
步驟 7:加入乘法和除法問題

開始進行此程序之前,請先思考應該如何加入乘法和除法問題。 思考初始步驟,其中牽涉到儲存值。


  1. 將四個 int (Integer) 加入至表單。 程式碼看起來應該如下所示。

    Public Class Form1
        ' Create a Random object to generate random numbers.
        Private randomizer As New Random
        ' These Integers will store the numbers in the addition problem.
        Private addend1 As Integer
        Private addend2 As Integer
        ' These Integers will store the numbers for the subtraction problem.
        Private minuend As Integer
        Private subtrahend As Integer
        ' These Integers will store the numbers for the multiplication problem.
        Private multiplicand As Integer
        Private multiplier As Integer
        ' These Integers will store the numbers for the division problem.
        Private dividend As Integer
        Private divisor As Integer
        ' This Integer will keep track of the time left.
        Private timeLeft As Integer
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        // Create a Random object to generate random numbers.
        Random randomizer = new Random();
        // These ints will store the numbers for the addition problem.
        int addend1;
        int addend2;
        // These ints will store the numbers for the subtraction problem.
        int minuend;
        int subtrahend;
        // These ints will store the numbers for the multiplication problem.
        int multiplicand;
        int multiplier;
        // These ints will store the numbers for the division problem.
        int dividend;
        int divisor;
        // This int will keep track of the time left.
        int timeLeft;
  2. 如同先前一樣,修改 StartTheQuiz() 方法來填入隨機的乘法和除法問題。 程式碼看起來應該如下所示。

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Start the quiz by filling in all of the problems
    ''' and starting the timer.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Sub StartTheQuiz()
        ' Fill in the addition problem.
        addend1 = randomizer.Next(51)
        addend2 = randomizer.Next(51)
        plusLeftLabel.Text = addend1.ToString()
        plusRightLabel.Text = addend2.ToString()
        sum.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the subtraction problem.
        minuend = randomizer.Next(1, 101)
        subtrahend = randomizer.Next(1, minuend)
        minusLeftLabel.Text = minuend.ToString()
        minusRightLabel.Text = subtrahend.ToString()
        difference.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the multiplication problem.
        multiplicand = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        multiplier = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        timesLeftLabel.Text = multiplicand.ToString()
        timesRightLabel.Text = multiplier.ToString()
        product.Value = 0
        ' Fill in the division problem.
        divisor = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        Dim temporaryQuotient As Integer = randomizer.Next(2, 11)
        dividend = divisor * temporaryQuotient
        dividedLeftLabel.Text = dividend.ToString()
        dividedRightLabel.Text = divisor.ToString()
        quotient.Value = 0
        ' Start the timer.
        timeLeft = 30
        timeLabel.Text = "30 seconds"
    End Sub
    /// <summary>
    /// Start the quiz by filling in all of the problems
    /// and starting the timer.
    /// </summary>
    public void StartTheQuiz()
        // Fill in the addition problem.
        addend1 = randomizer.Next(51);
        addend2 = randomizer.Next(51);
        plusLeftLabel.Text = addend1.ToString();
        plusRightLabel.Text = addend2.ToString();
        sum.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the subtraction problem.
        minuend = randomizer.Next(1, 101);
        subtrahend = randomizer.Next(1, minuend);
        minusLeftLabel.Text = minuend.ToString();
        minusRightLabel.Text = subtrahend.ToString();
        difference.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the multiplication problem.
        multiplicand = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        multiplier = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        timesLeftLabel.Text = multiplicand.ToString();
        timesRightLabel.Text = multiplier.ToString();
        product.Value = 0;
        // Fill in the division problem.
        divisor = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        int temporaryQuotient = randomizer.Next(2, 11);
        dividend = divisor * temporaryQuotient;
        dividedLeftLabel.Text = dividend.ToString();
        dividedRightLabel.Text = divisor.ToString();
        quotient.Value = 0;
        // Start the timer.
        timeLeft = 30;
        timeLabel.Text = "30 seconds"; 
  3. 修改 CheckTheAnswer() 方法,讓方法也檢查乘法和除法問題。 程式碼看起來應該如下所示。

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Check the answer to see if the user got everything right.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>True if the answer's correct, false otherwise.</returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Function CheckTheAnswer() As Boolean
        If addend1 + addend2 = sum.Value AndAlso 
           minuend - subtrahend = difference.Value AndAlso 
           multiplicand * multiplier = product.Value AndAlso 
           dividend / divisor = quotient.Value Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
    /// <summary>
    /// Check the answer to see if the user got everything right.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>True if the answer's correct, false otherwise.</returns>
    private bool CheckTheAnswer()
        if ((addend1 + addend2 == sum.Value)
            && (minuend - subtrahend == difference.Value)
            && (multiplicand * multiplier == product.Value)
            && (dividend / divisor == quotient.Value))
            return true;
            return false;

    因為使用鍵盤不容易輸入乘號 (×) 和除號 (÷),所以 Visual C# 和 Visual Basic 使用星號 (*) 表示乘法,使用斜線符號 (/) 表示除法。

  4. 變更計時器的 Tick 事件處理常式的最後一部分,讓事件處理常式在時間結束時填入正確答案。 程式碼看起來應該如下所示。

        ' If the user ran out of time, stop the timer, show
        ' a MessageBox, and fill in the answers.
        timeLabel.Text = "Time's up!"
        MessageBox.Show("You didn't finish in time.", "Sorry")
        sum.Value = addend1 + addend2
        difference.Value = minuend - subtrahend
        product.Value = multiplicand * multiplier
        quotient.Value = dividend / divisor
        startButton.Enabled = True
    End If
        // If the user ran out of time, stop the timer, show
        // a MessageBox, and fill in the answers.
        timeLabel.Text = "Time's up!";
        MessageBox.Show("You didn't finish in time.", "Sorry");
        sum.Value = addend1 + addend2;
        difference.Value = minuend - subtrahend;
        product.Value = multiplicand * multiplier;
        quotient.Value = dividend / divisor;
        startButton.Enabled = true;
  5. 儲存並執行您的程式。 現在,必須回答四個問題才能完成測驗,如下列圖片所示。


