Element Reference
This documentation describes the elements used in ASP.NET mobile controls to define control details. Some elements are used in application configuration files (Web.config) to provide application-wide settings.
In This Section
- <Choice> Element (.NET Framework Developer's Guide )
Provides a single <Choice> element, based on device characteristics, among a set of choices in a <DeviceSpecific> element.
- <Command> Element
Represents a command of an ObjectList mobile control.
- <DeviceSpecific> Element
Provides a container for one or more <Choice> elements, enabling the authoring of device-specific interfaces.
- <Field> Element (.NET Framework Developer's Guide )
Represents a field in an ObjectList mobile control.
- <Item> Element
Represents an individual item within a List control or SelectionList control.
- <PagerStyle> Element
Represents a style object with additional style properties specific to the pagination UI of a form.
- <Style> Element
Defines a set of property values or templates that replace the defaults of the control to which the style is applied.