
如何安裝 App-V 資料庫並使用 PowerShell 轉換關聯的安全識別碼

適用於: Application Virtualization 5.0, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP1, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP2, Application Virtualization 5.0 SP3

使用下列 PowerShell 程序將任何數量的 Active Directory 網域服務 (AD DS) 使用者或電腦帳戶,轉換為標準格式及十六進位格式 (執行 SQL 指令碼時 Microsoft SQL Server 所使用) 的格式化安全性識別碼 (SID)。


  • .INPUTS – 轉換為 SID 格式的一或多個帳戶。這可以是單一帳戶名稱或帳戶名稱陣列。

  • .OUTPUTS - 有對應 SID (標準和十六進位格式) 的帳戶名稱清單。

  • 範例 -

    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 DOMAIN\user_account1 DOMAIN\machine_account1$ DOMAIN\user_account2 | Format-List

    $accountsArray = @("DOMAIN\user_account1", "DOMAIN\machine_account1$", "DOMAIN_user_account2")

    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 $accountsArray | Write-Output -FilePath .\SIDs.txt -Width 200


若要將任何數量的 Active Directory 網域服務(AD DS) 使用者或電腦帳戶轉換為格式化安全性識別碼 (SID)

  1. 將下列指令碼複製到文字編輯器,並儲存為 PowerShell 指令碼檔,例如 ConvertToSIDs.ps1

  2. 若要開啟 PowerShell 主控台,請按一下 [開始] 並輸入 PowerShell。以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [Windows PowerShell],並選取 [以系統管理員身分執行]。

    This PowerShell script will take an array of account names and try to convert each of them to the corresponding SID in standard and hexadecimal formats.
    This is a PowerShell script that converts any number of Active Directory (AD) user or machine accounts into formatted Security Identifiers (SIDs) both in the standard format and in the hexadecimal format used by SQL server when running SQL scripts.
    The account(s) to convert to SID format. This can be a single account name or an array of account names. Please see examples below.
    A list of account names with the corresponding SID in standard and hexadecimal formats
    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 DOMAIN\user_account1 DOMAIN\machine_account1$ DOMAIN\user_account2 | Format-List
    $accountsArray = @("DOMAIN\user_account1", "DOMAIN\machine_account1$", "DOMAIN_user_account2")
    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 $accountsArray | Write-Output -FilePath .\SIDs.txt -Width 200

    function ConvertSIDToHexFormat



       $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        [int] $binLength = $sidToConvert.BinaryLength
        [Byte[]] $byteArray = New-Object Byte[] $binLength
       $sidToConvert.GetBinaryForm($byteArray, 0)
       foreach($byte in $byteArray)
       $sb.Append($byte.ToString("X2")) |Out-Null
       return $sb.ToString()
     [string[]]$myArgs = $args
    if(($myArgs.Length -lt 1) -or ($myArgs[0].CompareTo("/?") -eq 0))


     [string]::Format("{0}====== Description ======{0}{0}" +
    "  Converts any number of user or machine account names to string and hexadecimal SIDs.{0}" +
                   "  Pass the account(s) as space separated command line parameters. (For example 'ConvertToSID.exe DOMAIN\\Account1 DOMAIN\\Account2 ...'){0}" +
                   "  The output is written to the console in the format 'Account name    SID as string   SID as hexadecimal'{0}" +
                   "  And can be written out to a file using standard PowerShell redirection{0}" +
                   "  Please specify user accounts in the format 'DOMAIN\username'{0}" + 
                   "  Please specify machine accounts in the format 'DOMAIN\machinename$'{0}" +
                   "  For more help content, please run 'Get-Help ConvertToSID.ps1'{0}" + 
                   "{0}====== Arguments ======{0}" +
                   "{0}  /?    Show this help message", [Environment]::NewLine) 
        #If an array was passed in, try to split it
        if($myArgs.Length -eq 1)
            $myArgs = $myArgs.Split(' ')
        #Parse the arguments for account names
        foreach($accountName in $myArgs)
            [string[]] $splitString = $accountName.Split('\')  # We're looking for the format "DOMAIN\Account" so anything that does not match, we reject
            if($splitString.Length -ne 2)
                $message = [string]::Format("{0} is not a valid account name. Expected format 'Domain\username' for user accounts or 'DOMAIN\machinename$' for machine accounts.", $accountName)
                Write-Error -Message $message
            #Convert any account names to SIDs
                [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] $account = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($splitString[0], $splitString[1])
                [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] $SID = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]($account.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]))
            catch [System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException]
                $message = [string]::Format("Failed to translate account object '{0}' to a SID. Please verify that this is a valid user or machine account.", $account.ToString())
                Write-Error -Message $message
            #Convert regular SID to binary format used by SQL
            $hexSIDString = ConvertSIDToHexFormat $SID
            $SIDs = New-Object PSObject
            $SIDs | Add-Member NoteProperty Account $accountName
            $SIDs | Add-Member NoteProperty SID $SID.ToString()
            $SIDs | Add-Member NoteProperty Hexadecimal $hexSIDString
            Write-Output $SIDs
  3. 執行您在這個傳遞帳戶轉換為引數的程序之中的第一個步驟所儲存的指令碼。


    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 DOMAIN\user_account1 DOMAIN\machine_account1$ DOMAIN\user_account2 | Format-List” or “$accountsArray = @("DOMAIN\user_account1", "DOMAIN\machine_account1$", "DOMAIN_user_account2")

    .\ConvertToSID.ps1 $accountsArray | Write-Output -FilePath .\SIDs.txt -Width 200”

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使用 PowerShell 管理 App-V

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