


   -h, --help                                 output usage information
   -v, --verbose                              use verbose output
   --json                                     use json output
   -g, --resource-group <resource-group>      the name of the resource group
   -n, --name <name>                          the name of the virtual network
   -a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes>  the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network.
    For example -a,
    This list will be appended to the current list of address prefixes.
    The address prefixes in this list should not overlap between them.
    The address prefixes in this list should not overlap with existing address prefixes in the vnet.

   -d, --dns-servers [dns-servers]            the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses.
    This list will be appended to the current list of DNS server IP addresses.

   -t, --tags <tags>                          the tags set on this virtual network.
    Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
    Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2.
    This list will be appended to the current list of tags

   --no-tags                                  remove all existing tags
   -s, --subscription <subscription>          the subscription identifier

network vnet list [options] <resource-group>


C:\>azure network vnet list myresourcegroup

info:    Executing command network vnet list
+ Listing virtual networks
    data:    ID
   Name      Location  Address prefixes  DNS servers
data:    -------------------------------------------------------------------
------  --------  --------  ----------------  -----------
data:    /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/
wvnet   newvnet   westus
info:    network vnet list command OK


  -h, --help                             output usage information
  -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
  --json                                 use json output
  -g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
  -s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network vnet show [options] <resource-group> <name>


azure network vnet show -g myresourcegroup -n newvnet

info:    Executing command network vnet show
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data:    Name:                 newvnet
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data:    Location:             westus
data:    Tags:
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Address prefixes:
data:    DNS servers:
data:    Subnets:
info:    network vnet show command OK

network vnet delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


azure network vnet delete myresourcegroup newvnetX

info:    Executing command network vnet delete
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnetX"
Delete virtual network newvnetX? [y/n] y
+ Deleting virtual network "newvnetX"
info:    network vnet delete command OK


 -h, --help                             output usage information
 -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
 --json                                 use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
 -n, --name <name>                      the name of the virtual network
 -q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
 -s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier


network vnet subnet create [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>


azure network vnet subnet create -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet --address-prefix

info:    Executing command network vnet subnet create
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating subnet "subnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data:    Name:                      subnet
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Address prefix:  
info:    network vnet subnet create command OK


 -h, --help                                                       output usage information
 -v, --verbose                                                    use verbose output
     --json                                                           use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>                            the name of the resource group
 -e, --vnet-name <vnet-name>                                      the name of the virtual network
 -n, --name <name>                                                the name of the subnet
 -a, --address-prefix <address-prefix>                            the address prefix
 -w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id>      the network security group identifier.
       e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
 -o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name>  the network security group name
 -s, --subscription <subscription>                                the subscription identifier

network vnet subnet set [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>


C:\>azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1

info:    Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data:    Name:                      subnet1
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Address prefix:  
info:    network vnet subnet set command OK

network vnet subnet list [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name>


azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1

info:    Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data:    Name:                      subnet1
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Address prefix:  
info:    network vnet subnet set command OK

network vnet subnet show [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>


azure network vnet subnet show -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1

info:    Executing command network vnet subnet show
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft
data:    Name:                      subnet1
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Address prefix:  
info:    network vnet subnet show command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name>            the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the subnet
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network vnet subnet delete [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <subnet-name>


azure network vnet subnet delete -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1

info:    Executing command network vnet subnet delete
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
Delete subnet "subnet1"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting subnet "subnet1"
info:    network vnet subnet delete command OK


 -h, --help                             output usage information
 -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
 --json                                 use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
 -e, --vnet-name <vnet-name>            the name of the virtual network
 -n, --name <name>                      the subnet name
 -s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier
 -q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation


network lb create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>


azure network lb create -g myresourcegroup -n mylb -l westus

info:    Executing command network lb create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Creating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                           /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data:    Name:                         mylb
data:    Type:                         Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data:    Location:                     westus
data:    Provisioning state:           Succeeded
info:    network lb create command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the load balancer
-l, --location <location>              the location
-t, --tags <tags>                      the list of tags.
 Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
 Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb list [options] <resource-group>


azure network lb list myresourcegroup

info:    Executing command network lb list
+ Getting the load balancers
data:    Name  Location
data:    ----  --------
data:    mylb  westus
info:    network lb list command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb show [options] <resource-group> <name>


azure network lb show myresourcegroup mylb -v

info:    Executing command network lb show
verbose: Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                           /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data:    Name:                         mylb
data:    Type:                         Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data:    Location:                     westus
data:    Provisioning state:           Succeeded
info:    network lb show command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


azure network lb delete  myresourcegroup mylb

info:    Executing command network lb delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancer "mylb"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb delete command OK


 -h, --help                             output usage information
 -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
 --json                                 use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
 -n, --name <name>                      the name of the load balancer
 -q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
 -s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier


network lb probe create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

建立負載平衡器中健康狀態的探查組態。 請記住,若要執行此命令,您的負載平衡器需要前端 IP 資源 (查看「azure network frontend-ip」命令以將 IP 位址指派至負載平衡器)。

azure network lb probe create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n mylbprobe --protocol tcp --port 80 -i 300

info:    Executing command network lb probe create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb probe create command OK


 -h, --help                             output usage information
 -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
 --json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol>              the probe protocol
-o, --port <port>                      the probe port
-f, --path <path>                      the probe path
-i, --interval <interval>              the probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count>                    the number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb probe set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>


azure network lb probe set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe -p mylbprobe1 -p TCP -o 443 -i 300

info:    Executing command network lb probe set
    + Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb probe set command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the probe
-e, --new-probe-name <new-probe-name>  the new name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol>              the new value for probe protocol
-o, --port <port>                      the new value for probe port
-f, --path <path>                      the new value for probe path
-i, --interval <interval>              the new value for probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count>                    the new value for number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb probe list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>


C:\>azure network lb probe list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb

info:    Executing command network lb probe list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Name       Protocol  Port  Path  Interval  Count
data:    ---------  --------  ----  ----  --------  -----
data:    mylbprobe  Tcp       443         300       2
info:    network lb probe list command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb probe delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>


azure network lb probe delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe

info:    Executing command network lb probe delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete a probe "mylbprobe?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb probe delete command OK

用來管理負載平衡器前端 IP 組態的命令

network lb frontend-ip create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

建立前端 IP 組態至現有的負載平衡器集合。

azure network lb frontend-ip create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -o Dynamic -e subnet -m newvnet

info:    Executing command network lb frontend-ip create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating frontend IP configuration "myfrontendip"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                           /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/Myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data:    Name:                         myfrontendip
data:    Type:                         Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data:    Provisioning state:           Succeeded
data:    Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data:    Private IP address: 
data:    Subnet:                       id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data:    Public IP address:
data:    Inbound NAT rules
data:    Outbound NAT rules
data:    Load balancing rules
info:    network lb frontend-ip create command OK

network lb frontend-ip set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

更新前端 IP 的現有組態。下列命令會將名為 mypubip5 的公用 IP 新增至名為 myfrontendip 的現有負載平衡器前端 IP。

azure network lb frontend-ip set -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -i mypubip5

info:    Executing command network lb frontend-ip set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the public ip "mypubip5"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                           /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data:    Name:                         myfrontendip
data:    Type:                         Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data:    Provisioning state:           Succeeded
data:    Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data:    Private IP address:
data:    Subnet:
data:    Public IP address:            id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mypubip5
data:    Inbound NAT rules
data:    Outbound NAT rules
data:    Load balancing rules
info:    network lb frontend-ip set command OK


-h, --help                                                         output usage information
-v, --verbose                                                      use verbose output
--json                                                             use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>                              the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                                            the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                                                  the name of the frontend ip configuration
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address>                      the private ip address
-o, --private-ip-allocation-method <private-ip-allocation-method>  the private ip allocation method [Static, Dynamic]
-u, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id>                                  the public ip identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-i, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name>                              the public ip name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-b, --subnet-id <subnet-id>                                        the subnet id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
-e, --subnet-name <subnet-name>                                    the subnet name
-m, --vnet-name <vnet-name>                                        the virtual network name.
This virtual network must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use subnet-id if that is not the case.
-s, --subscription <subscription>                                  the subscription identifier

network lb frontend-ip list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>

列出針對負載平衡器所設定的前端 IP 資源。

azure network lb frontend-ip list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb

info:    Executing command network lb frontend-ip list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Name         Provisioning state  Private IP allocation method  Subnet
data:    -----------  ------------------  ----------------------------  ------
data:    myprivateip  Succeeded           Dynamic
info:    network lb frontend-ip list command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb frontend-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

刪除與負載平衡器相關聯的前端 IP 物件

network lb frontend-ip delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myfrontendip
info:    Executing command network lb frontend-ip delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete frontend ip configuration "myfrontendip"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the frontend ip configuration
-q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier


network lb address-pool create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>


azure network lb address-pool create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myaddresspool

info:    Executing command network lb address-pool create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourgroup/providers/Microso.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/myaddresspool
data:    Name:                      myaddresspool
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Backend IP configurations:
data:    Load balancing rules:
info:    network lb address-pool create command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the backend address pool
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb address-pool list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>

列出特定資源群組的後端 IP 位址集區範圍

azure network lb address-pool list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb

info:    Executing command network lb address-pool list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Name           Provisioning state
data:    -------------  ------------------
data:    mybackendpool  Succeeded
info:    network lb address-pool list command OK


 -h, --help                             output usage information
 -v, --verbose                          use verbose output
 --json                                 use json output
 -g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
 -l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
 -s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb address-pool delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

移除來自負載平衡器的後端 IP 集區範圍資源。

azure network lb address-pool delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mybackendpool

info:    Executing command network lb address-pool delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete backend address pool "mybackendpool"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb address-pool delete command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the backend address pool
-q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier


network lb rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>


您可以建立負載平衡器規則,用以設定負載平衡器的前端端點,以及設定接收傳入網路流量的後端位址集區範圍。 設定也包含前端 IP 端點的連接埠以及後端位址集區範圍的連接埠。

下列範例顯示如何建立負載平衡器規則、接聽連接埠 80 TCP 的前端端點,以及針對後端位址集區範圍傳送至連接埠 8080 的負載平衡網路流量。

azure network lb rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10

info:    Executing command network lb rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mylbrule
data:    Name:                      mylbrule
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data:    Backend address pool:      id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data:    Protocol:                  Tcp
data:    Frontend port:             80
data:    Backend port:              8080
data:    Enable floating IP:        false
data:    Idle timeout in minutes:   10
data:    Probes
info:    network lb rule create command OK

network lb rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

更新特定資源群組中的現有負載平衡器規則設定。 在下列範例中,我們會將規則名稱從 mylbrule 變更為 mynewlbrule。

azure network lb rule set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -r mynewlbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10 -t myfrontendip -o mybackendpool

info:    Executing command network lb rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mynewlbrule
data:    Name:                      mynewlbrule
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data:    Backend address pool:      id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data:    Protocol:                  Tcp
data:    Frontend port:             80
data:    Backend port:              8080
data:    Enable floating IP:        false
data:    Idle timeout in minutes:   10
data:    Probes
info:    network lb rule set command OK


-h, --help                                         output usage information
-v, --verbose                                      use verbose output
--json                                             use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>              the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                            the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                                  the name of the rule
-r, --new-rule-name <new-rule-name>                new rule name
-p, --protocol <protocol>                          the rule protocol
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port>                the frontend port
-b, --backend-port <backend-port>                  the backend port
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip>      enable floating point ip
-i, --idle-timeout <idle-timeout>                  the idle timeout in minutes
-a, --probe-name [probe-name]                      the name of the probe defined in the same load balancer
-t, --frontend-ip-name <frontend-ip-name>          the name of the frontend ip configuration in the same load balancer
-o, --backend-address-pool <backend-address-pool>  name of the backend address pool defined in the same load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>                  the subscription identifier

network lb rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>


azure network lb rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb

info:    Executing command network lb rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Name         Provisioning state  Protocol  Frontend port  Backend port  Enable floating IP  Idle timeout in minutes  Backend address pool  Probe data

data:    mynewlbrule  Succeeded           Tcp       80             8080          false               10                       /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
info:    network lb rule list command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>


azure network lb rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mynewlbrule

info:    Executing command network lb rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancing rule mynewlbrule? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb rule delete command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the rule
-q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

用來管理負載平衡器輸入 NAT 規則的命令

network lb inbound-nat-rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

建立負載平衡器的輸入 NAT 規則。

在下列範例中,我們建立了前端 IP (的 NAT 規則,此規則先前是使用「azure 網路前端 ip」命令) ,其中包含負載平衡器用來傳送網路流量的輸入接聽埠和輸出埠。

azure network lb inbound-nat-rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip

info:    Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data:    Name:                      myinboundnat
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data:    Backend IP configuration
data:    Protocol                   Tcp
data:    Frontend port              80
data:    Backend port               8080
data:    Enable floating IP         false
info:    network lb inbound-nat-rule create command OK


-h, --help                                     output usage information
-v, --verbose                                  use verbose output
--json                                         use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>          the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                        the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                              the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol>                      the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port>            the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port>              the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip>  enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip>                the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id <vm-id>                            the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name>                        the VM name.This VM must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case.
this parameter will be ignored if --vm-id is specified
-s, --subscription <subscription>              the subscription identifier

network lb inbound-nat-rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

更新現有的輸入 NAT 規則。 在下列範例中,我們會將輸入接聽連接埠從 80 變更為 81。

azure network lb inbound-nat-rule set -g group-1 -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 81 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip

info:    Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Id:                        /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data:    Name:                      myinboundnat
data:    Type:                      Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data:    Provisioning state:        Succeeded
data:    Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data:    Backend IP configuration
data:    Protocol                   Tcp
data:    Frontend port              81
data:    Backend port               8080
data:    Enable floating IP         false
info:    network lb inbound-nat-rule set command OK


-h, --help                                     output usage information
-v, --verbose                                  use verbose output
--json                                         use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>          the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                        the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                              the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol>                      the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port>            the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port>              the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip>  enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip>                the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id [vm-id]                            the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name>                        the VM name.
This virtual machine must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case
-s, --subscription <subscription>              the subscription identifier

network lb inbound-nat-rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>

列出負載平衡器的所有輸入 NAT 規則。

azure network lb inbound-nat-rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb

info:    Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data:    Name          Provisioning state  Protocol  Frontend port  Backend port  Enable floating IP  Idle timeout in minutes  Backend IP configuration
data:    ------------  ------------------  --------  -------------  ------------  ------------------  -----------------------  ---
data:    myinboundnat  Succeeded           Tcp       81             8080          false               4

info:    network lb inbound-nat-rule list command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network lb inbound-nat-rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>

刪除特定資源群組中負載平衡器的 NAT 規則。

azure network lb inbound-nat-rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat

info:    Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete inbound NAT rule "myinboundnat?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info:    network lb inbound-nat-rule delete command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name>                the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the inbound NAT rule
-q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

用來管理公用 IP 位址的命令

network public-ip create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>

建立公用 IP 資源。 您將建立公用 IP 資源,並與網域名稱建立關聯。

azure network public-ip create -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip1 -l eastus -d azureclitest -a "Dynamic"
info:    Executing command network public-ip create
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Creating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data:    Name:                 mytestpublicip1
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data:    Location:             eastus
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Allocation method:    Dynamic
data:    Idle timeout:         4
data:    Domain name label:    azureclitest
data:    FQDN:                 azureclitest.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com
info:    network public-ip create command OK


-h, --help                                   output usage information
-v, --verbose                                use verbose output
--json                                       use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>        the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                            the name of the public ip
-l, --location <location>                    the location
-d, --domain-name-label <domain-name-label>  the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>.cloudapp.azure.com
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method>  the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout>              the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn <reverse-fqdn>            the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags>                            the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription>            the subscription identifier

network public-ip set [options] <resource-group> <name>

更新現有公用 IP 資源的屬性。 在下列範例中,我們會將公用 IP 位址從動態變更為靜態。

azure network public-ip set -g group-1 -n mytestpublicip1 -d azureclitest -a "Static"
info:    Executing command network public-ip set
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Updating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data:    Name:                 mytestpublicip1
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data:    Location:             eastus
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Allocation method:    Static
data:    Idle timeout:         4
data:    IP Address:           (static IP address)
data:    Domain name label:    azureclitest
data:    FQDN:                 azureclitest.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com
info:    network public-ip set command OK


-h, --help                                   output usage information
-v, --verbose                                use verbose output
--json                                       use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>        the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                            the name of the public ip
-d, --domain-name-label [domain-name-label]  the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>.cloudapp.azure.com
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method>  the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout>              the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn [reverse-fqdn]            the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags>                            the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
--no-tags                                    remove all existing tags
-s, --subscription <subscription>            the subscription identifier

network public-ip list [options] <resource-group>

列出資源群組內的所有公用 IP 資源。

azure network public-ip list -g myresourcegroup

info:    Executing command network public-ip list
+ Getting the public ip addresses
data:    Name             Location  Allocation  IP Address    Idle timeout  DNS Name
data:    ---------------  --------  ----------  ------------  ------------  -------------------------------------------
data:    mypubip5         westus    Dynamic                   4             "domain name".westus.cloudapp.azure.com
data:    myPublicIP       eastus    Dynamic                   4             "domain name".eastus.cloudapp.azure.com
data:    mytestpublicip   eastus    Dynamic                   4             "domain name".eastus.cloudapp.azure.com
data:    mytestpublicip1  eastus   Static (Static IP address) 4             azureclitest.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network public-ip show [options] <resource-group> <name>

顯示資源群組中公用 IP 資源的公用 IP 屬性。

azure network public-ip show -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip

info:    Executing command network public-ip show
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data:    Id:                   /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip
data:    Name:                 mytestpublicip
data:    Type:                 Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data:    Location:             eastus
data:    Provisioning state:   Succeeded
data:    Allocation method:    Static
data:    Idle timeout:         4
data:    IP Address:           (static IP address)
data:    Domain name label:    azureclitest
data:    FQDN:                 azureclitest.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com
info:    network public-ip show command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the public IP
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier

network public-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <name>

刪除公用 IP 資源。

azure network public-ip delete -g group-1 -n mypublicipname
info:    Executing command network public-ip delete
+ Looking up the public ip "mypublicipname"
Delete public ip address "mypublicipname"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting public ip address "mypublicipname"
info:    network public-ip delete command OK


-h, --help                             output usage information
-v, --verbose                          use verbose output
--json                                 use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>  the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                      the name of the public IP
-q, --quiet                            quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription>      the subscription identifier


network nic create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>

建立稱為網路介面 (NIC) 的資源,可用於負載平衡器或與虛擬機器建立關聯。

azure network nic create -g myresourcegroup -l eastus -n testnic1 --subnet-name subnet-1 --subnet-vnet-name myvnet

info:    Executing command network nic create
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet-1"
+ Creating network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
data:    Id:                     /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testnic1
data:    Name:                   testnic1
data:    Type:                   Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
data:    Location:               eastus
data:    Provisioning state:     Succeeded
data:    IP configurations:
data:       Name:                         NIC-config
data:       Provisioning state:           Succeeded
data:       Private IP address: 
data:       Private IP Allocation Method: Dynamic
data:       Subnet:                       /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVNET/subnets/Subnet-1


-h, --help                                                       output usage information
-v, --verbose                                                    use verbose output
--json                                                           use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group>                            the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name>                                                the name of the network interface
-l, --location <location>                                        the location
-w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id>      the network security group identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
-o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name>  the network security group name.
This network security group must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use network-security-group-id if that is not the case.
-i, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id>                                the public IP identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-p, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name>                            the public IP name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address>                    the private IP address
-u, --subnet-id <subnet-id>                                      the subnet identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
--subnet-name <subnet-name>                                  the subnet name
-m, --subnet-vnet-name <subnet-vnet-name>                        the vnet name under which subnet-name exists
-t, --tags <tags>                                                the comma separated list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription>                                the subscription identifier
info:    network nic create command OK

network nic set [options] <resource-group> <name>

network nic list [options] <resource-group>
network nic show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nic delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


network nsg create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
network nsg set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg list [options] <resource-group>
network nsg show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


network nsg rule create [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule set [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule list [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name>
network nsg rule show [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule delete [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>


network traffic-manager profile create [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile list [options] <resource-group>
network traffic-manager profile show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile is-dns-available [options] <resource-group> <relative-dns-name>


network traffic-manager profile endpoint create [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name> <endpoint-location>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint set [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint delete [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>


network gateway list [options] <resource-group>


列出 Resource Manager 中目前已註冊的提供者

provider list [options]


provider show [options] <namespace>


provider register [options] <namespace>


provider unregister [options] <namespace>



resource create [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <location> <api-version>


resource set [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <properties> <api-version>


resource list [options] [resource-group]


resource show [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>


resource delete [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>

Azure 角色


role list [options]


role show [options] [name]


role assignment create [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment list [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment delete [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]



storage account list [options]
storage account show [options] <name>
storage account create [options] <name>
storage account set [options] <name>
storage account delete [options] <name>


storage account keys list [options] <name>
storage account keys renew [options] <name>


storage account connectionstring show [options] <name>


storage container list [options] [prefix]
storage container show [options] [container]
storage container create [options] [container]
storage container delete [options] [container]
storage container set [options] [container]


storage container sas create [options] [container] [permissions] [expiry]


storage container policy create [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy show [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy list [options] [container]
storage container policy set [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy delete [options] [container] [name]

用來管理儲存體 blob 的命令

storage blob list [options] [container] [prefix]
storage blob show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob delete [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob upload [options] [file] [container] [blob]
storage blob download [options] [container] [blob] [destination]

用來管理 blob 複製作業的命令

storage blob copy start [options] [sourceUri] [destContainer]
storage blob copy show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob copy stop [options] [container] [blob] [copyid]

用來管理儲存體 blob 共用存取簽章的命令

storage blob sas create [options] [container] [blob] [permissions] [expiry]


storage share create [options] [share]
storage share show [options] [share]
storage share delete [options] [share]
storage share list [options] [prefix]


storage file list [options] [share] [path]
storage file delete [options] [share] [path]
storage file upload [options] [source] [share] [path]
storage file download [options] [share] [path] [destination]


storage directory create [options] [share] [path]
storage directory delete [options] [share] [path]


storage queue create [options] [queue]
storage queue list [options] [prefix]
storage queue show [options] [queue]
storage queue delete [options] [queue]


storage queue sas create [options] [queue] [permissions] [expiry]


storage queue policy create [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy show [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy list [options] [queue]
storage queue policy set [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy delete [options] [queue] [name]


storage logging show [options]
storage logging set [options]


storage metrics show [options]
storage metrics set [options]


storage table create [options] [table]
storage table list [options] [prefix]
storage table show [options] [table]
storage table delete [options] [table]


storage table sas create [options] [table] [permissions] [expiry]


storage table policy create [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy show [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy list [options] [table]
storage table policy set [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy delete [options] [table] [name]



tag create [options] <name> <value>


tag delete [options] <name> <value>


tag list [options]


tag show [options] [name]


建立 VM

vm create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>

建立使用預設資源的 VM

vm quick-create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type> <image-urn> <admin-username> <admin-password


從 CLI 0.10 版開始,對於某些受歡迎的 Marketplace 映像,您可以在 image-urn 中提供簡短的別名,例如 "UbuntuLTS" 或 "Win2012R2Datacenter"。 執行 azure help vm quick-create 以取得選項。 此外,從 0.10 版開始, azure vm quick-create 依預設會使用進階儲存體 (如果可在所選區域中使用)。


vm list [options]


vm show [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm delete [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm stop [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm restart [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm start [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm deallocate [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm sizes [options]

擷取 VM 作為 OS 映像或 VM 映像

vm capture [options] <resource-group> <name> <vhd-name-prefix>

將 VM 的狀態設定為一般化

vm generalize [options] <resource-group> <name>

取得 VM 的執行個體檢視

vm get-instance-view [options] <resource-group> <name>

可讓您重設虛擬機器上的遠端桌面存取或 SSH 設定,以及針對具有系統管理員或 sudo 授權單位的帳戶重設密碼

vm reset-access [options] <resource-group> <name>

以新資料更新 VM

vm set [options] <resource-group> <name>


vm disk attach-new [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <size-in-gb> [vhd-name]
vm disk detach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <lun>
vm disk attach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> [vhd-url]

用來管理 VM 資源延伸的命令

vm extension set [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <name> <publisher-name> <version>
vm extension get [options] <resource-group> <vm-name>

用來管理 Docker 虛擬機器的命令

vm docker create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>

用來管理 VM 映像的命令

vm image list-publishers [options] <location>
vm image list-offers [options] <location> <publisher>
vm image list-skus [options] <location> <publisher> <offer>
vm image list [options] <location> <publisher> [offer] [sku]