Find.FindWhat 屬性
命名空間: EnvDTE
組件: EnvDTE (在 EnvDTE.dll 中)
Property FindWhat As String
string FindWhat { get; set; }
property String^ FindWhat {
String^ get ();
void set (String^ value);
abstract FindWhat : string with get, set
function get FindWhat () : String
function set FindWhat (value : String)
Sub FindWhatExample()
Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument
Dim objEditPt As EditPoint
Dim iCtr As Integer
Dim objFind As Find
' Create a new text file.
DTE.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")
' Get a handle to the new document and create an EditPoint.
objTextDoc = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument")
objEditPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint
objFind = objTextDoc.DTE.Find
' Insert ten lines of text.
For iCtr = 1 To 10
objEditPt.Insert("This is a test." & Chr(13))
Next iCtr
' Set the find options.
objFind.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll
objFind.Backwards = False
objFind.FilesOfType = "*.txt"
objFind.FindWhat = "test"
objFind.KeepModifiedDocumentsOpen = True
objFind.MatchCase = False
objFind.MatchInHiddenText = False
objFind.MatchWholeWord = True
objFind.PatternSyntax = vsFindPatternSyntax.vsFindPatternSyntaxLiteral
objFind.ReplaceWith = "NEW THING"
objFind.ResultsLocation = vsFindResultsLocation.vsFindResultsNone
objFind.SearchPath = "c:\temp"
objFind.SearchSubfolders = False
objFind.Target = vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument
' Perform the Find operation.
End Sub
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