
SPContentType.UpdateWorkflowAssociationsOnChildren Method (Boolean)

Propagates changes in this content type’s workflow associations to content types that are derived from this content type and also to instances of this content type that have been applied to lists. Optionally flags objects touched by the operation as changed.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Available in Sandboxed Solutions: Yes
Available in SharePoint Online


Public Sub UpdateWorkflowAssociationsOnChildren ( _
    bGenerateFullChangeList As Boolean _
Dim instance As SPContentType
Dim bGenerateFullChangeList As Boolean

public void UpdateWorkflowAssociationsOnChildren(
    bool bGenerateFullChangeList


  • bGenerateFullChangeList
    Type: System.Boolean

    true to mark all SPContentType objects touched by this operation as changed; otherwise, false.


Exception Condition

The Sealed property of a child of this content type has a value of true.


The ReadOnly property of a child of this content type has a value of true.


This method calls UpdateWorkflowAssociationsOnChildren(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) with bGenerateFullChangeList, true, true, and true.

This method propagates changes in the parent content type’s workflow associations down to all derived and list versions of the content type that can be found within the content type’s scope. If you pass false as the argument to the bGenerateFullChangeList parameter, SPContentType objects touched by this operation are not flagged as changed and OnChanged events are not raised. An exception is thrown if the changes cannot be written to any child content type because it is marked as sealed or read-only.

See Also


SPContentType Class

SPContentType Members

UpdateWorkflowAssociationsOnChildren Overload

Microsoft.SharePoint Namespace


Other Resources

Introduction to Workflows in SharePoint Foundation

Workflow Stages