
HOW TO:在物件的外部邊緣上建立光暈效果

更新:2007 年 11 月



您可以使用 OuterGlowBitmapEffect 類別,在可見物件的周圍建立光暈效果。本範例說明如何執行下列步驟:

  • 使用簡單的標記套用光暈效果到物件。

  • 使用 Style 套用光暈效果到一或多個物件。

  • 使用標記和程式碼後置 (Code-Behind) 套用光暈效果到物件。

  • 使用動畫將套用到物件之光暈效果的屬性顯示為動畫。


下面的所有範例都只會將單一效果套用到物件。若要套用多種效果,請使用 BitmapEffectGroup。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:建立多個視覺效果

下列範例顯示如何使用 OuterGlowBitmapEffect,在 TextBox 外部邊緣周圍建立藍色光暈。

<Page xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"


    <TextBox Width="200">

        <!-- <BitmapEffectGroup> would go here if you wanted to apply more 
             then one effect to the TextBox. However, in this example only  
             one effect is being applied so BitmapEffectGroup does not need  
             to be included. -->

        <!-- The OuterGlow is blue, extends out 30 pixels, has the 
             maximum noise possible, and is 40% Opaque. -->
        <OuterGlowBitmapEffect GlowColor="Blue" GlowSize="30" Noise="1"
         Opacity="0.4" />





螢幕擷取畫面:OuterGlowBitmapEffect 點陣圖效果

下列範例顯示如何使用 Style 類別,將 OuterGlowBitmapEffect 套用到頁面上接收焦點的任何 TextBox

<Page xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"

  <!-- Resources define Styles for the entire page. -->

    <!-- This style applies to any TextBox on the page. -->
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">

        <!-- When the TextBox gains focus such as when the cursor appears
             in the TextBox, apply the OuterGlowBitmapEffect to the TextBox. -->
        <Trigger Property="IsFocused" Value="True">
          <Setter Property = "BitmapEffect" >

              <!-- The OuterGlow is blue, extends out 30 pixels, has the 
                   maximum noise possible, and is 40% Opaque. -->
              <OuterGlowBitmapEffect GlowColor="Blue" GlowSize="30" Noise="1"
               Opacity="0.4" />


    <!-- The Style defined above applies to this TextBox which creates
         an outer glow around the it. -->
    <TextBox Name="textBox1"  Width="200" />



下列範例顯示如何使用標記和程式碼後置,將 OuterGlowBitmapEffect 套用到 TextBox。當 TextBox 接收焦點時,便會出現光暈效果。這個範例顯示標記。

<Page xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
  x:Class="SDKSample.OuterGlowExample" >


    <!-- When this TextBox gains focus, a blue glow surrounds it. -->
    <TextBox Width="200" GotFocus="OnFocusCreateGlow"></TextBox>




using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;

namespace SDKSample

    public partial class OuterGlowExample : Page

        // Add OuterGlow effect.
        void OnFocusCreateGlow(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

            // Get a reference to the TextBox.
            TextBox myTextBox = (TextBox)sender;

            // Initialize a new OuterGlowBitmapEffect that will be applied
            // to the TextBox.
            OuterGlowBitmapEffect myGlowEffect = new OuterGlowBitmapEffect();

            // Set the size of the glow to 30 pixels.
            myGlowEffect.GlowSize = 30;

            // Set the color of the glow to blue.
            Color myGlowColor = new Color();
            myGlowColor.ScA = 1;
            myGlowColor.ScB = 1;
            myGlowColor.ScG = 0;
            myGlowColor.ScR = 0;
            myGlowEffect.GlowColor = myGlowColor;

            // Set the noise of the effect to the maximum possible (range 0-1).
            myGlowEffect.Noise = 1;

            // Set the Opacity of the effect to 40%. Note that the same effect
            // could be done by setting the ScA property of the Color to 0.4.
            myGlowEffect.Opacity = 0.4;

            // Apply the bitmap effect to the TextBox.
            myTextBox.BitmapEffect = myGlowEffect;



下列範例顯示如何將 OuterGlowBitmapEffectGlowSize 屬性顯示為動畫,當 TextBox 接收焦點時,外圍的光暈會顯示成動畫。

<Page xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
  xmlns:x="https://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >


    <TextBox Width="200">

        <!-- This BitmapEffect is targeted by the animation. -->
        <OuterGlowBitmapEffect x:Name="myOuterGlowBitmapEffect"  
         GlowColor="Blue" GlowSize="0" />

        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="TextBox.GotFocus">

              <!-- Animate the GlowSize from 0 to 40 over half a second. --> 
                From="0" To="40" Duration="0:0:0.5" />






HOW TO:對 Visual 物件套用模糊效果

HOW TO:建立下拉式陰影視覺效果

HOW TO:建立多個視覺效果

HOW TO:建立多個視覺效果的動畫





點陣圖效果 HOW TO 主題
