
How to Configure Custom URLs for OWA, OMA and EAS

適用於: Exchange Server, Operations Manager 2007

Availability monitoring for Outlook Web Access (OWA), Outlook Mobile Access (OMA), and Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) function only on front-end servers running Exchange Server 2003 and .NET framework 1.1 or later. When you select the Enable Front-End server monitoring check box in the Configuration Wizard, availability monitoring is enabled.

To monitor availability, a synthetic logon process is used that simulates a user logging on to a mailbox using a mobility client. To enable a synthetic logon, there must be a Test mailbox with a user account. For the Outlook Web Access logon, the Configuration Wizard automatically picks one of the existing back-end test mailboxes that is used by MAPI logon. This mailbox name is automatically stored in the \\HKLM\Software\Exchange MOM\FEMonitoring\<front-end servername>\BEAccount registry value on the front-end server. The Mailbox Access Account mailbox is used for Outlook Mobile Access and Exchange ActiveSync logon.

By default, the Exchange Management Pack automatically determines the URL used to monitor the front-end services by using a combination of the localhost/network card IP and the virtual server and virtual directory information in the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase. This URL is the local monitoring URL because the logon request is submitted to the local front-end server, where the logon request is generated.

You also can supply a custom URL to monitor the public URL that is used by your Web and mobile devices. This must be a URL that an end-user can use to log on. This logon request that is submitted to the custom URL can be responded to by any one of the organization's front-end servers that normally respond to requests to the specified URL. The public URL monitoring cannot be directed to monitor a specific server.

To use a custom URL, you have to configure registry entries on each server where you want the monitoring enabled.

To configure a custom URL for Outlook Web Access

Open Registry Editor, locate the \\HKLM\Software\Exchange MOM\FEMonitoring\<front-end serverrname>\ key, and create a registry value (type string) named CustomUrls. Enter the custom URL value as a comma-delimited list in this value. For single URLs, follow this example:

For multiple URLs, use the following format:

You will also need to set the “CustomURL” override on the Outlook Web Access Logon Monitor to “True”, which causes the monitor to use the values specified in the CustomURLs registry entry to monitor OWA rather than the default values. You should also consider changing the override on the Performance Collection Rule for Outlook Web Access logon latency.

To configure a custom URL for Outlook Mobile Access

Open Registry Editor, locate the \\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange MOM\FEMonitoring\<front-end servername>\ key, and create a registry value (type string) named CustomOmaUrls. Enter the custom URL value as a comma-delimited list in this registry value. For single URLs, follow this example:

For multiple URLs, use the following format:

You will also need to set the “CustomURL” override on the Outlook Mobile Access Monitor to “True”, which causes the monitor to use the values specified in the CustomURLs registry entry to monitor OWA rather than the default values.

To configure a custom URL for Exchange ActiveSync

Open Registry Editor, browse to the \\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange MOM\FEMonitoring\<front-end servername>\ key, and create a registry value (type string) named CustomEasUrls. Enter the custom URL value in this registry value, for example:

You will also need to set the “CustomURL” override on the Exchange Active Sync Monitor to “True”, which causes the monitor to use the values specified in the CustomURLs registry entry to monitor OWA rather than the default values.