
Computer Client Agent: BITS Tab

Use the BITS tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 Computer Client Agent Properties dialog box to configure Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) bandwidth throttling settings to control network traffic between Configuration Manager 2007 clients or branch distribution points, and site systems.

You can specify a time window in which network traffic will be throttled and also specify separate throttling settings which will be used outside of the throttling window.


This tab does not appear on Configuration Manager 2007 secondary sites because client computers cannot be assigned to these sites.


When you specify BITS settings using the Configuration Manager 2007 console, they are stored in the local policy of the client computer. These settings might override BITS settings configured by another application. Additionally, if you use Windows Group Policy to configure BITS settings, the settings specified in the Group Policy will override those configured by Configuration Manager 2007.

This tab contains the following elements:

  • Not Configured
    Select this option to disable BITS bandwidth throttling. If you select this option, no bandwidth throttling will be used by Configuration Manager 2007 clients or by any branch distribution points.
  • Apply to branch distribution points only
    Select this option to apply BITS bandwidth throttling to branch distribution points only. If you select this option, branch distribution points will download new content using the BITS settings specified.
  • Apply to branch distribution points and all clients
    Select this option to apply BITS throttling to all branch distribution points and Configuration Manager 2007 clients. If this option is selected, all Configuration Manager 2007 clients and branch distribution points will use the BITS settings specified.
  • Throttling window start time
    Specify the start time in local time that the BITS throttling window should begin.
  • Throttling window end time
    Specify the end time in local time that the BITS throttling window should end.
  • Maximum transfer rate during of throttling window (Kbps)
    Specify the maximum transfer rate in (Kbps) that can be used by Configuration Manager 2007 clients during the specified BITS throttling window.
  • Allow BITS downloads outside of the throttling window
    Select this option to allow BITS downloads outside of the throttling window. This option will allow Configuration Manager 2007 clients to use separate BITS settings outside of the specified window.
  • Maximum transfer rate outside of throttling window (Kbps)
    Specify the maximum transfer rate in (Kbps) that will be used by Configuration Manager 2007 clients when outside of the specified BITS throttling window. This option can be configured only when you have selected to allow BITS throttling outside of the specified window.
  • OK
    Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.
  • Cancel
    Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.
  • Apply
    Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.
  • Help
    Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also


Overview of Configuration Manager Client Deployment
About Standard and Branch Distribution Points

Other Resources

Computer Client Agent Properties