
About Software Distribution Reporting

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 reporting provides you with a number of predefined reports that you can use as is or that you can modify to view information about software distribution subjects, including advertisements, packages and distribution points. For more information about using and customizing reports, see Reporting in Configuration Manager.

The following predefined reports are available for software distribution:

Report Name Description Category

Advertisement status messages for a client being upgraded to the Advanced Client

Displays the most recent status message reported for a particular computer while upgrading to Advanced Client.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

Advertisement status messages for a particular client and advertisement

Displays the most recent status message reported for a particular client computer and advertisement.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

All system resource advertisements with status

Displays all advertisements for the site, along with a summary of the status of each advertisement.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

All system resources for a specific advanced client distribution in a specific state

Displays all resources that are in a specific state (such as a successfully run state) for a specific advanced client distribution.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

All system resources for a specific advertisement in a specific state

Displays all resources that are in a specific state (such as a successfully run state) for a specific advertisement.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

Chart - Hourly advertisement completion status

Displays the percentage of targeted computers that have successfully installed the advertisement for every hour since the advertisement was created. The average time for deployment for an advertisement can also be tracked.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

Status of an advanced client distribution

Displays a status summary of all resources that have been targeted by an advertisement to upgrade the Configuration Manager client. Two types of status summary are displayed:

  • Acceptance status, which summarizes how many resources have received, rejected, or not yet received the advertisement.

  • Delivery status, which summarizes resources that have run or attempted to run the program being advertised.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

Status of a specific advertisement

Displays a status summary of all resources targeted by an advertisement. Two types of status summary are displayed:

  • Acceptance status, which summarizes how many resources have received, rejected, or not yet received the advertisement.

  • Delivery status, which summarizes resources that have run or attempted to run the program being advertised.

Software Distribution - Advertisement Status

All advertisements

Displays all advertisements at this site.

Software Distribution - Advertisements

All advertisements for a specific collection

Displays all advertisements for a specified collection.

Software Distribution - Advertisements

All advertisements for a specific computer

Displays all advertisements that apply to a specific computer.

Software Distribution - Advertisements

All advertisements for a specific package

Displays all advertisements for a specified package.

Software Distribution - Advertisements

All collections

Displays all collections at this site.

Software Distribution - Collections

All resources in a specific collection

Displays all resources in a specific collection.

Software Distribution - Collections

Maintenance Windows Available to a Particular Client

Displays all maintenance windows applicable to the specified client.

Software Distribution - Collections

All active package distributions

Displays all distribution points on which a package is currently being installed or removed.

Software Distribution - Packages

All distribution points

Displays all distribution points for a site.

Software Distribution - Packages

All packages

Displays all packages at a site.

Software Distribution - Packages

All packages on a specific distribution point

Displays all packages currently deployed to a specified distribution point.

Software Distribution - Packages

All status messages for a specific package on a specific distribution point

Displays all status messages for a specific package on a specific distribution point.

Software Distribution - Packages

Distribution status of a specific package

Displays the installation status of a package on each of its distribution points.

Software Distribution - Packages

The following reports are available for virtual application packages:


The information in the following table applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2.

Report Name Description Category

Computers with a specific virtual application

Returns a list of all computers which have a specific virtual application.

Virtual Applications

Count all instances of virtual application packages

Returns a count of all detected virtual application packages.

Virtual Applications

Computers with a specific virtual application package

Returns a list of computers that have a specific virtual application package installed.

Virtual Applications

Count all instances of virtual applications

Returns a list of all detected virtual application packages.

Virtual Applications

All distribution points with virtual application streaming enabled

Displays a list of all Configuration Manager 2007 distribution points that have been enabled to stream virtual application packages.

Software Distribution - Packages

All virtual application packages in the streaming store of a distribution point

Returns a list of all virtual application packages located in the streaming cache of a specific Configuration Manager 2007 distribution point.

Software Distribution - Packages

Streaming store distribution status of a specific virtual application package

Returns a list of all virtual application packages currently deployed to a streaming enabled Configuration Manager 2007 distribution point. Only the most recent version of each virtual application package is displayed.

Software Distribution - Packages

See Also


Reporting in Configuration Manager