
SPContentDatabase.GetChanges method (SPChangeQuery)


Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Function GetChanges ( _
    query As SPChangeQuery _
) As SPChangeCollection
Dim instance As SPContentDatabase
Dim query As SPChangeQuery
Dim returnValue As SPChangeCollection

returnValue = instance.GetChanges(query)
public SPChangeCollection GetChanges(
    SPChangeQuery query



Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPChangeCollection
SPChange 物件集合,代表所做的變更。您可以調整的查詢參數中設定您傳遞SPChangeQuery物件的FetchLimit屬性會傳回集合的大小上限。


使用此方法來篩選的變更,當您感興趣只能在變更特定物件,而不是所有物件,或您感興趣只能在特定的物件上的選取動作。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 < SPChangeQuery類別的文件。


根據預設,變更記錄會保留在 60 天的資料。您可以藉由設定ChangeLogRetentionPeriod屬性設定的保留期間。



using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Test
   class ConsoleApp
      static void Main(string[] args)
         using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite("https://localhost"))
            using (SPWeb rootSite = siteCollection.RootWeb)
               // Construct a query.
               SPChangeQuery query = new SPChangeQuery(false,  // limit object types
                                                       false); // limit change types
               // object types 
               query.User = true;
               query.Group = true;

               // change types 
               query.Add = true;
               query.Delete = true;
               query.Update = true;
               query.GroupMembershipAdd = true;
               query.GroupMembershipDelete = true;

               // Get the site collection users.
               SPUserCollection users = rootSite.AllUsers;

               // Get the site collection groups.
               SPGroupCollection groups = rootSite.Groups;

               SPTimeZone timeZone = rootSite.RegionalSettings.TimeZone
               long total = 0;
               while (true)
                  SPChangeCollection changes = 

                  total += changes.Count;

                  foreach (SPChange change in changes)
                     // Print the date of the change.
                     Console.WriteLine("\nDate: {0}", 

                     // Get url of the site where the change took place.
                     foreach (SPSite site in siteCollection.ContentDatabase.Sites)
                        if (site.ID == change.SiteId)
                           Console.WriteLine("Site Url: {0}", site.Url);

                     // Get nature of change.
                     Console.WriteLine("Type of change: {0}", change.ChangeType);

                     // Get information about a user change.
                     if (change is SPChangeUser)
                        SPChangeUser userChange = (SPChangeUser)change;
                        if (userChange.Activate)
                           Console.WriteLine("This change activated a user.");
                        if (userChange.IsSiteAdminChange)
                           Console.WriteLine("This change made the user a site admin.");

                        // Try to get the user login name.
                           SPUser user = users.GetByID(userChange.Id); // Throws an exception if not found
                           Console.WriteLine("Login name: {0}", user.LoginName);

                           // Get information about the user.
                           if (user.IsDomainGroup)
                              Console.WriteLine("This user is a domain group.");
                           if (change.ChangeType == SPChangeType.Update)
                              Console.Write("Member of:");
                              foreach (SPGroup group in user.Groups)
                                 Console.Write(" {0};", group.Name);
                        catch (SPException)
                           Console.WriteLine("Login name: unknown");

                     // Get information about a group change.
                     if (change is SPChangeGroup)
                        SPChangeGroup groupChange = (SPChangeGroup)change;
                        // Try to get the group name.
                           SPGroup group = groups.GetByID(groupChange.Id); // Throws an exception if not found
                           Console.WriteLine("Group name: {0}", group.Name);
                           Console.WriteLine("Number of members: {0}", group.Users.Count);
                        catch (SPException)
                           Console.WriteLine("Group name: unknown");

                  // Break out of loop if we have the last batch.
                  if (changes.Count < query.FetchLimit)
                  // Otherwise, go get another batch.
                  query.ChangeTokenStart = changes.LastChangeToken;

               Console.WriteLine("\nTotal changes = {0:#,#}", total);
         Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint

Module ConsoleApp
   Sub Main()
      Using siteCollection As SPSite = New SPSite("https://localhost")
         Using rootSite As SPWeb = siteCollection.RootWeb

            ' Construct a query.
            Dim query As New SPChangeQuery(False, False)

            ' object types 
            query.User = True
            query.Group = True

            ' change types 
            query.Add = True
            query.Delete = True
            query.Update = True
            query.GroupMembershipAdd = True
            query.GroupMembershipDelete = True

            ' Get the site collection users.
            Dim users As SPUserCollection = rootSite.AllUsers

            ' Get the site collection groups.
            Dim groups As SPGroupCollection = rootSite.Groups

            Dim timeZone As SPTimeZone = rootSite.RegionalSettings.TimeZone
            Dim total As Long = 0
            While True

               Dim changes As SPChangeCollection = _

               total += changes.Count

               For Each change As SPChange In changes
                  ' Print date of the change.
                  Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Date: {0}", _

                  ' Print the url of the site where the change took place.
                  For Each site As SPSite In siteCollection.ContentDatabase.Sites
                     If site.ID = change.SiteId Then
                        Console.WriteLine("Site Url: {0}", site.Url)
                        Exit For
                     End If
                  Next site

                  ' Print the nature of change.
                  Console.WriteLine("Type of change: {0}", change.ChangeType)

                  ' Get information about a user change.
                  If TypeOf change Is SPChangeUser Then
                     Dim userChange As SPChangeUser = CType(change, SPChangeUser)
                     If userChange.Activate Then
                        Console.WriteLine("This change activated a user.")
                     End If
                     If userChange.IsSiteAdminChange Then
                        Console.WriteLine("This change made the user a site admin.")
                     End If
                     ' Try to get the user login name.
                        Dim user As SPUser = users.GetByID(userChange.Id) ' Throws an exception if not found
                        Console.WriteLine("Login name: {0}", user.LoginName)

                        ' Get information about the user.
                        If user.IsDomainGroup Then
                           Console.WriteLine("This user is a domain group.")
                        End If
                        If change.ChangeType = SPChangeType.Update Then
                           Console.Write("Member of:")
                           For Each group As SPGroup In user.Groups
                              Console.Write(" {0};", group.Name)
                           Next group
                        End If
                     Catch ex As SPException
                        Console.WriteLine("Login name: unknown")
                     End Try
                  End If

                  ' Get information about a group change.
                  If TypeOf change Is SPChangeGroup Then
                     Dim groupChange As SPChangeGroup = CType(change, SPChangeGroup)
                     ' Try to get the group name.
                        Dim group As SPGroup = groups.GetByID(groupChange.Id) ' Throws an exception if not found
                        Console.WriteLine("Group name: {0}", group.Name)
                        Console.WriteLine("Number of members: {0}", group.Users.Count)
                     Catch ex As SPException
                        Console.WriteLine("Group name: unknown")
                     End Try
                  End If

               Next change

               ' Break out of the loop when we fetch the last batch of changes.
               If changes.Count < query.FetchLimit Then
                  Exit While
               End If

               ' Go get another batch of changes starting where we left off.
               query.ChangeTokenStart = changes.LastChangeToken

            End While

            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Total changes = {0:#,#}", total)

         End Using
      End Using
      Console.Write(vbCrLf + "Press ENTER to continue...")
   End Sub
End Module



SPContentDatabase class

SPContentDatabase members

GetChanges overload

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace


Using the Change Log