
MouseClassServiceCallback routine

The MouseClassServiceCallback routine is the class service callback routine that is provided by Mouclass. A function driver calls the class service callback in its ISR dispatch completion routine. The class service callback transfers input data from the input data buffer of a device to the class data queue.


VOID MouseClassServiceCallback(
  _In_    PDEVICE_OBJECT    DeviceObject,
  _In_    PMOUSE_INPUT_DATA InputDataStart,
  _In_    PMOUSE_INPUT_DATA InputDataEnd,
  _Inout_ PULONG            InputDataConsumed


  • DeviceObject [in]
    Pointer to the class device object.

  • InputDataStart [in]
    Pointer to the first mouse input data packet in the input buffer of the port device.

  • InputDataEnd [in]
    Pointer to the mouse input data packet that immediately follows the last data packet in the input data buffer of the port device.

  • InputDataConsumed [in, out]
    Pointer to the number of mouse input data packets that are transferred by the routine.

Return value



MouseClassServiceCallback transfers input data from the input buffer of the device to the class data queue. This routine is called by the ISR dispatch completion routine of the function driver.

MouseClassServiceCallback can be supplemented by a filter service callback that is provided by an upper-level mouse filter driver. A filter service callback can filter the mouse data that is transferred to the class data queue. For example, the filter service callback can delete, transform, or insert data. Moufiltr, the sample filter driver in the WDK, includes MouFilter_ServiceCallback, which is a template for a filter service callback.


Target platform


Mouclass.h (include Mouclass.h)



See also





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