
Video: Using the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) for the 2007 Office system

更新日期: 2010年5月

適用於: Office Resource Kit


上次修改主題的時間: 2010-05-11

This video provides usage guidance and demonstrations for using the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM), a collection of tools that enables you to prepare your environment for migration to the 2007 Microsoft Office 系統. OMPM checks for, and reports on, file properties and contents to help you analyze your environment and determine any issues that you might experience converting from Office 97–Office 2003 file formats to the new 2007 Office System file format.

To view this video, see Office 2007 Migration Planning Manager demonstration (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=191781\&clcid=0x409).