
ModifyMeeting Message

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Modifies an existing meeting in a conference center.


Component Type

XML Element






A caller must be a member of the Administrator role or be the Organizer that owns the meeting.

All the changes for the CreateMeeting API hold true for ModifyMeeting. The following list shows what you, as the user, can do to modify the meeting using the ModifyMeeting API:

  • The user can modify recurrence options.

  • The user can modify meetingType, changing a recurring meeting to one time.

  • The user can modify the new options, enableRecordingExpiration, recordingExpirationTimeAmount, recordingExpirationTimeType,and enableAudioVOIP.

  • The other modify options continue to work as in Live Meeting 2005.


    The tag and tagId fields are used by external applications to label the meeting and cannot be modified using the ModifyMeeting API.

An Easy Assist session cannot be modified to become a Live Meeting by changing the value of the tag meeting option. The Easy Assist session must be deleted and a new Live Meeting scheduled.


Changing Passwords on a Meet Now Meeting

This example shows how to modify a Meet Now meeting to change the audiencePassword and presenterPassword values for a users Meet Now meeting.

The following shows a request sent to a conference center to modify a Meet Now meeting.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
      <StringQuery fieldName="personalPlaceOf" operator="=" value="apiuser"/>
     <StringOption name="audiencePassword" value="Aud!3nc3Pw02"/>
      <StringOption name="presenterPassword" value="Pr3$3nt3rPw02"/>

The following is a reply returned from the conference center when the corresponding request is processed successfully.

        <StringOption value="gvc8qxvdndj7dr9w" name="mid"></StringOption>
        <StringOption value="Aud!3nc3Pw02" name="audiencePassword"></StringOption>
        <StringOption value="Pr3$3nt3rPw02" name="presenterPassword"></StringOption>

Change Meeting Title and Date

In this example, a meeting needs to be modified to solve the following two problems with the kickoff meeting:

  • People might not be able to attend a meeting scheduled on a holiday.

  • Having 2000 in the name of a product that goes on sale in 2001 makes it sound old.

The solution is to change the meeting title and date.

The following is a request sent to a conference center for the modification. Note that the mid saved from when the meeting was created must be used.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
    <StringQuery fieldName="mid" operator="=" value="k77balgqvew2"/>
      <StringOption name="title" value="Tailspin Toys 2001 Kickoff"/>
      <TimeOption name="startTime" value="2001-01-02T18:00:00Z"/>
      <TimeOption name="endTime" value="2001-01-02T20:00:00Z"/>

The following shows a reply returned from the conference center when the corresponding request for modification is processed successfully.

        <StringOption name="mid" value="k77balgqvew2"/>

See Also


ModifyMeetingRequest Element

ModifyMeetingReply Element