
SPGlobalAdmin.AdminPortUrl Property

NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

Use the GetResponseUri method of the SPWebApplication class to return the abolute root of the URI instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortUrl property got the administration port used on the administration virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: No


<ObsoleteAttribute("Call SPAdministrationWebApplication.Local.GetResponseUri() instead.",  _
    False)> _
Public ReadOnly Property AdminPortUrl As Uri
Dim instance As SPGlobalAdmin
Dim value As Uri

value = instance.AdminPortUrl
[ObsoleteAttribute("Call SPAdministrationWebApplication.Local.GetResponseUri() instead.", 
public Uri AdminPortUrl { get; }

Property Value

Type: System.Uri
An absolute uniform resource identifier (URI) that identifies the administration port.

See Also


SPGlobalAdmin Class

SPGlobalAdmin Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration Namespace