
Groove Server Manager reports reference


Applies to: Groove Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2010-02-25

The tables in the following article describe the SharePoint Workspace management reports that you can select from the domain Reports tab. For information about generating Groove Server Manager reports, see Generating Groove Server Manager reports.

In this section:

  • Server log report and filtering fields

  • Member activity report and filtering fields

  • Groove Usage - Member report and filtering fields

  • Groove Usage - Tool report and filtering fields

  • Groove Usage - Workspace report and filtering fields

  • Detailed Reports

Server log filters and report fields

The Server log report displays server log events generated at Groove Server Manager, domain, or group level by administrators, and affecting domains, groups, members, and Groove Relay servers. The following tables provide descriptions of filter types and fields that appear in reports.

Server Log filters

Server Log filter types Descriptions


Filters for Manager server events that are associated with a specified Manager server administrator name.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains

Group Name

Filters for Manager server events that are associated with a selected group. (Does not appear in report.)

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

Event Type

Filters for Manager server events of a selected type, including: Data integration events, Domain events, Policy events, Relay server events, or server-based events.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is


Filters for Manager server events that are associated with a specified management domain member. (Does not appear in report.)

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains

Relay Server

Filters for Manager Server events that are associated with a specified Relay server.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

Server log report fields

Server Log report fields Descriptions


Date and time that the event occurred. The time value reflects the time zone of the Groove Server Manager.


Name of the administrator associated with the event.


Where the event originated from: group, member, policy, or Groove Relay server. Information only, not filterable.


Description of event, such as: Added MemberA in CompanyDomain.

Member activity filters and report fields

The Member Activity report displays SharePoint Workspace usage information for members in the selected domain group. The following tables provide descriptions of filter types and fields that appear in reports.

Member activity filters

Member Activity filter types Descriptions

Account Configuration E-mail Sent

Filters for members whose managed account configuration e-mail was sent on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never

Account Configured

Filters for members whose managed account was configured within a date range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never


Filters for members whose managed identity was created on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Last Contacted

Filters for members who last contacted the Groove Server Manager on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never

Last Used

Filters for members who last used Groove on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never

Last Backup

Filters for members whose account was last backed up on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never


Filters for specific domain members.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains


Filters for managed users who are members of specific domain groups. The Select Group button lets you select a group.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

# Devices

Filters for members with a specific or comparative number of devices associated with a managed identity.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, <=, >=


Filters for members of a specified status. Status settings include:

Active - Domain member has entered into SharePoint Workspace a managed account configuration code sent by a domain administrator.

Pending - SharePoint Workspace user has received a managed account configuration code but has not yet entered it into SharePoint Workspace.

Disabled - Domain member identity has been disabled by an administrator.

Deleted - Domain member identity has been deleted.

Migrated – Domain member identity has been migrated to another management domain.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is


Filters for managed or unmanaged SharePoint Workspace users that are associated with the domain.

Type settings include:

  • Managed

  • Unmanaged

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

vCard Current

Filters for members whose vCard is not up-to-date on all the member’s associated devices.

Associated qualifiers:

  • True

  • False

Primary Relay

Filters for members that are associated with a specified Relay server.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

Member activity report fields

Member Activity report fields Definitions


Name of each management domain group member.


Member’s domain group.


Member’s e-mail address. Information only, not filterable.


Type of Groove user, managed or unmanaged, as follows:

  • Managed - Has a managed SharePoint Workspace account.

  • Unmanaged – Does not have a managed SharePoint Workspace account.


Member status, as follows:

  • Active - Domain member has entered into SharePoint Workspace a managed account configuration code.

  • Pending - SharePoint Workspace user has received a managed SharePoint Workspace account configuration code but has not yet entered it into SharePoint Workspace.

  • Disabled - Domain member identity has been disabled by an administrator.

  • Deleted - Domain member identity has been deleted.

  • Migrated - Domain member identity has been migrated to new domain.

# Devices

Number of managed devices associated with member’s managed identity.

Primary Relay

Name of primary Groove Relay server provisioned to member.

vCard Current

Yes or No, indicating whether member’s vCard is up-to-date on all computers associated with the domain member.


Date that member identity was created by administrator.

Account Configuration E-mail Sent

Date that member account configuration e-mail was sent by administrator.

Account Configured

Date that member entered the account configuration code into SharePoint Workspace.

Last Contacted

Date that member last contacted Groove Server Manager.

Last Used

Date that member last used SharePoint Workspace.

Last Backup

Date of last member account backup, as follows:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

  • Never

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member filters and report fields

The Member Usage report displays member information for the selected domain group. Note that this report does not display information for pending or removed users, although usage history reflects the activity of subsequently removed users. Clicking an underlined value in the Member field displays a more detailed report for that member. The following tables provide descriptions of filter types and fields that appear in reports.

SharePoint Workspace Usage – Member filters

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member filter types Descriptions


Filters for domain members created on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Last Accessed

Filters for domain members that last used SharePoint Workspace on a specific date or within a range. (Does not appear in the report).

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between


Filters for managed domain members that used SharePoint Workspace during the report period.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains

# Workspaces Active

Filters for members with a specified number or range of active workspaces.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, =<, =>

# Workspaces Created

Filters for members with a specified number or range of created workspaces.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, =<, =>

# Workspaces Deleted

Filters for members with a specified number or range of deleted workspaces.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, =<, =>

# Workspaces Joined

Filters for members with a specified number or range of workspaces.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, =<, =>

SharePoint Workspace Usage – Member report fields

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member report fields Definitions


Name of each domain member that used SharePoint Workspace during the report period.


Date that member’s managed SharePoint Workspace identity was created, regardless of the report period.

Last Accessed

Date that member last used SharePoint Workspace.

# Workspaces

Number of workspaces associated with member.

# Workspaces Created

Number of workspaces that member has created during the specified report period.

#Workspaces Joined

Number of workspaces that member has joined (created or accepted an invitation) during the specified report period.

# Workspaces Deleted

Number of workspaces that member has deleted during the specified report period.

# Workspaces Active

Number of workspaces with which member has interacted during the specified report period.

Total Time (minutes)

Total cumulative number of minutes that member spent using SharePoint Workspace during the specified report period. Information only, not filterable.

Total Visits

Total number of member’s workspace visits during the specified report period. SharePoint Workspace increments visits whenever member opens a workspace. Information only, not filterable.

Average Time/Visit

Average length of a workspace visit for member during the specified report period. The average is calculated by dividing the Total Time value by the Total Visits value. Information only, not filterable.

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool filters and report fields

The Tool Activity report displays SharePoint Workspace tool usage information for the selected domain group. Usage information is reported for tools that have been used more than one minute. Clicking an underlined value in the Tool field displays a more detailed report for that tool. The following tables provide descriptions of filter types and fields that appear in reports.

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool filters

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool filter types Descriptions

First Accessed

Filters for tools that were first used on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Last Accessed

Filters for tools that were last used on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Tool Name

Filters for a specific SharePoint Workspace tool.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool report fields

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool report fields Definitions

Tool Name

Name of each tool being used in Groove workspaces that are associated with domain members during the specified report period.

First Accessed

Date that tool was first used by any domain member.

Last Accessed

Date that tool was last used by any domain member.

Total Time (Minutes)

Total cumulative number of minutes that members spent using each tool during the specified report period. Information only, not filterable.

Total Visits

Total number of times that users employed each tool during the specified report period. SharePoint Workspace increments visits whenever a member opens a workspace. Information only, not filterable.

Average Time/Visit

Average number of minutes that members spent with each tool per workspace visit, during the specified report period.

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace filters and report fields

The Workspace Usage report displays SharePoint Workspace information for the selected domain group. Clicking an underlined value in the Workspace field displays a more detailed report for that workspace. The following tables provide descriptions of filter types and fields that appear in reports.

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace filters

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace filter types Descriptions

Created By

Filters for workspaces created by a specific domain member.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains


Filters for workspaces created on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Last Accessed

Filters for workspaces that were last accessed on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Managed Users

Filter for workspaces with a specific or relative number of active users.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, <=, >=

Workspace Members

Filters for workspaces with a specific or relative number of members.

Associated qualifiers:

  • =, <, >, <=, >=

Workspace Name

Filters for a specified workspace.

Associated qualifiers:

  • Is

  • Begins With

  • Ends With

  • Contains

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace report fields

SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace report fields Definitions

Workspace Name

Name of each workspace created by a managed domain member in the domain during the specified report period. If a space is missing, a GUID appears as the name.

Created By

Name of member who created the workspace.


Date when workspace was created.

Last Accessed

Date that workspace was last used by any domain member.

Workspace Members

Total number of managed and unmanaged SharePoint Workspace users in the workspace as of the most recent report date.

Managed Users

Total number of managed domain members that were active in the workspace over the report period.

Unmanaged Users

Total number of unmanaged SharePoint Workspace users that were active in the workspace over the report period.

Total Time (Minutes)

Total cumulative number of minutes that all managed members in this domain spent in the workspace during the specified report period. For example, if two users were in a workspace for one minute, the total usage time that would appear in this field would be 2 (one minute by each user). Time spent in a workspace begins when a user opens a workspace and ends when a user goes to another space, goes to another SharePoint Workspace page (such as the Home page), or closes SharePoint Workspace . A user’s ‘offline’ time while the space is open is included in the time that is spent in the space. Information only, not filterable.

Total Visits

Total number of visits to the workspace by managed members during the specified report period. SharePoint Workspace increments visits whenever a user opens a workspace. Information only, not filterable.

Average Time/Visit

Average number of minutes that members spent in the workspace, per visit, during the specified report period. The average is calculated by dividing the Total Time value by the Total Visits value. Information only, not filterable.

Detailed Reports

Some report types also include detailed reports that use statistics from SharePoint Workspace Usage Member, Workspace, and Tool reports to provide more specific information.

Detailed reports include the following:

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member - Workspace

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member - Workspace -Tool

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool - Member

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Tool - Member - Workspace

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace - Member

  • SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace - Member - Tool


Tool usage information is reported for tools that have been used for more than one minute.

The tables in this section describe two filter types and report fields that are not available in any other tables. For more information about how to use and interpreting these detailed reports, refer to descriptions of comparable fields in the higher-level reports, discussed previously in this article.

Detailed report filters

Detailed Report filter types Descriptions for
SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member - Workspace - Tool report SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace - Member - Tool report


Filters for tools that a member added to a workspace on a specific date or within a range.

Associated qualifiers:

  • On

  • Before

  • After

  • Between

Added to Space

Filters for tools that a member added or did not add to a workspace. Options are:

  • True

  • False

Detailed report fields

Detailed report fields Descriptions for
SharePoint Workspace Usage - Member - Workspace - Tool report SharePoint Workspace Usage - Workspace - Member - Tool report

Added to Space

Whether member added tool to workspace.


Date that member added tool to workspace.