SPBuiltInFieldId class
擷取欄位的Microsoft SharePoint Foundation所隨附的識別項。
Inheritance hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class SPBuiltInFieldId
Dim instance As SPBuiltInFieldId
public sealed class SPBuiltInFieldId
下列範例會查詢所有的任務清單,網站集合中的主控台應用程式。查詢字串選取指派給目前的使用者,依到期的日期來排序工作。請注意程式碼會取得所存取的SPBuiltInFieldId類別的資料成員使用的查詢中欄位的 Id。
using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace Test
class ConsoleApp
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("https://localhost"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// Get IDs for all fields used in the query.
string assignedToId = SPBuiltInFieldId.AssignedTo.ToString("B");
string taskDueDateId = SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskDueDate.ToString("B");
string titleId = SPBuiltInFieldId.Title.ToString("B");
string taskStatusId = SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskStatus.ToString("B");
string percentCompleteId = SPBuiltInFieldId.PercentComplete.ToString("B");
// Define the data selection.
string where = "<Where><Eq>";
where += "<FieldRef ID='" + assignedToId + "' />";
where += "<Value Type='Integer'><UserID/></Value>";
where += "</Eq></Where>";
// Define the sort order.
string orderBy = "<OrderBy>";
orderBy += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskDueDateId + "' />";
orderBy += "</OrderBy>";
SPSiteDataQuery query = new SPSiteDataQuery();
// Set the query string.
query.Query = where + orderBy;
// Query task lists.
query.Lists = "<Lists ServerTemplate='107'/>";
// Specify the view fields.
query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef ID='" + titleId + "' />";
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskDueDateId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />";
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskStatusId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />";
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + percentCompleteId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />";
// Query all Web sites in this site collection.
query.Webs = "<Webs Scope='SiteCollection'>";
// Run the query.
DataTable results = web.GetSiteData(query);
// Print the results.
Console.WriteLine("{0, -10} {1, -30} {2, -30} {3}", "Date Due", "Task", "Status", "% Complete");
foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows)
// Extract column values from the data table.
string dueDate = (string)row[taskDueDateId];
string task = (string)row[titleId];
string status = (string)row[taskStatusId];
string percentComplete = (string)row[percentCompleteId];
// Convert the due date to a short date string.
DateTime dt;
bool hasDate = DateTime.TryParse(dueDate, out dt);
if (hasDate)
dueDate = dt.ToShortDateString();
dueDate = String.Empty;
// Convert the PercentComplete field value to a percentage.
decimal pct;
bool hasValue = decimal.TryParse(percentComplete, out pct);
if (hasValue)
percentComplete = pct.ToString("P0");
percentComplete = "0 %";
// Print a line.
Console.WriteLine("{0, -10} {1, -30} {2, -30} {3, 10}", dueDate, task, status, percentComplete);
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint
Module ConsoleApp
Sub Main()
Using site As SPSite = New SPSite("https://localhost")
Using web As SPWeb = site.OpenWeb()
' Get IDs for all fields used in the query.
Dim assignedToId As String = SPBuiltInFieldId.AssignedTo.ToString("B")
Dim taskDueDateId As String = SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskDueDate.ToString("B")
Dim titleId As String = SPBuiltInFieldId.Title.ToString("B")
Dim taskStatusId As String = SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskStatus.ToString("B")
Dim percentCompleteId As String = SPBuiltInFieldId.PercentComplete.ToString("B")
' Define the data selection.
Dim where As String = "<Where><Eq>"
where += "<FieldRef ID='" + assignedToId + "' />"
where += "<Value Type='Integer'><UserID/></Value>"
where += "</Eq></Where>"
' Define the sort order.
Dim orderBy As String = "<OrderBy>"
orderBy += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskDueDateId + "' />"
orderBy += "</OrderBy>"
Dim query As SPSiteDataQuery = New SPSiteDataQuery()
' Set the query string.
query.Query = where + orderBy
' Query task lists.
query.Lists = "<Lists ServerTemplate='107'/>"
' Specify the view fields.
query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef ID='" + titleId + "' />"
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskDueDateId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />"
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + taskStatusId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />"
query.ViewFields += "<FieldRef ID='" + percentCompleteId + "' Nullable='TRUE' />"
' Query all Web sites in this site collection.
query.Webs = "<Webs Scope='SiteCollection'>"
' Run the query.
Dim results As DataTable = web.GetSiteData(query)
' Print the results.
Console.WriteLine("{0, -10} {1, -30} {2, -30} {3}", "Date Due", "Task", "Status", "% Complete")
Dim row As DataRow
For Each row In results.Rows
' Extract column values from the data table.
Dim dueDate As String = CType(row(taskDueDateId), String)
Dim task As String = CType(row(titleId), String)
Dim status As String = CType(row(taskStatusId), String)
Dim percentComplete As String = CType(row(percentCompleteId), String)
' Convert the due date to a short date.
Dim dt As DateTime
Dim hasDate As Boolean = DateTime.TryParse(dueDate, dt)
If hasDate Then
dueDate = dt.ToShortDateString()
dueDate = String.Empty
End If
' Convert the PercentComplete field value to a percentage.
Dim pct As Decimal
Dim hasValue As Boolean = Decimal.TryParse(percentComplete, pct)
If hasValue Then
percentComplete = pct.ToString("P0")
percentComplete = "0 %"
End If
' Print a line.
Console.WriteLine("{0, -10} {1, -30} {2, -30} {3, 10}", dueDate, task, status, percentComplete)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
End Module
Thread safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.