Aggregation (Decision Support Objects)
下一版的 Microsoft SQL Server 將不再提供此功能。請勿在新的開發工作中使用此功能,並且儘速修改使用此功能的應用程式。
The Aggregation object in Decision Support Objects (DSO) provides access to aggregations associated with a partition in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 Analysis Services. The MDStores collection of the DSO Partition object allows access to aggregations. The Aggregation object uses the MDStore interface, with a ClassType property of clsAggregation.
The Aggregation object is used to:
Provide access to the dimensions, data sources, and measures associated with an aggregation.
Edit the properties and objects associated with an aggregation.
Determine the various states of an aggregation, such as validity and processing status.