
HOW TO:使用 EntityReference 變更物件間的關聯性 (Entity Framework)

本主題示範如何使用 EntityReference 物件來變更物件內容中兩個物件之間的關聯性。 呼叫 SaveChanges 方法時,關聯性變更會做為關聯資料表內外部索引鍵的變更,保存在資料庫中。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:在關聯變更期間執行商務邏輯

本主題的範例根據 Adventure Works Sales Model。若要執行此主題中的程式碼,您必須已經將 Adventure Works Sales Model 加入到專案中,並設定您的專案使用 Entity Framework。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:使用實體資料模型精靈 (Entity Framework)HOW TO:手動設定 Entity Framework 專案HOW TO:手動設定 Entity Framework 專案


本範例將示範如何使用 EntityReference 物件來變更 SalesOrderHeader 物件與代表訂單送貨地址之相關 Address 物件間的關聯性。

' Define the order and new address IDs. 
Dim orderId As Integer = 43669
Dim addressId As Integer = 26

Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
    ' Get the billing address to change to. 
    Dim address As Address = context.Addresses.Single(Function(c) c.AddressID = addressId)

    ' Get the order being changed. 
    Dim order As SalesOrderHeader = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Single(Function(o) o.SalesOrderID = orderId)

    ' You do not have to call the Load method to load the addresses for the order, 
    ' because lazy loading is set to true 
    ' by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    ' With lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when 
    ' you access the navigation property. In this case Address. 

    ' Write the current billing street address. 
    Console.WriteLine("Current street: " & order.Address.AddressLine1)

    ' Change the billing address. 
    If Not order.Address.Equals(address) Then
        ' Use Address navigation property to change the association. 
        order.Address = address

        ' Write the changed billing street address. 
        Console.WriteLine("Changed street: " & order.Address.AddressLine1)
    End If

    ' If the address change succeeds, save the changes. 

    ' Write the current billing street address. 
    Console.WriteLine("Current street: " & order.Address.AddressLine1)
End Using
// Define the order and new address IDs.
int orderId = 43669;
int addressId = 26;

using (AdventureWorksEntities context
    = new AdventureWorksEntities())
    // Get the billing address to change to.
    Address address =
        context.Addresses.Single(c => c.AddressID == addressId);

    // Get the order being changed.
    SalesOrderHeader order =
        context.SalesOrderHeaders.Single(o => o.SalesOrderID == orderId);

    // You do not have to call the Load method to load the addresses for the order,
    // because  lazy loading is set to true 
    // by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    // With  lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when
    // you access the navigation property. In this case Address.

    // Write the current billing street address.
    Console.WriteLine("Current street: "
        + order.Address.AddressLine1);

    // Change the billing address.
    if (!order.Address.Equals(address))
        // Use Address navigation property to change the association.
        order.Address = address;

        // Write the changed billing street address.
        Console.WriteLine("Changed street: "
            + order.Address.AddressLine1);

    // If the address change succeeds, save the changes.

    // Write the current billing street address.
    Console.WriteLine("Current street: "
        + order.Address.AddressLine1);



HOW TO:使用外部索引鍵屬性變更物件間的關聯性
HOW TO:在關聯變更期間執行商務邏輯

