Slicers Object (Excel)
A collection of Slicer objects.
Version Information
Version Added: Excel 2010
Each Slicer object represents a slicer in a workbook. Slicers are used to filter data.
Use the Slicers property to return the Slicers collection. The following code example displays the number of slicers in the first slicer cache in the workbook.
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches(1).Slicers.Count
Use Slicers(index), where index is the slicer index number or name, to return a single Slicer object from the slicers collection. The following code example changes the caption for the first slicer in the first slicer cache to "My Slicer".
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches(1).Slicers(1).Caption = "My Slicer"