
IGuideData Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IGuideData Interface

The IGuideData interface is exposed by the BDA MPEG-2 Transport Information Filter (TIF). It enables the client to get service information from the MPEG-2 transport stream. Use this interface if you are writing a guide store loader.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IGuideData interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
GetGuideProgramIDs Returns a list of unique identifiers for all of the programs contained in all transport streams.
GetProgramProperties Retrieves the properties for a specified program.
GetScheduleEntryIDs Returns a list of unique identifiers for all of the schedule entries contained in all transport streams.
GetScheduleEntryProperties Retrieves the properties for a specified schedule entry.
GetServiceProperties Retrieves the properties for a specified service.
GetServices Retrieves a collection of tune requests representing all of the services available in the tuning space.


The TIF collects service informaton for services, programs, and schedule entries. A service is analogous to a channel; a program is a television show (also known as an "event"); and a schedule entry is an event that occurs at a specific time on a specific service.

For each program and schedule entry, the TIF creates a string that uniquely identifies that element within the multiplex. The GetGuideProgramIDs and GetScheduleEntryIDs methods return a list of these identifiers. You can then pass the identifier to the GetProgramProperties and GetScheduleEntryProperties methods to get additional properties for a particular element.


  Header: Include Bdatif.h.

See Also