
以 OLE DB 使用 Seek 方法

Seek 方法是用戶端對於 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 索引最常用的方法。Seek 可以讓您非常快速找到位於資料指標上的資料列。

使用 Seek

Seek 方法需要在搜尋索引鍵中的資料行定義索引,才能正確運作。大多數的 Seek 作業都是尋找特定的值,但是也有可能使用其他比較運算子來搜尋,例如,「大於」或「小於」。

IRowsetIndex::Seek 會在用來取得及設定資料的 OLE DB 中使用存取子機制,將值傳遞到提供者。用於 Seek方法的存取子比 IRowset::GetData 和 IRowset::SetData 的存取子有其他更多的限制。存取子必須根據資料行在索引鍵中出現的順序來繫結資料行。

只有可捲動的資料指標才支援 IRowsetPosition 介面。


以下範例說明如何使用 SQL Server Compact 4.0 的 OLE DB 提供者,針對索引使用 IRowsetIndex::Seek。此範例只含有與 Seek 方法相關的函數部分。

下列範例已經針對 32 位元和 64 位元平台而更新。64 位元相容的類型是來自 sqlce_oledb.h 原生標頭檔。您可以在 %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition\v3.5\Include 資料夾中找到 sqlce_oledb.h 原生標頭檔。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Microsoft 網站 上《OLE DB 程式設計人員指南》中的<OLE DB 64 位元資訊>主題。

TableID.eKind            = DBKIND_NAME;
TableID.uName.pwszName    = (WCHAR*)TABLE_EMPLOYEE;

IndexID.eKind            = DBKIND_NAME;
IndexID.uName.pwszName    = L"PK_Employees";

// Request ability to use IRowsetChange interface.
rowsetpropset[0].cProperties     = 1;
rowsetpropset[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
rowsetpropset[0].rgProperties    = rowsetprop;

rowsetprop[0].dwPropertyID       = DBPROP_IRowsetIndex;
rowsetprop[0].dwOptions          = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;
rowsetprop[0].colid              = DB_NULLID;
rowsetprop[0].vValue.vt          = VT_BOOL;
rowsetprop[0].vValue.boolVal     = VARIANT_TRUE;

// Open the table using the index.
hr = pIOpenRowset->OpenRowset(NULL, &TableID, &IndexID,
    IID_IRowsetIndex, sizeof(rowsetpropset)/sizeof(rowsetpropset[0]),
    rowsetpropset, (IUnknown**) &pIRowsetIndex);
    goto Exit;

// Get the IRowset interface.
hr = pIRowsetIndex->QueryInterface(IID_IRowset, (void**) &pIRowset);
    goto Exit;

// Steps to get column data using IcolumnsInfo have been removed

// Create a DBBINDING array.
dwBindingSize = sizeof(pwszEmployees)/sizeof(pwszEmployees[0]);
prgBinding = (DBBINDING*)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(DBBINDING)*dwBindingSize);
if (NULL == prgBinding)
    goto Exit;

// Set initial offset for binding position.
dwOffset = 0;

// Prepare structures to create an accessor for each index.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwBindingSize; ++dwIndex)
    if (!GetColumnOrdinal(pDBColumnInfo, ulNumCols, pwszEmployees[dwIndex], &dwOrdinal))
        hr = E_FAIL;
        goto Exit;

    prgBinding[dwIndex].iOrdinal  = dwOrdinal;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].dwPart    = DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_STATUS | DBPART_LENGTH;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].obLength  = dwOffset;                                     
    prgBinding[dwIndex].obStatus  = prgBinding[dwIndex].obLength + sizeof(DBLENGTH);  
    prgBinding[dwIndex].obValue   = prgBinding[dwIndex].obStatus + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
    prgBinding[dwIndex].pTypeInfo  = NULL;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].pBindExt   = NULL;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].dwFlags    = 0;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].bPrecision = pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].bPrecision;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].bScale     = pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].bScale;

// Case-specific binding information has been removed.

    prgBinding[dwIndex].pObject    NULL;
    prgBinding[dwIndex].wType     = pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].wType;
    if(DBTYPE_WSTR == pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].wType)
        prgBinding[dwIndex].cbMaxLen  = pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].ulColumnSize 
            * sizeof(WCHAR); 
        prgBinding[dwIndex].cbMaxLen  = pDBColumnInfo[dwOrdinal].ulColumnSize; 

    // Calculate and align the offset. 

// Get IAccessor interface.
hr = pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&pIAccessor);
    goto Exit;

// Create the accessor.
hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, dwBindingSize, 
    prgBinding, 0, &hAccessor, NULL);
    goto Exit;

// Allocate data buffer for seek and retrieve operation.
pData = (BYTE*)CoTaskMemAlloc(dwOffset);
if (NULL == pData)
    goto Exit;

// Set data buffer to zero.
memset(pData, 0, dwOffset);

// Set data buffer for seek operation by specifying the 
// dwEmployeeID variable that is passed to the function.
*(DBLENGTH*)(pData+prgBinding[0].obLength)    = 4;
*(DBSTATUS*)(pData+prgBinding[0].obStatus) = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
*(int*)(pData+prgBinding[0].obValue)       = dwEmployeeID;

// Seek for the first row where the value of the selected column 
// is dwEmployeeID. 
hr = pIRowsetIndex->Seek(hAccessor, 1, pData, DBSEEK_FIRSTEQ);
    goto Exit;    

// Retrieve a row handle for the row resulting from the seek.
hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows(DB_NULL_HCHAPTER, 0, 1, &cRowsObtained, 
    goto Exit;    

// Perform programming logic here on the 
// returned rowset, and then release the rowset.


// This is where the resources are released.

return hr;



OLE DB 索引 (SQL Server Compact)