
Implementing Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization Using SQL Server

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You want to build a master-master synchronization between two Microsoft SQL Server databases, and you want to take advantage of the integrated synchronization functionality of SQL Server. The replication sets of the source and target are identical and manipulations of them are not intended. You want to detect and resolve potential conflicts at the row level. In addition, you want to be able to define the conflict resolution method according to your business needs (for example, the more recent change wins).

Note: This pattern uses terms and concepts introduced in the following patterns:

Move Copy of Data

Data Replication

Master-Master Replication

Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization


Before introducing the implementation with SQL Server, this pattern covers the following topics:

A summary of the synchronization building block as described in the Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization pattern

The SQL Server replication services that this pattern uses (SQL Server merge replication).

The mapping of the elements of the synchronization building block to the services of SQL Server.

Synchronization Building Block

The Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization design pattern uses a synchronization building block, which consists of two related replication links and a synchronization controller. Figure 1 shows Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization at the design level with the related replication links.


Figure 1: Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization at the design level

Synchronization Controller

The synchronization controller manages the synchronization. It relates both replication links and controls their invocations. The controller uses its own repository to store information about the synchronization, for example the time of the last synchronization for the replication link pair.


The source contains the replication set, which is the data to be copied from the source and sent across a data movement link to the target.


In the Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization pattern, the controller invokes the Acquire service. The Acquire service reads the data changes to be transmitted.


The Manipulate service performs simple data transformations, such as data type conversions and splitting or combining columns.


The Write service updates the target with the manipulated rows. Before writing the updates, the Write service uses conflict detection and resolution methods to merge any data modifications that occurred after the last synchronization on both source and target.


The Target is the database where the replication set is to be written.

SQL Server Replication Services

This section describes the types of replication available in SQL Server and the replication components used in this pattern.

Replication Types

SQL Server offers two types of replication that cope with updates to both source and target:

Transactional replication. Conflicts are detected at the transaction level. If the transactions do not conflict with each other, changes are transmitted in both directions. However, if a conflict is detected, either the source or the target always wins; you cannot use any other conflict resolution methods with this type of replication.

Merge replication. Conflicts can be detected at the row level or column level, but conflicts are always resolved at the row level. You can use different kinds of conflict resolutions methods with this type of replication. The data structure of the replication set on source and target must be identical.

Note: This pattern uses merge replication because it provides the ability to detect conflicts at the row level or column level and to define conflict resolution methods at the row level.

SQL Server merge replication uses several standard services to synchronize data between the publication database and the subscription database. Figure 2 shows the services and processes involved in such a transmission.


Figure 2: SQL Server merge replication

Platform Roles

SQL Server defines three roles for the platforms that are involved in synchronization:

Publisher. The Publisher contains the source and defines the replication set (publication) to be replicated.

Distributor. The Distributor holds the distribution database and the conflict resolver. It runs the cleanup jobs for managing the distribution database, and in a push replication also runs the Merge Agent. (The next section discusses these software components in detail.)

Subscriber. The Subscriber contains the target and creates a subscription to subscribe a publication. In a pull replication, the Subscriber runs the Merge Agent.

The Distributor does not necessarily need to be a separate platform. Its role can also be assigned to the Publisher, where it is called a local Distributor. Otherwise it is called a remote Distributor.

Software Components

SQL Server replication contains the following software components:

Trigger. In the source and the target, the configuration process creates system tables and triggers. The triggers track the changes on the replication sets and write them to the system tables.

Merge Agent. The Merge Agent applies the initial snapshot to the Subscriber and moves and reconciles the data changes that occur to the replication set. Each merge subscription has its own Merge Agent that connects to both the Publisher and the Subscriber and updates both. The Merge Agent runs at either the Distributor for push subscriptions or the Subscriber for pull subscriptions.

Note: The Merge Agent may serve several Subscribers, but this pattern considers only a single Subscriber.

In a merge replication with row-level conflict detection, there are three alternatives for the data flow:

Upload. The changes are merged only in the target.

Download. Only the source gets the merged data.

Bidirectional. The replication first performs an upload (to merge at the target) and then after applying these changes performs a download (to merge at the original source).

Note: The Synchronization implementation pattern requires bidirectional transmission.

During synchronization, each changed row from the source is compared with the corresponding row from the target (Upload). If both rows have changed, there is a conflict. The merge agent uses the defined conflict resolver to choose a winning row. After finishing all source rows, the same process starts with all changed target rows (Download).

Conflict resolver. The conflict resolver is used to choose a winning row if a conflict occurs. SQL Server provides a default priority-based conflict resolver and a number of custom conflict resolvers. You can also write custom conflict resolvers. SQL Server 2000 includes the following custom resolvers:

Additive Conflict Resolver

Averaging Conflict Resolver

DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver

DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver

Maximum Conflict Resolver

Merge Text Conflict Resolver

Minimum Conflict Resolver

Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver

Priority Column Resolver

Upload Only Conflict Resolver

Download Only Conflict Resolver

Stored Procedure

Alternatively, you can use a user-written conflict resolver, which is implemented as stored procedures, or a COM conflict resolver.

Distribution database. This additional database is needed to store the metadata, the history, and the error log of the replication process. The distribution database must be a SQL Server database and is located on either the publisher (called a local Distributor) or on a dedicated platform (called a remote Distributor).

Cleanup jobs. Independent of the transmission process, cleanup jobs run on the distribution database and perform the following tasks:

Agent History Clean Up: Distribution. Removes replication agent history from the distribution database.

Distribution Clean Up: Distribution. Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database.

Expired Subscription Clean Up. Detects and removes expired subscriptions from publication databases.

Reinitialize Subscriptions Having Data Validation Failures. Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures.

Replication Agents Checkup. Detects replication agents that are not actively logging history.

Mapping the Synchronization Building Block to SQL Server

Figure 3 shows how the elements of the synchronization building block map to those of SQL Server merge replication.


Figure 3: SQL Server implementation of Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization design

Defining the Replication Set

The replication set that is to be synchronized between the source and the target in SQL Server is called a publication on the Publisher and a subscription on the Subscriber. The elements of a subscription are identical to those of a publication. This kind of publication consists of one or more tables, or only parts of tables. The parts of tables can be defined in one or two ways by:

Filtering the rows to be replicated by defining a search condition.

In the theory of relational databases, the result is called a restriction.

Filtering the columns to be replicated as a subset of the table's columns.

In the theory of relational databases, the result is called a projection.

Synchronization Controller

In the SQL-Server environment, the Merge Agent takes the role of the synchronization controller. The Merge Agent executes Replication Link 1 to upload changes from the Publisher, and then executes Replication Link 2 to download the Subscriber updates.


The source is the publication database, which contains the publication to be replicated and the synchronization system tables.


The changes on the replication set are tracked by triggers and are written to local system tables. These changes are then acquired by the Merge Agent.


In a merge replication environment, data manipulations within the transmission are not permitted.


The replication set is written to the target by the Merge Agent, which detects and resolves conflicts before it writes the data.


The target is the Subscription database, which contains the corresponding replication set to the source.

Implementation Strategy

The schemas of the publications in both Publisher and Subscriber must be identical. SQL Server merge replication does not support any manipulations during transmissions.

To set up a new replication link

1.Configure the Distributor:

a.Create the distribution database: This is an internal SQL Server database used from the Distributor. In most cases, you use the default options to create this database, but you can also customize it.

b.Choose the snapshot folder: You can either choose the default folder for exchanging the initial snapshot files or you use a custom folder.

c.Set up the Subscriber parameter: To define the default parameter for all subscribers, you can confirm the offered configuration options or customize them.

2.Define the publication:

a.For each table, decide whether to use the default conflict resolver provided or use a custom resolver.

b.If you want to use a custom Conflict Resolver that has additional requirements, it may be necessary to modify the table (for example, add a timestamp column for the DATETIME Conflict Resolver and create triggers to update it).

c.Select the publication database that includes the replication set.

d.Select the possible database systems that the Subscribers will use: SQL Server 2000 or earlier versions of SQL Server.

e.Select the tables to be replicated; for each table, specify a conflict detection method and a Conflict Resolver.

f.For each table, specify whether the entire table should be replicated, or restrict the table by specifying horizontal and vertical filters.

g.Decide whether anonymous Subscribers are allowed to subscribe to the publication.

h.Decide how often the Snapshot Agent creates new snapshots.

3.Define the subscription:

a.Decide if you want a pull or a push subscription.

b.Select the publication you want to subscribe to.

c.Choose the subscription database.

d.Decide whether to initialize the subscriber using an initial snapshot from the publisher or whether to populate the database manually.

e.If you want to start the transmission automatically, define a schedule.

f.Verify that the SQL Server Agent is running at the Publisher, the Distributor, and all Subscribers.

At this point, all elements of the replication link have been configured. From now on, both Publisher and Subscriber will log all changes to the specified replication set using triggers.

The SQL Server merge replication runs different jobs:

Snapshot Agent: Creates the initial snapshot on the Publisher.

Merge Agent: Applies the initial snapshot on the subscription database. Merges the changes from publication database and subscription database, and detects and resolve conflicts using the chosen Conflict Resolver.

Cleanup jobs: Clean up the Distribution Database on the Distributor.

The example that follows describes in detail how to use the SQL Server wizards to set up this kind of replication link.


This example describes a synchronization performed with SQL Server merge replication. The synchronization uses a table from the Pubs sample database, which is delivered with SQL Server.


This example uses two computers to demonstrate the synchronization. One computer, PUB_SERVER, hosts the Publisher, including the database PUB_DB, and a local Distributor, including the default Distribution database, Distribution. Another computer, SUBS_SERVER, forms the subscriber and has a database identical to PUB_DB named SUBS_DB. An initial snapshot is used to transmit the data schema and populate the tables on the Subscription database. Figure 4 shows the architecture of the example.

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Figure 4: Example environment

The conflict resolution mechanism used is an integrated custom Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver. Each table in the replication set therefore needs a special column of type DATETIME. This column must be updated each time a row is modified. The following triggers perform this task:


CREATE TRIGGER authors_inserted ON dbo.authors 
UPDATE dbo.authors 
SET last_changed = getdate() 
WHERE au_id = inserted.au_id;

CREATE TRIGGER authors_deleted ON dbo.authors 
UPDATE dbo.authors 
SET last_changed = getdate() 
WHERE au_id = deleted.au_id;

The triggers were created on the Subscription database when the initial snapshot was applied. If you don't use an initial snapshot, you have to create the triggers yourself that correspond to the Publication database. The subscriber initiates the synchronization process every 15 minutes. Publication and Subscription have identical data structures.

Configuring the Publisher and the Distributor

To set up the example environment, follow these steps in the Configure Publishing and Distribution Wizard.

1.In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, select the publication database server, right-click Replication, and then click Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution.

2.On the Select Distributor page, select Make Pub_Server its own Distributor, where Pub_Server is the name of the server you want to configure as a Distributor. Click Next.

Note: The distributor can be located on the same server as the Publisher, in which case it is called a local distributor, or on a remote server. This example uses a local Distributor.

3.On the Specify Snapshot Folder page, type the name of a shared folder on the Distributor where the Snapshot Agent can store snapshot files.

Note: You must create and share this folder manually or use an existing system shared folder for this purpose. You should use a manually defined snapshot folder because the default uses a system internal share, such as C$. These shares are used for administrative purposes.

4.On the Customize the Configuration page, select No, use the following default settings to create a default distribution database.

Note: In this simple example, it's sufficient to use the default settings. In a more complex environment, you should manually configure the distribution database.

Creating a Publication

Next, use the Create Publication Wizard to create a publication on the Publisher.

1.In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, select the publication database server, expand Replication, right-click Publications, and then click New Publication.

2.On the Welcome Screen, click Next.

3.On the Choose Publication Database page, select Pub_DBas the Publication Database, where Pub_DB is the name of your publication database for the replication.

4.On the Select Publication Type page, select Merge Publication to create a publication for the synchronization.

5.On the Specify Subscriber Types page, select only Servers running SQL Server 2000.

6.The Specify Articles page shows possible objects for replication in the Publication Database. From the Object Type Tables list, select the authors table. Click the ellipses ( ... ) button to specify the properties for this article.

7.On the Table Article Properties page, specify the type of conflict detection and select a resolver:

a.Click the General tab and select Treat changes to the same row as a conflict to enable conflict detection.

b.On the Resolver tab, click Use this custom resolver and select Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver. In the text box, specify the DATETIME column used by the resolver. In this case, the column is named last_changed.

Figure 5 shows the General and Resolver tabs of the Table Articles Properties page.


Figure 5: Tabs on the Table Articles Properties page

8.The Article Issues page informs you that each table of the publication needs a unique identifier column with the data type ROWGUIDCOL. If this column does not exist, it is created automatically. Click Next to proceed.

9.On the Select Publication Name and Description page, specify the Publication name as example. The default entry for the publication description can be used.

10.On the Customize the Properties of the Publication page, select the option beginning with No, create the publication as specified to accept the default options shown in the text box below the options.

11.On the Completing the Create Publication Wizard page, click Finish to create the publication.

Creating a Subscription

To complete the configuration, use the Pull Subscription Wizard to create a pull subscription for the defined publication on the Subscriber.

1.In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, select the subscription database server, open Replication, right-click Subscriptions, and then click New Pull Subscription.

2.On the Welcome Screen, click Next.

3.On the Look for Publications page, select Look at publications from registered servers.

4.On the Choose Publication page, expand Pub_Server and select the Publication named example:pub_db, where Pub_Server is the name of your Publisher and example:pub_db is the name of your publication (see Figure 6).


Figure 6: Choose Publication page

5.On the Specify Synchronization Agent Login page, select Use SQL Server Authentication. Enter the login and the password of a user account that is used to connect to the Publisher during the replication.

6.On the Choose Destination Database page, select Subs_DB as the database for the Subscription, where Subs_DB is the name of your subscription database.

7.On the Initialize Subscription page, select Yes, initialize the schema and the data, and then click Start the Merge Agent to initialize the Subscription immediately to use a snapshot from the Publication database to create an identical author table on the Subscription database.

8.On the Snapshot Delivery page, specify the snapshot folder. This example uses the default folder of the publication.

9.On the Set Distribution AgentSchedule page, select Using the following schedule, and then click Change to specify a new schedule for the Distribution Agent.

10.On the Edit Recurring Job Schedule page, under Occurs, select Daily. Under Daily Frequency, select Occurs every and specify an interval of 15 minutes. (See Figure 7.)


Figure 7: Edit Recurring Job Schedule page

11.On the Set Subscription Priority page, select Use the Publisher as a proxy (the example does not use a priority-based conflict resolver).

12.The Start Required Services page shows the status of the SQL Server Agent on the Subscriber. If the SQL Server Agent is not running, select the check box next to the entry for the Agent. The Agent will start after the wizard creates the subscription.

13.On the Completing the Pull Subscription Wizard page, review the options for the specified subscription. Click Finish to create the subscription with these options.

The configuration process is finished. During this process, the system tables and triggers for the merge replication are installed on the Publisher and the Subscriber. The initial snapshot is applied, and now every change on the replication set is logged in both databases.

Before starting the first transmission, you should check the following:

Make sure that the Snapshot Agent has created the first initial snapshot. You may need to start the Snapshot Agent manually on the publication database.

Make sure that the Merge Agent has initialized the schema. If this has not been done automatically, you can start the process manually on the subscription database.

Ensure that each replication agent is able to communicate with all servers involved in the replication topology. You can do so by logging on to the required server and database using SQL Query Analyzer or the SQL Server command line utility called osql.

Starting and Restarting the Synchronization

To start the synchronization manually, follow these steps:

1.In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, select the publication database server, open Replication Monitor, select Publishers, Pub_Server, and open the publication example:pub_db.

2.Right-click SnapshotAgent and select Start Agent to create an initial snapshot.

3.Right-click SUBS_Server:subs_db and select Start Synchronizing to start the synchronization.

The replication usually runs on a defined schedule. If you want to test the replication or start the merge replication immediately, however, you need to start the replication manually.

Testing the Example

You can easily test the functionality of the implemented synchronization by changing data in the publication database and the subscription database, starting the synchronization, and checking to see if the corresponding data has changed accordingly.

To check various kinds of data changes, perform INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on the publication database and the subscription database. The updates should involve the same rows in both databases. Manipulate the data so that different conflicts occur and so that both databases include winning rows, as follows:

1.Change a row in the publication database. For example:


UPDATE authors SET au_lname = 'Smith' WHERE au_id = '807-91-6654'

INSERT INTO authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, contract) 
       VALUES ('453102-3255', 'Berg', 'Karen', '400 486-234', 1)

DELETE FROM authors WHERE au_id = '672-71-3249'

2.Change the corresponding row in the subscription database so that a conflict occurs. For example:


UPDATE authors SET au_lname = 'Meyer' WHERE author_id = '807-91-6654'

3.Start the synchronization manually.

4.Check to see if the rows changed in both databases. Verify that the expected column won the conflict that occurred during the transmission. For example:

SELECT * FROM authors

5.Check the history of the subscription in the replication monitor to make sure that the conflict was logged as detected and resolved.

Resulting Context

The implementation described in this pattern detects and resolves conflicts at the row level. Updates on different columns of the same row are treated as conflicts, and only the source changes or the target changes will remain after a transmission.

The implementation of the Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization pattern has the same benefits and liabilities as the design pattern. In addition, the use of this pattern results in the following benefits and liabilities:


Integrated into SQL Server Enterpise Manager. The configuration and execution of a replication in SQL Server is integrated into SQL Server administration and can be easily done with the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.


Additional database to be managed. The implementation requires the distribution database as an additional database that must also be managed.

Testing Considerations

After you set up the merge replication as described in this pattern, you must test it thoroughly. Your test cases should cover these scenarios and others:

Correct transmission of changes to the publication.

Correct conflict resolution in terms of the right row winning during a conflict.

The longest disconnection between the publication database and the Subscription database that you expect under production conditions.

Network interruption between the publication database and the distribution database during updates on the publication database.

Network interruption between the distribution database and the subscription database during a running transmission.

A hard abort of database system on the Subscription database during a running transmission.

After each test, make sure that the data at both ends of the replication is consistent.

Finally, put the highest expected load on both the publication database and the subscription database and check to see if the synchronization still runs correctly.

Security Considerations

To secure the connection between the Distributor and the Subscribers, do one of the following:

Use a SQL Server user account to connect to the Distributor.

Place all computers in one Windows domain, or have a common user with the same password on all computers. Then use a trusted Windows connection between Distributor and Subscribers.

If you prefer a security approach that is independent of the operating system, you should use SQL Server authentication.

Note: The SQL Server Agents on all systems must run on a local or a domain account, not on the LocalSystem account. Otherwise, the replication will not work.

Operational Considerations

The SQL Server Agent manages the different jobs of the replication. Schedules for these jobs were defined during the configuration. Additionally, you can start each job manually using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

The Replication Monitor in SQL Server Enterprise Manager provides the following information:

A list of all publications and attached agents with the time and the duration of the last execution and information about the last action.

A list of all agents grouped by task with current status and a history of actions.

The event log entries created by Replication Alerts, which monitor the replication process.

If the replication fails, do the following:

Check to see if the accounts have network access rights.

Check the history of the subscription to determine the reason that synchronization failed.

Check the Replication Monitor for highlighted replication failures.

For more information, see the following related patterns.

Patterns That May Have Led You Here

Move Copy of Data. This pattern is the root pattern of this cluster. It presents the fundamental data movement building block consisting of source, data movement set, data movement link, and target. In such a block, transmissions are done asynchronously (or some time after the update of the source). Thus, the target applications must tolerate a period of latency until changes are delivered.

Data Replication. This pattern presents the overall architecture of replication.

Master-Master Replication. This pattern presents the general design of a replication that accepts updates by applications on both source and target, and exchanges the changes in both directions.

Master-Master Row-Level Synchronization. Thispattern presents the design of synchronization.

Other Patterns of Interest

Implementing Master-Subordinate Snapshot Replication Using SQL Server. This pattern describes the implementation of a snapshot replication, which is used as a starting point when setting up a synchronization.

Capture Transaction Details. This pattern gives background information about using triggers to record changes.

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