
IIsWebService.ListApplications (WMI)

The ListApplications method returns an array of strings containing the names of the applications that can be enabled on the server.


This method is only available on IIS 6.0 or later.

   string Applications[]


  • Applications
    [out] String containing the buffer for an array of strings containing application names. In other words, an array of first tokens in the ApplicationDependencies metabase property, which are also the last tokens in the WebSvcExtRestrictionList metabase property.

Return Values

This method has no return values.

Example Code

The following example shows you how to use the VBScript programming language to display the Web service extension restriction list, display the application dependencies, list the available applications that are installed on the server, and state if ASP is enabled or disabled.

Dim aWebSvcExtRestrictionList Dim aApplicationDependencies Dim aExt Dim sExt Dim sTest aExt = Array() aWebSvcExtRestrictionList = Array() aApplicationDependencies = Array() Set providerObj = GetObject("winmgmts://localhost/root/MicrosoftIISv2") Set IIsWebServiceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'") Set IIsWebServiceSettingObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebServiceSetting='W3SVC'") 
' Obtain the value of the Web service extension restriction list property. aWebSvcExtRestrictionList = IIsWebServiceSettingObj.WebSvcExtRestrictionList 
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "WebSvcExtRestrictionList property:" ' For each extension record, For Each i in aWebSvcExtRestrictionList   WScript.Echo(i.Access & "," & i.FilePath & "," & i.ServerExtension & "," & i.Deletable & "," & i.Description) Next 
' Store original value: aApplicationDependencies = IIsWebServiceSettingObj.ApplicationDependencies 
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "ApplicationDependencies property:" ' For each extension record, For Each i in aApplicationDependencies   WScript.Echo(i.AppName & "," & i.Extensions) Next 
WScript.Echo WScript.Echo "ListApplications method:" IIsWebServiceObj.ListApplications aExt For ValueIndex = 0 To UBound(aExt)   WScript.Echo aExt(ValueIndex) Next 
WScript.Echo ' For each extension record, For Each i in aWebSvcExtRestrictionList   If ( 0 < (InStr(i.FilePath, "asp.dll")) ) Then If ("0" = i.Access) Then  WScript.Echo "ASP is disabled" Elseif ("1" = i.Access) Then  WScript.Echo "ASP is enabled" Else  WScript.Echo "ASP is set to an unexpected value" End If   End If Next 


Server: Requires or Windows Server 2003.

Product: IIS

See Also


IIsWebService (WMI)

Using WMI to Configure IIS



Adding Web Service Extensions to the Restriction List

Installing and Uninstalling CGI and ISAPI Extensions