HOW TO:使用反映發出定義泛型方法
重要事項 |
方法不會只因為它屬於泛型型別及使用該型別的型別參數,就會是泛型;只有在方法有它自己的型別參數清單時,才會是泛型。泛型方法可以出現在非泛型型別上,如這個範例所示。如需泛型型別上的非泛型方法的範例,請參閱 HOW TO:使用反映發出定義泛型型別。 |
在開始之前,當使用高階語言編寫時,查看泛型方法出現的方式會很有幫助。 下列程式碼會包含在這個主題的範例程式碼中,連同呼叫泛型方法的程式碼。 此方法有兩個型別參數 TInput 和 TOutput,第二個參數必須是參考型別 (class)、必須有無參數的建構函式 (new),也必須實作 ICollection(Of TInput) (C# 中為 ICollection<TInput>)。 此介面條件約束可確保 ICollection<T>.Add 方法可用來將項目將入到方法所建立的 TOutput 集合中。 此方法有一個型式參數 input,它是 TInput 的陣列。 此方法會建立 TOutput 型別的集合,並將 input 的項目複製到此集合中。
Public Shared Function Factory(Of TInput, _ TOutput As {ICollection(Of TInput), Class, New}) _ (ByVal input() As TInput) As TOutput Dim retval As New TOutput() Dim ic As ICollection(Of TInput) = retval For Each t As TInput In input ic.Add(t) Next Return retval End Function
public static TOutput Factory<TInput, TOutput>(TInput[] tarray) where TOutput : class, ICollection<TInput>, new() { TOutput ret = new TOutput(); ICollection<TInput> ic = ret; foreach (TInput t in tarray) { ic.Add(t); } return ret; }
定義動態組件和動態模組,以包含泛型方法所屬的型別。 在此情況下,此組件只有一個模組 (名為 DemoMethodBuilder1),而此模組名稱與組件名稱相同,再加上副檔名。 在此範例中,會將此組件儲存到磁碟上並執行它,所以指定了 AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave。 您可以使用 Ildasm.exe (MSIL 反組譯工具) 來檢查 DemoMethodBuilder1.dll,並將它與步驟 1 的方法之 Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) 相比較。
Dim asmName As New AssemblyName("DemoMethodBuilder1") Dim domain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain Dim demoAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _ domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, _ AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave) ' Define the module that contains the code. For an ' assembly with one module, the module name is the ' assembly name plus a file extension. Dim demoModule As ModuleBuilder = _ demoAssembly.DefineDynamicModule( _ asmName.Name, _ asmName.Name & ".dll")
AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName("DemoMethodBuilder1"); AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; AssemblyBuilder demoAssembly = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave); // Define the module that contains the code. For an // assembly with one module, the module name is the // assembly name plus a file extension. ModuleBuilder demoModule = demoAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(asmName.Name, asmName.Name+".dll");
定義此泛型方法所屬的型別, 此型別不需要是泛型; 泛型方法可以屬於泛型或非泛型型別。 在此範例中,型別是類別、不是泛型,且命名為 DemoType。
Dim demoType As TypeBuilder = demoModule.DefineType( _ "DemoType", _ TypeAttributes.Public)
TypeBuilder demoType = demoModule.DefineType("DemoType", TypeAttributes.Public);
定義泛型方法。 如果泛型方法的型式參數之型別是由泛型方法的泛型型別參數所指定,請使用 DefineMethod(String, MethodAttributes) 方法多載來定義此方法。 尚未定義此方法的泛型型別參數,所以您無法在 DefineMethod 的呼叫中指定此方法的型式參數之型別。 在此範例中,此方法命名為 Factory。 此方法為公用及 static (Visual Basic 中為 Shared)。
Dim factory As MethodBuilder = _ demoType.DefineMethod("Factory", _ MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static)
MethodBuilder factory = demoType.DefineMethod("Factory", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static);
將包含參數名稱的字串陣列傳遞給 MethodBuilder.DefineGenericParameters 方法來定義 DemoMethod 的泛型型別參數, 如此會將方法變成泛型方法。 下列程式碼會讓 Factory 變成具有型別參數 TInput 和 TOutput 的泛型方法。 若要讓程式碼更容易讀取,會建立具有這些名稱的變數,以保存表示這兩個型別參數的 GenericTypeParameterBuilder 物件。
Dim typeParameterNames() As String = {"TInput", "TOutput"} Dim typeParameters() As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = _ factory.DefineGenericParameters(typeParameterNames) Dim TInput As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = typeParameters(0) Dim TOutput As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = typeParameters(1)
string[] typeParameterNames = {"TInput", "TOutput"}; GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] typeParameters = factory.DefineGenericParameters(typeParameterNames); GenericTypeParameterBuilder TInput = typeParameters[0]; GenericTypeParameterBuilder TOutput = typeParameters[1];
選擇性地將特殊條件約束加入到型別參數中; 會使用 SetGenericParameterAttributes 方法來加入特殊條件約束。 在此範例中,會將 TOutput 限制為參考型別及擁有無參數的建構函式。
TOutput.SetGenericParameterAttributes( _ GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint Or _ GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint)
TOutput.SetGenericParameterAttributes( GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint | GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint);
選擇性地將類別和介面條件約束加入到型別參數中。 在此範例中,會將型別參數 TOutput 限制為實作 ICollection(Of TInput) (C# 中為 ICollection<TInput>) 介面的型別; 如此可確保 Add 方法可以用來加入項目。
Dim icoll As Type = GetType(ICollection(Of )) Dim icollOfTInput As Type = icoll.MakeGenericType(TInput) Dim constraints() As Type = { icollOfTInput } TOutput.SetInterfaceConstraints(constraints)
Type icoll = typeof(ICollection<>); Type icollOfTInput = icoll.MakeGenericType(TInput); Type[] constraints = {icollOfTInput}; TOutput.SetInterfaceConstraints(constraints);
定義此方法的型式參數 (利用 SetParameters 方法)。 在此範例中,Factory 方法有一個參數,亦即 TInput 的陣列。 建立此型別的方式,是在表示 TInput 的 GenericTypeParameterBuilder 上呼叫 MakeArrayType 方法。 SetParameters 的引數是 Type 物件的陣列。
Dim params() As Type = { TInput.MakeArrayType() } factory.SetParameters(params)
Type[] parms = {TInput.MakeArrayType()}; factory.SetParameters(parms);
為此方法定義傳回型別 (利用 SetReturnType 方法)。 在此範例中,會傳回 TOutput 的執行個體。
發出方法主體 (利用 ILGenerator)。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱伴隨的程序:若要發出方法主體。
重要事項 當您發出泛型型別方法的呼叫,而這些型別的型別引數為泛型方法的型別參數時,您必須使用 TypeBuilder 類別的 static GetConstructor(Type, ConstructorInfo)、GetMethod(Type, MethodInfo) 和 GetField(Type, FieldInfo) 方法多載來取得這些方法的建構之形式。發出方法主體所伴隨的程序將示範這樣的處理方式。
完成包含此方法的型別,然後儲存組件。 伴隨的程序若要叫用泛型方法將示範叫用此完成的方法的兩個方式。
' Complete the type. Dim dt As Type = demoType.CreateType() ' Save the assembly, so it can be examined with Ildasm.exe. demoAssembly.Save(asmName.Name & ".dll")
// Complete the type. Type dt = demoType.CreateType(); // Save the assembly, so it can be examined with Ildasm.exe. demoAssembly.Save(asmName.Name+".dll");
取得程式碼產生器,並宣告區域變數和標籤。 DeclareLocal 方法是用來宣告區域變數; Factory 方法則有四個區域變數:retVal 是用來保存此方法傳回的新 TOutput、ic 是用在 TOutput 轉換成 ICollection(Of TInput) (C# 中為 ICollection<TInput>) 時保存它、input 是用來保存 TInput 物件的輸入陣列,而 index 則可逐一查看此陣列。 此方法也有兩個標籤,一個可用來進入迴圈 (enterLoop),而另一個則可用於迴圈的最上方 (loopAgain),透過 DefineLabel 方法來定義。
此方法做的第一件事是使用 Ldarg_0 opcode 載入它的引數,並使用 Stloc_S opcode 將它儲存在區域變數 input 中。
Dim ilgen As ILGenerator = factory.GetILGenerator() Dim retVal As LocalBuilder = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TOutput) Dim ic As LocalBuilder = ilgen.DeclareLocal(icollOfTInput) Dim input As LocalBuilder = _ ilgen.DeclareLocal(TInput.MakeArrayType()) Dim index As LocalBuilder = _ ilgen.DeclareLocal(GetType(Integer)) Dim enterLoop As Label = ilgen.DefineLabel() Dim loopAgain As Label = ilgen.DefineLabel() ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, input)
ILGenerator ilgen = factory.GetILGenerator(); LocalBuilder retVal = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TOutput); LocalBuilder ic = ilgen.DeclareLocal(icollOfTInput); LocalBuilder input = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TInput.MakeArrayType()); LocalBuilder index = ilgen.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); Label enterLoop = ilgen.DefineLabel(); Label loopAgain = ilgen.DefineLabel(); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, input);
使用 Activator.CreateInstance 方法的泛型方法多載,發出程式碼來建立 TOutput 的執行個體。 使用這個多載需要指定之型別擁有無參數的建構函式,而這是將該條件約束加入到 TOutput 中的理由。 建立建構的泛型方法,其方式是將 TOutput 傳遞給 MakeGenericMethod。 在發出程式碼來呼叫此方法之後,請利用 Stloc_S 發出程式碼,將它儲存在區域變數 retVal 中。
Dim createInst As MethodInfo = _ GetType(Activator).GetMethod("CreateInstance", Type.EmptyTypes) Dim createInstOfTOutput As MethodInfo = _ createInst.MakeGenericMethod(TOutput) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createInstOfTOutput) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, retVal)
MethodInfo createInst = typeof(Activator).GetMethod("CreateInstance", Type.EmptyTypes); MethodInfo createInstOfTOutput = createInst.MakeGenericMethod(TOutput); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createInstOfTOutput); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, retVal);
發出程式碼,將新的 TOutput 物件轉換成 ICollection(Of TInput),並將它儲存在區域變數 ic 中。
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, TOutput) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, icollOfTInput) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, ic)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, TOutput); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, icollOfTInput); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, ic);
取得表示 ICollection<T>.Add 方法的 MethodInfo。 這個方法會在 ICollection(Of TInput) 上運作 (C# 中為 ICollection<TInput>),所以必須要取得該建構的型別所特有的 Add 方法。 您不能使用 GetMethod 方法來直接從 icollOfTInput 當中取得這個 MethodInfo,因為在已經使用 GenericTypeParameterBuilder 建構的型別上不支援 GetMethod。 而是要改為在 icoll 上呼叫 GetMethod,其中包含 ICollection<T> 泛型介面的泛型型別定義。 然後,使用 GetMethod(Type, MethodInfo) static 方法為建構的型別產生 MethodInfo。 下列程式碼可示範這項處理。
Dim mAddPrep As MethodInfo = icoll.GetMethod("Add") Dim mAdd As MethodInfo = _ TypeBuilder.GetMethod(icollOfTInput, mAddPrep)
MethodInfo mAddPrep = icoll.GetMethod("Add"); MethodInfo mAdd = TypeBuilder.GetMethod(icollOfTInput, mAddPrep);
發出程式碼來初始化 index 變數,透過的方式是載入 32 位元整數 0,並將它儲存在此變數中。 發出程式碼來分支到標籤 enterLoop, 這個標籤尚未被標記,因為它位於迴圈中; 下一個步驟中會發出此迴圈的程式碼。
' Initialize the count and enter the loop. ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, enterLoop)
// Initialize the count and enter the loop. ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, enterLoop);
發出此迴圈的程式碼。 第一個步驟是標記此迴圈的最上方,其方式是呼叫具有 loopAgain 標籤的 MarkLabel, 使用此標籤的分支陳述式現在會分支到程式碼中的這個點。 下一個步驟是在堆疊上推入 TOutput 物件,並轉換成 ICollection(Of TInput)。 並不會立即需要它,但是它必須要就定位之後,才能呼叫 Add 方法。 接下來,輸入陣列會推入到堆疊上,然後是將包含目前索引的 index 變數推入到陣列中。 Ldelem opcode 會將此索引和陣列從堆疊中移除,並將具索引的陣列元素推入到堆疊上。 現在,此堆疊便可準備好開始呼叫 ICollection<T>.Add 方法,此方法會將集合和新的元素從堆疊中移除,並將此元素加入到集合中。
迴圈中的其餘程式碼會讓索引遞增,並測試看看迴圈是否已完成:此索引和 32 位元整數 1 會推入到堆疊上並相加,在堆疊上留下總和,而此總和會儲存在 index 中。 接著會呼叫 MarkLabel,將這個點設定為迴圈的進入點。 然後會再次載入此索引; 輸入陣列會推入到堆疊上,並發出 Ldlen 來取得其長度。 現在,此索引和長度會在堆疊上,且會發出 Clt 來比較它們。 如果此索引小於長度,則 Brtrue_S 會分支回到迴圈的開頭。
ilgen.MarkLabel(loopAgain) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, ic) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem, TInput) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mAdd) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Add) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index) ilgen.MarkLabel(enterLoop) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldlen) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I4) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Clt) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, loopAgain)
ilgen.MarkLabel(loopAgain); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, ic); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem, TInput); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mAdd); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Add); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index); ilgen.MarkLabel(enterLoop); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldlen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I4); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Clt); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, loopAgain);
發出程式碼將 TOutput 物件推入到堆疊上,並從方法傳回。 區域變數 retVal 和 ic 都包含新 TOutput 的參考;ic 僅用來存取 ICollection<T>.Add 方法。
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal) ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
Factory 是泛型方法定義; 為了要叫用它,您必須將型別指派給它的泛型型別參數。 請使用 MakeGenericMethod 方法來進行這項處理。 下列程式碼會建立建構的泛型方法,為 TInput 指定 String,以及為 TOutput 指定 List(Of String) (C# 中為 List<string>),並顯示一個表示此方法的字串。
Dim m As MethodInfo = dt.GetMethod("Factory") Dim bound As MethodInfo = m.MakeGenericMethod( _ GetType(String), GetType(List(Of String))) ' Display a string representing the bound method. Console.WriteLine(bound)
MethodInfo m = dt.GetMethod("Factory"); MethodInfo bound = m.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(string), typeof(List<string>)); // Display a string representing the bound method. Console.WriteLine(bound);
若要叫用晚期繫結的方法,請使用 Invoke 方法。 下列程式碼會建立 Object 的陣列、將字串陣列當做它的唯一元素來加入,並將它當做泛型方法的引數清單傳遞。 Invoke 的第一個參數是 null 參考,因為此方法為 static。 傳回值會轉換成 List(Of String),且會顯示它的第一個元素。
Dim o As Object = bound.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() { arr }) Dim list2 As List(Of String) = CType(o, List(Of String)) Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list2(0))
object o = bound.Invoke(null, new object[]{arr}); List<string> list2 = (List<string>) o; Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list2[0]);
若要使用委派叫用方法,您必須有一個符合建構的泛型方法之簽章的委派; 一個簡單的方法是建立泛型委派。 下列程式碼會建立定義於範例程式碼中的泛型委派 D 之執行個體 (利用 Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type, MethodInfo) 方法多載),並叫用此委派。 委派的執行效能優於晚期繫結呼叫。
Dim dType As Type = GetType(D(Of String, List(Of String))) Dim test As D(Of String, List(Of String)) test = CType( _ [Delegate].CreateDelegate(dType, bound), _ D(Of String, List(Of String))) Dim list3 As List(Of String) = test(arr) Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list3(0))
Type dType = typeof(D<string, List <string>>); D<string, List <string>> test; test = (D<string, List <string>>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(dType, bound); List<string> list3 = test(arr); Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list3[0]);
下列程式碼範例會建立具有泛型方法 Factory 的非泛型型別 DemoType。 這個方法有兩個泛型型別參數,TInput 可用來指定輸入型別,而 TOutput 則可指定輸出型別。 會將 TOutput 型別參數限制為必須實作 ICollection<TInput> (Visual Basic 中為 ICollection(Of TInput))、必須是參考型別,且必須有無參數的建構函式。
此方法有一個型式參數,它是 TInput 的陣列。 這個方法會傳回包含輸入陣列中所有元素的 TOutput 執行個體。 TOutput 可以是實作 ICollection<T> 泛型介面的任一泛型集合型別。
當執行此程式碼時,動態組件會儲存為 DemoGenericMethod1.dll,而且可以利用 Ildasm.exe (MSIL 反組譯工具) 來加以檢查。
注意事項 |
有一個很好的方法可以學習如何發出程式碼,那就是編寫 Visual Basic、C# 或 Visual C++ 程式 (此程式可執行您嘗試要發出的工作),並使用反組譯工具來檢查編譯器產生的 MSIL。 |
此程式碼範例會加入與發出的方法相等的原始程式碼; 發出的方法會以晚期繫結形式叫用,也可透過程式碼範例中宣告的泛型委派來叫用。
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
' Declare a generic delegate that can be used to execute the
' finished method.
Delegate Function D(Of TIn, TOut)(ByVal input() As TIn) As TOut
Class GenericMethodBuilder
' This method shows how to declare, in Visual Basic, the generic
' method this program emits. The method has two type parameters,
' TInput and TOutput, the second of which must be a reference type
' (Class), must have a parameterless constructor (New), and must
' implement ICollection(Of TInput). This interface constraint
' ensures that ICollection(Of TInput).Add can be used to add
' elements to the TOutput object the method creates. The method
' has one formal parameter, input, which is an array of TInput.
' The elements of this array are copied to the new TOutput.
Public Shared Function Factory(Of TInput, _
TOutput As {ICollection(Of TInput), Class, New}) _
(ByVal input() As TInput) As TOutput
Dim retval As New TOutput()
Dim ic As ICollection(Of TInput) = retval
For Each t As TInput In input
Return retval
End Function
Public Shared Sub Main()
' The following shows the usage syntax of the Visual Basic
' version of the generic method emitted by this program.
' Note that the generic parameters must be specified
' explicitly, because the compiler does not have enough
' context to infer the type of TOutput. In this case, TOutput
' is a generic List containing strings.
Dim arr() As String = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}
Dim list1 As List(Of String) = _
GenericMethodBuilder.Factory(Of String, List(Of String))(arr)
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list1(0))
' Creating a dynamic assembly requires an AssemblyName
' object, and the current application domain.
Dim asmName As New AssemblyName("DemoMethodBuilder1")
Dim domain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
Dim demoAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = _
domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, _
' Define the module that contains the code. For an
' assembly with one module, the module name is the
' assembly name plus a file extension.
Dim demoModule As ModuleBuilder = _
demoAssembly.DefineDynamicModule( _
asmName.Name, _
asmName.Name & ".dll")
' Define a type to contain the method.
Dim demoType As TypeBuilder = demoModule.DefineType( _
"DemoType", _
' Define a Shared, Public method with standard calling
' conventions. Do not specify the parameter types or the
' return type, because type parameters will be used for
' those types, and the type parameters have not been
' defined yet.
Dim factory As MethodBuilder = _
demoType.DefineMethod("Factory", _
MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static)
' Defining generic type parameters for the method makes it a
' generic method. To make the code easier to read, each
' type parameter is copied to a variable of the same name.
Dim typeParameterNames() As String = {"TInput", "TOutput"}
Dim typeParameters() As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = _
Dim TInput As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = typeParameters(0)
Dim TOutput As GenericTypeParameterBuilder = typeParameters(1)
' Add special constraints.
' The type parameter TOutput is constrained to be a reference
' type, and to have a parameterless constructor. This ensures
' that the Factory method can create the collection type.
TOutput.SetGenericParameterAttributes( _
GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint Or _
' Add interface and base type constraints.
' The type parameter TOutput is constrained to types that
' implement the ICollection(Of T) interface, to ensure that
' they have an Add method that can be used to add elements.
' To create the constraint, first use MakeGenericType to bind
' the type parameter TInput to the ICollection(Of T) interface,
' returning the type ICollection(Of TInput), then pass
' the newly created type to the SetInterfaceConstraints
' method. The constraints must be passed as an array, even if
' there is only one interface.
Dim icoll As Type = GetType(ICollection(Of ))
Dim icollOfTInput As Type = icoll.MakeGenericType(TInput)
Dim constraints() As Type = { icollOfTInput }
' Set parameter types for the method. The method takes
' one parameter, an array of type TInput.
Dim params() As Type = { TInput.MakeArrayType() }
' Set the return type for the method. The return type is
' the generic type parameter TOutput.
' Generate a code body for the method.
' -----------------------------------
' Get a code generator and declare local variables and
' labels. Save the input array to a local variable.
Dim ilgen As ILGenerator = factory.GetILGenerator()
Dim retVal As LocalBuilder = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TOutput)
Dim ic As LocalBuilder = ilgen.DeclareLocal(icollOfTInput)
Dim input As LocalBuilder = _
Dim index As LocalBuilder = _
Dim enterLoop As Label = ilgen.DefineLabel()
Dim loopAgain As Label = ilgen.DefineLabel()
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, input)
' Create an instance of TOutput, using the generic method
' overload of the Activator.CreateInstance method.
' Using this overload requires the specified type to have
' a parameterless constructor, which is the reason for adding
' that constraint to TOutput. Create the constructed generic
' method by passing TOutput to MakeGenericMethod. After
' emitting code to call the method, emit code to store the
' new TOutput in a local variable.
Dim createInst As MethodInfo = _
GetType(Activator).GetMethod("CreateInstance", Type.EmptyTypes)
Dim createInstOfTOutput As MethodInfo = _
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createInstOfTOutput)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, retVal)
' Load the reference to the TOutput object, cast it to
' ICollection(Of TInput), and save it.
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, TOutput)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, icollOfTInput)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, ic)
' Loop through the array, adding each element to the new
' instance of TOutput. Note that in order to get a MethodInfo
' for ICollection(Of TInput).Add, it is necessary to first
' get the Add method for the generic type defintion,
' ICollection(Of T).Add. This is because it is not possible
' to call GetMethod on icollOfTInput. The static overload of
' TypeBuilder.GetMethod produces the correct MethodInfo for
' the constructed type.
Dim mAddPrep As MethodInfo = icoll.GetMethod("Add")
Dim mAdd As MethodInfo = _
TypeBuilder.GetMethod(icollOfTInput, mAddPrep)
' Initialize the count and enter the loop.
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, enterLoop)
' Mark the beginning of the loop. Push the ICollection
' reference on the stack, so it will be in position for the
' call to Add. Then push the array and the index on the
' stack, get the array element, and call Add (represented
' by the MethodInfo mAdd) to add it to the collection.
' The other ten instructions just increment the index
' and test for the end of the loop. Note the MarkLabel
' method, which sets the point in the code where the
' loop is entered. (See the earlier Br_S to enterLoop.)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, ic)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem, TInput)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mAdd)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, loopAgain)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal)
' Complete the type.
Dim dt As Type = demoType.CreateType()
' Save the assembly, so it can be examined with Ildasm.exe.
demoAssembly.Save(asmName.Name & ".dll")
' To create a constructed generic method that can be
' executed, first call the GetMethod method on the completed
' type to get the generic method definition. Call MakeGenericType
' on the generic method definition to obtain the constructed
' method, passing in the type arguments. In this case, the
' constructed method has String for TInput and List(Of String)
' for TOutput.
Dim m As MethodInfo = dt.GetMethod("Factory")
Dim bound As MethodInfo = m.MakeGenericMethod( _
GetType(String), GetType(List(Of String)))
' Display a string representing the bound method.
' Once the generic method is constructed,
' you can invoke it and pass in an array of objects
' representing the arguments. In this case, there is only
' one element in that array, the argument 'arr'.
Dim o As Object = bound.Invoke(Nothing, New Object() { arr })
Dim list2 As List(Of String) = CType(o, List(Of String))
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list2(0))
' You can get better performance from multiple calls if
' you bind the constructed method to a delegate. The
' following code uses the generic delegate D defined
' earlier.
Dim dType As Type = GetType(D(Of String, List(Of String)))
Dim test As D(Of String, List(Of String))
test = CType( _
[Delegate].CreateDelegate(dType, bound), _
D(Of String, List(Of String)))
Dim list3 As List(Of String) = test(arr)
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list3(0))
End Sub
End Class
' This code example produces the following output:
'The first element is: a
'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] Factory[String,List`1](System.String[])
'The first element is: a
'The first element is: a
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
// Declare a generic delegate that can be used to execute the
// finished method.
public delegate TOut D<TIn, TOut>(TIn[] input);
class GenericMethodBuilder
// This method shows how to declare, in Visual Basic, the generic
// method this program emits. The method has two type parameters,
// TInput and TOutput, the second of which must be a reference type
// (class), must have a parameterless constructor (new()), and must
// implement ICollection<TInput>. This interface constraint
// ensures that ICollection<TInput>.Add can be used to add
// elements to the TOutput object the method creates. The method
// has one formal parameter, input, which is an array of TInput.
// The elements of this array are copied to the new TOutput.
public static TOutput Factory<TInput, TOutput>(TInput[] tarray)
where TOutput : class, ICollection<TInput>, new()
TOutput ret = new TOutput();
ICollection<TInput> ic = ret;
foreach (TInput t in tarray)
return ret;
public static void Main()
// The following shows the usage syntax of the C#
// version of the generic method emitted by this program.
// Note that the generic parameters must be specified
// explicitly, because the compiler does not have enough
// context to infer the type of TOutput. In this case, TOutput
// is a generic List containing strings.
string[] arr = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
List<string> list1 =
GenericMethodBuilder.Factory<string, List <string>>(arr);
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list1[0]);
// Creating a dynamic assembly requires an AssemblyName
// object, and the current application domain.
AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName("DemoMethodBuilder1");
AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyBuilder demoAssembly =
// Define the module that contains the code. For an
// assembly with one module, the module name is the
// assembly name plus a file extension.
ModuleBuilder demoModule =
// Define a type to contain the method.
TypeBuilder demoType =
demoModule.DefineType("DemoType", TypeAttributes.Public);
// Define a public static method with standard calling
// conventions. Do not specify the parameter types or the
// return type, because type parameters will be used for
// those types, and the type parameters have not been
// defined yet.
MethodBuilder factory =
MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static);
// Defining generic type parameters for the method makes it a
// generic method. To make the code easier to read, each
// type parameter is copied to a variable of the same name.
string[] typeParameterNames = {"TInput", "TOutput"};
GenericTypeParameterBuilder[] typeParameters =
GenericTypeParameterBuilder TInput = typeParameters[0];
GenericTypeParameterBuilder TOutput = typeParameters[1];
// Add special constraints.
// The type parameter TOutput is constrained to be a reference
// type, and to have a parameterless constructor. This ensures
// that the Factory method can create the collection type.
GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint |
// Add interface and base type constraints.
// The type parameter TOutput is constrained to types that
// implement the ICollection<T> interface, to ensure that
// they have an Add method that can be used to add elements.
// To create the constraint, first use MakeGenericType to bind
// the type parameter TInput to the ICollection<T> interface,
// returning the type ICollection<TInput>, then pass
// the newly created type to the SetInterfaceConstraints
// method. The constraints must be passed as an array, even if
// there is only one interface.
Type icoll = typeof(ICollection<>);
Type icollOfTInput = icoll.MakeGenericType(TInput);
Type[] constraints = {icollOfTInput};
// Set parameter types for the method. The method takes
// one parameter, an array of type TInput.
Type[] parms = {TInput.MakeArrayType()};
// Set the return type for the method. The return type is
// the generic type parameter TOutput.
// Generate a code body for the method.
// -----------------------------------
// Get a code generator and declare local variables and
// labels. Save the input array to a local variable.
ILGenerator ilgen = factory.GetILGenerator();
LocalBuilder retVal = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TOutput);
LocalBuilder ic = ilgen.DeclareLocal(icollOfTInput);
LocalBuilder input = ilgen.DeclareLocal(TInput.MakeArrayType());
LocalBuilder index = ilgen.DeclareLocal(typeof(int));
Label enterLoop = ilgen.DefineLabel();
Label loopAgain = ilgen.DefineLabel();
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, input);
// Create an instance of TOutput, using the generic method
// overload of the Activator.CreateInstance method.
// Using this overload requires the specified type to have
// a parameterless constructor, which is the reason for adding
// that constraint to TOutput. Create the constructed generic
// method by passing TOutput to MakeGenericMethod. After
// emitting code to call the method, emit code to store the
// new TOutput in a local variable.
MethodInfo createInst =
typeof(Activator).GetMethod("CreateInstance", Type.EmptyTypes);
MethodInfo createInstOfTOutput =
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, createInstOfTOutput);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, retVal);
// Load the reference to the TOutput object, cast it to
// ICollection<TInput>, and save it.
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Box, TOutput);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, icollOfTInput);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, ic);
// Loop through the array, adding each element to the new
// instance of TOutput. Note that in order to get a MethodInfo
// for ICollection<TInput>.Add, it is necessary to first
// get the Add method for the generic type defintion,
// ICollection<T>.Add. This is because it is not possible
// to call GetMethod on icollOfTInput. The static overload of
// TypeBuilder.GetMethod produces the correct MethodInfo for
// the constructed type.
MethodInfo mAddPrep = icoll.GetMethod("Add");
MethodInfo mAdd = TypeBuilder.GetMethod(icollOfTInput, mAddPrep);
// Initialize the count and enter the loop.
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Br_S, enterLoop);
// Mark the beginning of the loop. Push the ICollection
// reference on the stack, so it will be in position for the
// call to Add. Then push the array and the index on the
// stack, get the array element, and call Add (represented
// by the MethodInfo mAdd) to add it to the collection.
// The other ten instructions just increment the index
// and test for the end of the loop. Note the MarkLabel
// method, which sets the point in the code where the
// loop is entered. (See the earlier Br_S to enterLoop.)
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, ic);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelem, TInput);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mAdd);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_S, index);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, index);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, input);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue_S, loopAgain);
ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_S, retVal);
// Complete the type.
Type dt = demoType.CreateType();
// Save the assembly, so it can be examined with Ildasm.exe.
// To create a constructed generic method that can be
// executed, first call the GetMethod method on the completed
// type to get the generic method definition. Call MakeGenericType
// on the generic method definition to obtain the constructed
// method, passing in the type arguments. In this case, the
// constructed method has string for TInput and List<string>
// for TOutput.
MethodInfo m = dt.GetMethod("Factory");
MethodInfo bound =
m.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(string), typeof(List<string>));
// Display a string representing the bound method.
// Once the generic method is constructed,
// you can invoke it and pass in an array of objects
// representing the arguments. In this case, there is only
// one element in that array, the argument 'arr'.
object o = bound.Invoke(null, new object[]{arr});
List<string> list2 = (List<string>) o;
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list2[0]);
// You can get better performance from multiple calls if
// you bind the constructed method to a delegate. The
// following code uses the generic delegate D defined
// earlier.
Type dType = typeof(D<string, List <string>>);
D<string, List <string>> test;
test = (D<string, List <string>>)
Delegate.CreateDelegate(dType, bound);
List<string> list3 = test(arr);
Console.WriteLine("The first element is: {0}", list3[0]);
/* This code example produces the following output:
The first element is: a
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] Factory[String,List`1](System.String[])
The first element is: a
The first element is: a
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