
Convert a 2D image into 3D

此頁面只適用於 WPF 專案

To change a 2D image into 3D, you must first add the image as an item to the project folder.

For more information about adding items, see Insert an audio or video file into the active document.

To convert a 2D image into a 3D object

  1. In the Projects panel, right-click the name of the image file, and then click Insert.

    The image file is added as an Image object that you can resize and modify on the artboard.

  2. In the Tools panel, click Selection JJ169890.2ff91340-477e-4efa-a0f7-af20851e4daa(zh-tw,VS.110).png, and then select the image that you just inserted.

  3. On the Tools menu, click Make Image 3D.

    The Image object is converted to a Viewport3D object. Within the Viewport3D object are containers for the cameras and lights. A perspective camera, an ambient light, and a directional light are created by default.

    For instructions about how to manipulate 3D objects, see the topics listed under "Inserting 3D objects" in the table of contents.