
MeasureDataType Enumeration

Defines the data type of the associated element.

命名空間: Microsoft.AnalysisServices
組件: Microsoft.AnalysisServices (in microsoft.analysisservices.dll)


<GuidAttribute("ACBA09AE-E666-49d1-879E-1C522E6735D3")> _
Public Enumeration MeasureDataType
public enum MeasureDataType
public enum class MeasureDataType
/** @attribute GuidAttribute("ACBA09AE-E666-49d1-879E-1C522E6735D3") */ 
public enum MeasureDataType
public enum MeasureDataType


Member name Description
BigInt A 64-bit signed integer. This data type maps to the Int64 data type in Microsoft .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_I8 data type in OLE DB.
Boolean A Boolean value. This data type maps to the Boolean data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_BOOL data type in OLE DB.
Currency A currency value ranging from -263 (or -922,337,203,685,477.5808) to 263-1 (or +922,337,203,685,477.5807) with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit. This data type maps to the Decimal data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_CY data type in OLE DB.
Date Date data, stored as a double-precision floating point number. The whole portion is the number of days since December 30, 1899, while the fractional portion is a fraction of a day. This data type maps to the DateTime data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_DATE data type in OLE DB.
Double A double-precision floating point number within the range of -1.79E +308 through 1.79E +308. This data type maps to the Double data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_R8 data type in OLE DB.
Inherited The data type of the DataItem contained in the Source element of the Measure element.
Integer A 32-bit signed integer. This data type maps to the Int32 data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_I4 data type in OLE DB.
Single A single-precision floating point number within the range of -3.40E +38 through 3.40E +38. This data type maps to the Single data type in .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_R4 data type in OLE DB.
SmallInt A 16-bit signed integer. This data type maps to the Int16 data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_I2 data type in OLE DB.
TinyInt An 8-bit signed integer. This data type maps to the SByte data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_I1 data type in OLE DB.
UnsignedBigInt A 64-bit unsigned integer. This data type maps to the UInt64 data type in .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_UI8 data type in OLE DB.
UnsignedInt A 32-bit unsigned integer. This data type maps to the UInt32 data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_UI4 data type in OLE DB.
UnsignedSmallInt A 16-bit unsigned integer. This data type maps to the UInt16 data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_UI2 data type in OLE DB.
UnsignedTinyInt A 8-bit unsigned integer. This data type maps to the Byte data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_UI1 data type in OLE DB.
WChar A null-terminated stream of Unicode characters. This data type maps to the String data type in the .NET Framework and the DBTYPE_WSTR data type in OLE DB.


The values for DataType are defined in the System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType enumeration. However, only the enumeration values in the following table are valid in the DataType element.



如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。


如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。



Microsoft.AnalysisServices Namespace