
Missing 9986 Events in Operations Manager 2007

適用於: Exchange Server, Operations Manager 2007

In the Configuration Wizard, you might see the following error:

Error: Cannot configure the mailbox access account on computer <servername>. This configuration can only be made after the Exchange Operations Manager event 9986 is registered by Operations Manager 2007.

On a back end Exchange-based server, one of the first rules that is run is the mailbox availability test. The script associated with this rule checks for the registry data that makes the test possible. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExMPLS key is used to store the encrypted credentials of the domain account used to access monitored mailboxes on each server that is running Exchange. This Mailbox Access Account (MAA) must have permissions to log on to the test mailboxes because Operations Manager 2007 uses these exact credentials to impersonate the account during logon. If the registry data is missing, this rule generates an event that triggers another rule that then initiates the publication of the missing key used to store the credentials.

To publish the key, servers running Exchange need “helper” DCOM objects installed to work in conjunction with the publishing rules. The DCOM object responsible for the publication of the registry key that stores the MAA credentials is installed as part of Exchange Server 2003 setup. If DCOM and the helper object function are working as expected, the ExMPLS registry key is created. When the data is published, the 9986 event is generated and you can run the Configuration Wizard against that server. The wizard then writes the MAA credentials in encrypted form to the key. A rule runs daily that checks for this and generates the 9986 event if the data has been successfully published before.

If publication fails, the rule generates events that appear in the Operations Manager 2007 Operations Console to alert you. Failures can be caused by a missing or malfunctioning DCOM object or incorrectly configured DCOM permissions.

Make sure the appropriate COM objects are installed and registered and that the registry key has the appropriate permissions. Make sure the Exchange-based server is discovered and monitored first. Use the target for the script which raises the 9986 event to determine if the Exchange-based server has been discovered.

Missing or malfunctioning DCOM objects installed as part of the Exchange Server 2003 Management Pack can be difficult to troubleshoot and resolve. Contact Microsoft Customer Support for assistance if you experience a failure to generate the 9986 event.

For more information about investigating and resolving issues with default DCOM permission settings, see Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 274696 (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=103176), 899382 (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=103175), and 911143 (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=103177).