
Prerequisites for Reporting

適用於: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The reporting point site system computer in Configuration Manager 2007 requires the following components for reports and dashboards to run and display correctly:

  • The site system must have Internet Information Services (IIS) installed and enabled.

  • Active Server Pages must be installed and enabled.


    When you install ASP.NET on a Windows Server 2008 作業系統 reporting point, you must also manually enable Windows Authentication. For more information, see How to Configure Windows Server 2008 for Configuration Manager 2007 Site Systems.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 SP2 or later must be installed on any server or client that uses Report Viewer.

  • To use graphs in reports, Office Web Components (Microsoft Office 2000 SP2, Microsoft Office XP, or Microsoft Office 2003) must be installed.


    Office Web Components is not supported on 64 bit operating systems. If you want to use graphs in reports, use 32 bit operating systems for your reporting points.



Configuring Reporting
Reporting Configuration Checklist
Reporting Overview

For additional information, see Configuration Manager 2007 Information and Support.
To contact the documentation team, email SMSdocs@microsoft.com.